"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"
"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

Διαβάζετε ένα ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ ΑΞΙΟΠΙΣΤΟ και ΧΩΡΙΣ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ οικονομική στήριξη (αυτοδιοικητική, χορηγική, δημοσία ή άλλη ) ηλικίας 24 ετών Μέσο Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης, με αξιοσημείωτη ΔΙΕΘΝΗ αναγνώριση και ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ ΥΨΗΛΗ ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑ.
Είκοσι τέσσαρα (24) ολόκληρα χρόνια δημοσιογραφίας, ΟΥΤΕ ΜΙΑ ΔΙΑΨΕΥΣΙΣ!!
Contact: politikimx@gmail.com v.ch.maria@gmail.com



71316 (Απρίλιος 2024)
76741 (Μάϊος 2024) 
66828 (Iούνιος 2024)
ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ 2024 80104 
Τελευταίος μήνας(Aύγουστος 2024) 79553 

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

ΠΡΟΣΦΑΤΑ ΑΡΘΡΑ, ΓΝΩΜΕΣ ΕΞΑΑ:Στοιχεία Κίνησης & Απόδοσης Ξενοδοχείων Αθήνας – Αττικής Πορεία 8μήνου 2024..-Hellenic Hotelier's Federation:Έκτακτη Συνεδρίαση του Συμβουλίου των Προέδρων των 55 Τοπικών Ενώσεων Ξενοδόχων..-ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ ΜΗΤΣΟΤΑΚΗ,ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ αξιοσημείωτη πρόσφατη δραστηριότητα..-ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ ΜΗΤΣΟΤΑΚΗ,ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ πρόσφατη αξιοσημείωτη δραστηριότητα..-ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΗ:ενημέρωση από τον Κυβερνητικό Εκπρόσωπο Παύλο Μαρινάκη..-ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΚΥΠΑΡΥΣΣΙΑΣ:ΑΝΟΙΚΤΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ ΠΡΟΣ ΒΟΥΛΕΥΤΕΣ..-ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΚΥΠΑΡΥΣΣΙΑΣ: ΑΝΟΙΧΤΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ ΣΤΟΝ τ.Πρωθυπουργό κ. Σαμαρά..-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ):AHRQ Evidence-Based Practice Update..-Elysée:À la découverte du patrimoine de l’Élysée..-EUROPEAN BANK's latest..-COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,update..-Πανελλήνιος Φαρμακευτικός Σύλλογος ....- "ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΣ ΤΥΠΟΣ" Εφημερίδα..-Πρωθυπουργού Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη παρέμβαση.....-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau..-ΚREMLIN's weekly information newsletter..-Ε.Β.Ε.Α. ενημέρωση..-"EΘΝΟΣ" Ειδήσεις..-EUROPEAN JOURNALISM CENTRE,update..-NSF News..-"TO BHMA" Ειδήσεις..-NORWAY's news..- U.S.A.'s interesting latest news..-Speech by President Charles Michel at the UN Summit of the Future..-Επιδόματα σε δημότες απο τους Δήμους..-ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΑΡΧΗ ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑΣ,newsletter..-COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,update..- EΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΣΠΟΡΑ ΓΑΛΛΙΑΣ:Ενδιαφέρουσα διάλεξη κ. Ιωάννας Μουσικούδη.....-U.S.A. Department of State,update..-ΚΩΣΤΗ ΧΑΤΖΗΔΑΚΗ,ΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ ΤΩΝ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ,άρθρο:"Το ξυπνητήρι της Ε.Ε."..-ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ:ΙΣΟΖΥΓΙΟ ΠΛΗΡΩΜΩΝ ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ 2024..Διοικητή της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος Γιάννη Στουρνάρα,άρθρο γνώμης....- Ανανέωση του Ομαδικού Ασφαλιστηρίου του ΔΣΑ..-Συνέδριο Καρδιολογικού Τμήματος Γ.Ν.Α.«Ο Ευαγγελισμός »: θέμα «Ημέρες Καρδιολογίας Τελευταίες Εξελίξεις»..-Πρόεδρο ΙΣΑ Γ.Πατούλης:χαιρετισμός του, στο 1ο Athens Patients....-ΙΑΤΡΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ:ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ..-CEC European Footwear Confederation: Πρόγραμμα για την Ενιαία Αγορά 2024 – 2027..-CEC EUROPEAN FOOTWEAR CONFEDERATION's,news..-International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies,news..- Leather Working Group,news.....-Ε.Β.Ε.Α. επιχειρηματική ενημέρωση..-ΕΕΦΑΜ newsletter..-Εικοστή τέταρτη (24 η ) Τακτική Συνεδρίαση του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου έτους 2024..-ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΣΑΛΜΑΣ,Βουλευτής Αιτωλοακαρνανίας: "..11 Βουλευτές της Νέας Δημοκρατίας για τον κίνδυνο να πλειστηριάζονται τα σπίτια των εκατομμυρίων δανειοληπτών απο τα σκληρά funds"..-Ν.ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ,ΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΣ ΜΕΤΑΝΑΣΤΕΥΣΗΣ & ΑΣΥΛΟΥ:άκρως ενημερωτική συνέντευξις..-"SLEEP WITH ANGELS" 20 September-19 October2024..-ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ - ΕΝΩΣΗ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ..-WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION's update..-EUROPEAN BANK's latest..-GAIN reports..-"δρόμος ΤΗΣ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΑΣ" Εφημερίδα..- NATO latest..-Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau,....-Federal Reserve Board Notification,update..-ΙΜF weekend read..-Πρωθυπουργού Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη,ομιλία......-COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,latest..-ΜΙΧΑΗΛ ΧΡΥΣΟΧΟΪΔΗ, πρόσφατη ενδιαφέρουσα συνέντευξις..-ΔΙΚΗΓΟΡΟΙ:Συγκέντρωση διαμαρτυρίας για την προχειρότητα εφαρμογής του "νέου" Δικαστικού Χάρτη..-ΔΙΚΗΓΟΡΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ:ΕΠΕΤΕΙΑΚΗ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ.. Τέλος τα «Διαβάστηκε» στο Δημόσιο, θα απαντά υποχρεωτικά στους πολίτες..- --




Μια μικρή, δική σου κίνηση, φέρνει μία μεγάλη αλλαγή για όλους μας. Σε ευχαριστούμε, που κλείνεις τη βρύση! Μάθε ακόμα περισσότερα για το πώς μπορείς να εξοικονομήσεις, κάθε μέρα, νερό, έξυπνα και εύκολα, εδώ.


ΜΙΧΑΗΛ ΧΡΥΣΟΧΟΪΔΗΣ,πρόσφατη ενδιαφέρουσα συνέντευξις


Σάββατο 24 Οκτωβρίου 2020

IMF:Weekend Read: Regional Economic Outlooks | Lockdowns and Jobs | Digital Currencies | Lessons from Colombia | Investing in Vaccines


IMF Weekend Read

Dear maria,

In today's edition we wrap up the 2020 Annual Meetings with a focus on digital currencies, the impact of lockdowns on jobs, and the launch of our Regional Economic Outlook reports for the Middle East and Central Asia, Europe, Asia and the Pacific, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Western Hemisphere, among many other highlights. On that note, let's dive right in.

📣 But first, starting at 9:00 AM EDT, IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department Director Tobias Adrian and Deputy Director Fabio Natalucci discuss the analytical chapters of their latest Global Financial Stability Report, including the impact of COVID-19 on the banking system. The conversation is moderated by Yahoo Finance's Brian Cheung. Watch it live here.


“We have a chance to improve cross-border payments with huge benefits, especially for many of the world’s poorest people," said IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva earlier this week as she moderated a lively panel discussion on the advent of digital currencies and its implications for the future of cross-border payments, the benefits and challenges associated with the central bank digital currency (CBDC), the importance of global policy coordination, and the role of the private sector. Speakers included, Ahmed Abdulkarim Alkholifey, Governor, Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority; Agustín Carstens, General Manager, Bank of International Settlements; Jerome Powell, Chair, Federal Reserve; Nor Shamsiah Yunus, Governor, Central Bank of Malaysia.

With many central banks investigating the possibility of issuing CBDCs, the panelists stressed that careful consideration should be given to their costs and benefits. For example, Powell noted the U.S. Federal Reserve takes a cautious approach and has not yet decided on introducing CBDCs. He stressed that besides the benefits, there are also some difficult policy and operational questions that need to be thoroughly evaluated, including cyber-attacks as well as the impact on monetary policy and financial stability. Alkholifey noted that CBDCs could help enhance the resilience and efficiency of cross-border payments, and that Saudi Arabia has launched a pilot project with the United Arab Emirates to explore how modern technologies could help improve cross-border payments.

Watch the discussion here to learn more, and view the full conference agenda, which includes video links to discussions on the role of the public and private sector, as well as how best to outline a global roadmap on these issues moving forward.


Many jobs have been lost during the COVID19 crisis. In this very informative, 20-minute data visualization panel moderated by CNBC's Silvia Amaro, IMF Chief Economist Gita Gopinath and Vodafone’s Joakim Reiter look at what the data shows about which groups have been more affected by the lockdowns. What they reveal may surprise you. 


As analyzed in our new Regional Economic Outlook, while countries in the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (MENAP) region and those in the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) responded resolutely and swiftly to save lives and stepped in with unprecedented policies to cushion the negative economic impact of containment policies, challenges abound.

Oil exporters were particularly hard hit by a “double-whammy” of the economic impact of lockdowns and the resulting sharp decline in oil demand and prices. Containing the health crisis, cushioning income losses, and expanding social spending remain immediate priorities. However, governments must also begin to lay the groundwork for recovery and rebuilding stronger, including by addressing legacies from the crisis and strengthening inclusion.

Moreover, the threat of economic scarring—long-term losses to growth, employment, and incomes—is a key concern. In particular, we estimate that five years from now countries could be 12 percent below the GDP level expected by pre-crisis trends. What’s more, for countries that depend heavily on the battered tourism sector, both baseline GDP and employment could go down by 5 percentage points this year, with effects lingering over the next 2-5 years, while poverty could rise by more than 3½ percent in 2020 if remittances do not rebound. Watch the press conferenceread the blog and access the full report.


The pandemic is exacting a heavy toll on Europe. More than 240,000 people have lost their lives. Millions have suffered the illness themselves, the loss of loved ones, or major disruption in their work, their businesses, and their daily lives.

The economic impact of the pandemic has been enormous. Our latest Regional Economic Outlook for Europe forecasts a 7 percent decline in Europe’s GDP in 2020. The recovery from this crisis will be uneven and partial. While real GDP is projected to rebound by 4.7 percent in 2021, it would still be lower by 6.3 percent for 2021 relative to our pre-pandemic projections, implying a GDP loss of almost 3 trillion euros. Much of this loss will not be recouped over the medium term.

An unprecedented policy response, both in swiftness and scale, prevented a more devastating outcome. To give just one example: we estimate that at least 54 million jobs have at some stage been supported by job retention schemes in Europe. This has kept many families and firms afloat in these difficult times. EU-wide policies also made a difference. Risks remain significant and are rising as a second wave of infections is intensifying. Given the considerable uncertainty, policies must stay resolutely supportive to sustain the recovery. Watch the press briefingread the blog, and access the full report.


The Asia-Pacific region is recovering from its worst recession in living memory. Our latest Regional Economic Outlook shows that a recovery started in the third quarter, but growth engines are not all firing with the same power across countries, leading to a multispeed recovery.

Reflecting worse-than-expected outturns in the second quarter in a few countries, the IMF’s forecast for the region has been downgraded to -2.2 percent in 2020—the worst outcome for this region in living memory. India’s economy experienced a much sharper than expected contraction in the second quarter—24 percent on a year-over-year basis—and is expected to recover slowly in the coming quarters. China, which suffered the pandemic’s blow earlier than other countries, has seen a strong recovery after the first quarter lockdown, and growth has been revised up to 1.9 percent this year, a rare positive figure in a sea of negatives.

Advanced economies (Australia, Korea, Japan and New Zealand), while still in recession, are expected to do somewhat better than expected in 2020, reflecting a faster pickup in activity following earlier exit from lockdowns. Watch the press briefingread the blog, and access the full report.


The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented health and economic crisis for sub-Saharan Africa. Within months, the spread of the virus has jeopardized years of development and decades-long gains against poverty in the region while threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions of people.

In our latest Regional Economic Outlook, we project -3 percent growth in sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP in 2020, representing the worst outcome on record for the region. The drop will be even larger for economies dependent on tourism and commodity exports. Growth in the region should rebound modestly in 2021 to 3.1 percent, but for many countries, a return to 2019 levels won’t occur until 2022–24.

Countries in the region acted swiftly to protect their people from the worst of the crisis, but lockdown measures came with high economic and social costs. Policymakers in sub-Saharan Africa now face the added challenge of rekindling their economies with fewer resources and more difficult choices.

As the region looks toward the future, uncertainty over the path of the pandemic continues to loom over an enduring recovery. The top policy priority should be saving lives and protecting livelihoods through health spending and income and liquidity support for households and businesses. Even with limited funds, policymakers acted swiftly with what they had. Watch the press conferenceread the blog, and access the full report. You can also listen to a new 17-min podcast on this report.


COVID-19 has hit Latin America and the Caribbean harder than other parts of the world, both in human and economic terms. The relatively large human toll is evident: with only 8.2 percent of the world population, the region had 28 percent of cases and 34 percent of deaths, by end-September.

Our new Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere projects a real GDP contraction of 8.1 percent in 2020. Unlike in previous recessions, employment contracted more strongly than GDP in the second quarter of 2020, 20 percent on average for the five largest countries, and up to 40 percent in Peru.

Two structural characteristics of Latin American and the Caribbean economies contributed to the relatively larger economic impact: comparatively more people work in activities that require close physical proximity, and less people have jobs in which teleworking is feasible. Almost 45 percent of jobs are in contact-intensive sectors (like restaurants, retail stores, or public transportation), compared to just over 30 percent for emerging markets. In reverse, only about one in five jobs can be done remotely, half the share of advanced economies and below the emerging world average (26 percent).

These two features, in addition to a high degree of informality and poverty, and combined with lower trade and financial turbulence caused by the ailing global economy, contributed to the historic collapse in activity. Watch the press conferenceread the blog and access the full report.


In the first of two CD talks this week, a panel of IMF staff, officials, and external partners discussed how best to build resilience to natural disasters and climate change in the Caribbean. In the second, Colombian authorities discussed how they honed their macroeconomic framework to better mitigate the impact of COVID-19. Interested in more CD talks? Click here.


In the early 2000s, Nobel Laureate Michael Kremer helped develop the design of advance market commitment models (AMCs). They were used to incentivize the private sector to work on issues of relevance for the developing world by pledging that if they developed an appropriate vaccine, funds would be available for those countries to purchase it. The approach resulted in billions of dollars being devoted to pneumococcal vaccines for strains common in developing countries, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

Kremer's latest research focuses on how to expedite the production and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines immediately following successful medical trials. In this new podcast, Kremer says at-risk investment into vaccine manufacturing capacity before clinical approval would advance vaccine distribution by 6 months or more. Listen to the 25-min podcast here or read the transcript.


The IMF just welcomed the Principality of Andorra as its newest member. Andorra—a microstate situated between France and Spain—joined the IMF when Elisenda Vives Balmaña, Ambassador of Andorra to the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and Permanent Representative of Andorra at the United Nations, signed the IMF’s Articles of Agreement at a ceremony in Washington, D.C.

Andorra applied for membership to the IMF in January 2020. The process, which included collecting economic information for the calculation of Andorra’s quota, was completed virtually due to the travel restrictions related to COVID-19. Several IMF departments worked together to make this happen—European, Finance, Legal, Secretary’s, and Statistics.

Membership allows the Andorran government to benefit from IMF policy advice, especially as the country tackles the crisis caused by COVID-19 and develops policies for a sustained recovery. In particular, the country can now receive an annual review or “health check” of its economy by the IMF, tap technical assistance, and access IMF lending if needed.

Interested in learning more about Andorra? Here are five things you may not know.


Check out our global policy tracker to help our member countries be more aware of the experiences of others in combating COVID-19. We are also regularly updating our lending tracker, which visualizes the latest emergency financial assistance and debt relief to member countries approved by the IMF’s Executive Board.

To date, 76 countries have been approved for emergency financing, totaling over US$31 billion—the most recent approval was in the amount of US$ 156 million to Cameroon to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking for our Q&A about the IMF's response to COVID-19? Click here. We are also continually producing a special series of notes—more than 50 to date—by IMF experts to help members address the economic effects of COVID-19 on a range of topics including fiscal, legal, statistical, tax and more.


In case you missed it, last Friday's round-up was another jam-packed summary of the Annual Meetings, so be sure to take a look if you missed it.

Thank you again very much for your interest in the Weekend Read. We really appreciate your time. If you have any questions, comments or feedback of any kind, please do write me a note



Rahim Kanani

Rahim Kanani
Editor, IMF Weekend Read

United States Department of Labor:Request for Information

DOL Seal

U.S. Department of Labor

October 23, 2020

Help combat race or sex stereotyping or scapegoating

Request for Information

U.S. Department of Labor published a request for information on combating race and sex stereotyping in training for federal contractors and subcontractors.

Building a future that works. NDEAM 2020

Building a Future That Works

To celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the Office of Disability Employment Policy hosted a discussion with tech experts and industry leaders on accessible technology that can help build a future that works for all Americans.

A man wearing a hard hat, safety vest and mask.

OSHA Citations

OSHA has cited 112 establishments for coronavirus-related violations this year.


  • FAQ: OSHA has updated its frequently asked questions to address how N95 respirators protect against coronavirus exposure.
  • Release: A Kansas county has agreed to pay back wages to an employee wrongly denied coronavirus-related paid leave.
  • Release: A Kansas hotel has paid back wages for wrongly denying paid sick leave to 13 employees who tested positive for the coronavirus.
  • Release: The operator of a Montana facility for people with disabilities has paid back wages to an employee wrongly denied coronavirus-related paid sick leave.


Two apprentices look at a computer monitor

National Apprenticeship Week

This year, National Apprenticeship Week will run Nov. 8-14. Use our toolkits to plan and promote an event.

The scales of justice and a gavel

Fraud Sentence

A federal court has sentenced two executives for multiple Kentucky healthcare-related companies to prison for fraud and ordered them to pay nearly $1.6 million in joint restitution.

Tax fraud concept: handcuffs over an 1040 tax form

Fraud Case

A federal court has sentenced a Kentucky woman to prison and ordered her to pay $838,804 in restitution after investigators found she committed benefit plan fraud.

A worker lays floor tiles

Wages Restored

California flooring contractor will pay $99,624 in back wages for overtime violations and $50,881 in penalties for willful violations.

An exit sign

Safety Improvements

Target Corp. has agreed to correct exit access and storage hazards and enhance worker safety at about 200 stores.

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs logo

Record Compliance Assistance

The Department’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs had the best year for compliance assistance and the second-highest year for monetary settlements during fiscal year 2020.

Bottles on a conveyor belt

Conciliation Agreement

The Department has reached a settlement with a federal beverage contractor to resolve allegations of hiring discrimination at a Texas facility.

University of Connecticut campus

Discrimination Resolution

The University of Connecticut will pay $249,539 to resolve alleged pay discrimination following a Department review.


Jobs increased 41 states in September

Jobs Increased in 41 States

Payroll employment increased in 41 states in September, with 30 states seeing significant job gains, according to data released this week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


A black and white photo shows a group of men around a table, surrounded by charts

Union Members’ Bill of Rights

A new video highlights the Union Members’ Bill of Rights, which Congress created in 1959 to protect union members.

National Apprenticeship Week. November 8-14, 2020. This nationwide celebration gives businesses, communities, and educators the opportunity to showcase their apprenticeship programs and apprentices. Learn more.

(by MARIA CHADZIDAKIS VAVOURANAKIS,journalist- writer, professional blogger e-mail politikimx@gmail.com)

U.S. Commercial Service :The Economic and Financial Outlook in Asia 2021


Economic Outlook Asia

"The Economic and Financial Outlook in Asia 2021"

During the webinar, U.S. companies will learn about opportunities and trends in Asia’s financial services sector from Johanna Chua, Managing Director, Head of Asia Pacific Economic and Market Analysis at Citigroup in Hong Kong and Henri Arslanian, Fintech & Crypto Leader, Asia, PwC Hong Kong. U.S. companies will also hear from the organizers of the Asian Financial Forum (AFF) scheduled to be held in person in Hong Kong and virtually on January 18-19, 2021.  The AFF is one of Asia's leading annual financial and investment events that brings together more than 3,500 financial and business leaders each year.

Please note, advance registration to this webinar is required to receive log-in instructions for this webinar as space is limited.


Register Here - October 29, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. ET       



Participants must register. There is no fee for the webinar. Contact Peter.Sexton@trade.gov

(by MARIA CHADZIDAKIS VAVOURANAKIS,journalist- writer, professional blogger e-mail politikimx@gmail.com)

Council of the EU:Five facts about the EU's goal of climate neutrality | Read our digital story


European Council logoCouncil of the European Union
General Secretariat
Charles Michel, digital collage

5 facts about the EU's goal of climate neutrality

Every day, we are seeing the growing impact of climate change. Fighting it is imperative for the future of Europe and of the world.     

In 2019, EU leaders endorsed the objective of achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050. This followed the commitments made by the EU and its member states on signing the Paris Agreement in 2015. 

What does climate neutrality mean and how will the EU achieve this goal while promoting the wellbeing of its citizens?

Here are five facts you need to know about the EU’s climate ambitions.

Read our digital story

(by MARIA CHADZIDAKIS VAVOURANAKIS,journalist- writer, professional blogger e-mail politikimx@gmail.com)

IMF BLOG:"Emerging and Frontier Markets: Policy Tools in Times of Financial Stress"


The latest IMF analysis of global economics, finance, development and policy issues shaping the world //


IMF Blog Logo

Dear maria,

We just published a new blog—please find the full text below. Translations coming soon.

IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department Director Tobias Adrian and Deputy Director Fabio Natalucci discuss the analytical chapters of the latest Global Financial Stability Report, including the impact of COVID-19 on the banking system. Watch the live event here.


Emerging and Frontier Markets: Policy Tools in Times of Financial Stress

By Dimitris Drakopoulos, Rohit Goel, Fabio Natalucci, and Evan Papageorgiou

After the unprecedented hit to economic activity in emerging market economies from the COVID-19 pandemic, their economic output is projected to shrink by 3.3 percent in 2020. Central banks across emerging markets responded swiftly and forcefully with an unprecedented response of their own. They did this by using a variety of policy tools and, to a great extent, helped stabilize markets and keep them functioning.

Nearly all central banks cut rates, most of them intervened in currency markets, and about half of them cut reserve requirements for banks, which provided liquidity to the financial system and eased credit conditions. And some 20 emerging market central banks for the first time launched quantitative easing —formally known as asset purchase programs—by buying government and private sector debt to alleviate stress and help keep markets functioning. Our recent analysis in the Global Financial Stability Report [link to ch 2] shows these asset purchase programs have generally proven effective, including by helping to stabilize local financial markets.

chart 1


Quantitative easing—a first for emerging markets

The motivation for quantitative easing by emerging market central banks varied across countries. As shown in the chart below, these asset purchases can be grouped into 3 main policy objectives. First, central banks with policy rates well above zero tended to use asset purchases as a tool to improve bond market functioning (India, South Africa, Philippines). Second, central banks with policy rates closer to the “zero-lower bound” (Chile, Poland, Hungary) partially sought a course similar to advanced economy central banks, where they used quantitative easing to ease financial conditions and provide additional monetary stimulus, as well as for market functioning and liquidity objectives. And, third, some central banks explicitly stated that one of their objectives was to temporarily ease government financing pressure in the face of the pandemic (Ghana, Guatemala, Indonesia, and the Philippines).

chart 2


Did asset purchases work?

After almost 6 months of quantitative easing in action, our analysis suggests that these purchases had a generally positive impact on local financial markets. Importantly, this was the case even when accounting for policy rate cuts, additional large-scale asset purchases by the Federal Reserve, and the strong rebound in global risk appetite. In particular, asset purchases by emerging market central banks helped lower government bond yields without seeing accompanying depreciations in local currencies. They also gradually helped lower local market stress.

Chart 3


An expanding policy toolkit

Beyond the current pandemic, the positive experience with asset purchases may motivate more emerging market central banks to consider unconventional monetary policy as a key part of their policy toolkit, especially when conventional policy space is limited. Asset purchases may be suitable for some central banks, depending on the market conditions they face, and their ability to implement them successfully.

But policymakers should consider both the benefits and potential significant costs of quantitative easing. If asset purchases—especially if large-scale and open-ended—are used regularly in the future, then several risks may arise: institutional and central bank credibility may be weakened; capital outflow pressure may intensify, especially in countries with weaker fundamentals; and concerns about fiscal dominance may arise among investors. These risks need to be weighed before central banks embark on a shift in their policies and their implementation.

More work to do

To sum up, emerging market asset purchase programs can be helpful, but further evaluation is needed as more data become available on their effectiveness, especially if these purchases continue.

A few lessons are already emerging: Asset purchases appear to be more effective when used jointly as part of a broader macroeconomic policy package. Transparency and clear communication are crucial to minimize risks to the credibility of central banks with asset purchases—especially in countries with weaker institutional frameworks. In most cases, asset purchase programs should be limited in time and scale and should be linked to clear objectives. Finally, purchases should preferably be made in secondary markets, as purchases in the primary market or at below market rates can affect the process of determining the fair price of bonds. Primary market purchases can also raise concerns that central banks will sacrifice their price stability mandated objective in order to finance the government (fiscal dominance). 


Thank you again for your interest in IMF Blog.

Take good care,


Glenn Gottselig
Blog Editor, IMF

(by MARIA CHADZIDAKIS VAVOURANAKIS,journalist- writer, professional blogger e-mail politikimx@gmail.com)

Toπικό Μέσο Μαζικής ενημέρωσης ("θυγατρικό" της "ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ"),ΜΙΑ ΚΡΑΥΓΗ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ 170.000 Ελλήνων Πολιτών. Είκοσι ολόκληρα χρόνια ζωής (2000-2021) και αγώνων στην καταγραφή και υπεράσπιση της Αλήθειας για τον πολύπαθο τόπο των Αχαρνών.



Βιογραφικό του Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη Ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης γεννήθηκε το 1968 στην Αθήνα. Αφού αποφοίτησε αριστούχος από το Κολλέγιο Αθηνών συνέχισε τις σπουδές του στην Αμερική. Σπούδασε κοινωνικές επιστήμες στο Harvard από όπου αποφοίτησε με την ανώτατη τιμητική διάκριση «summa cum laude» ενώ τιμήθηκε με τα έπαθλα «Hoopes» και «Tocqueville» για την εκπόνηση της διατριβής του με θέμα την αμερικανική εξωτερική πολιτική απέναντι στην Ελλάδα. Συνέχισε τις σπουδές του στο Stanford, στον τομέα των διεθνών οικονομικών σχέσεων και τις ολοκλήρωσε στο Harvard Business School στον τομέα της διοίκησης επιχειρήσεων. Πριν ασχοληθεί με την πολιτική, εργάστηκε επί μία δεκαετία στον ιδιωτικό τομέα στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό. Διετέλεσε οικονομικός αναλυτής στην Chase Investment Bank και σύμβουλος στην κορυφαία εταιρία συμβούλων McKinsey and Company στο Λονδίνο. Μετά την επιστροφή του στην Ελλάδα, εργάστηκε ως ανώτατο στέλεχος επενδύσεων στην Alpha Ventures της Alpha Bank και στη συνέχεια μετακινήθηκε στον Όμιλο της Εθνικής Τράπεζας της Ελλάδας. Διατέλεσε για τρία χρόνια Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Εθνικής Επιχειρηματικών Συμμετοχών, την οποία και ανέδειξε σε κορυφαία εταιρεία στην Ελληνική και Βαλκανική αγορά του private equity και του venture capital. Η Εθνική Επιχειρηματικών Συμμετοχών χρηματοδότησε πολλές γρήγορα αναπτυσσόμενες επιχειρήσεις με ίδια κεφάλαια, δημιουργώντας εκατοντάδες θέσεις απασχόλησης. Για την επαγγελματική του δραστηριότητα έχει λάβει τιμητικές διακρίσεις, με σημαντικότερη την βράβευσή του το 2003 από το World Economic Forum ως “Global Leader for Tomorrow”. Στις εκλογές του 2004 και του 2007 εξελέγη πρώτος σε σταυρούς προτίμησης βουλευτής με τη Νέα Δημοκρατία στη μεγαλύτερη εκλογική περιφέρεια της χώρας, τη Β΄ Αθηνών, ενώ στις εκλογές του 2009 εξελέγη για τρίτη φορά. Στις εκλογές του Μαΐου 2012 εξελέγη για μία ακόμη φορά πρώτος στη Β’ Αθηνών, ενώ ήταν επικεφαλής του ψηφοδελτίου στις εκλογές του Ιουνίου 2012. Στη Βουλή των Ελλήνων έχει συμμετάσχει στην Επιτροπή Αναθεώρησης του Συντάγματος και στις Επιτροπές Οικονομικών, Παραγωγής και Εμπορίου, Ευρωπαϊκών Υποθέσεων και Εξωτερικών και Άμυνας ενώ διετέλεσε για δύο χρόνια Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Περιβάλλοντος. Έως τις εκλογές του 2012 ήταν Τομεάρχης Περιβαλλοντικής Πολιτικής της Νέας Δημοκρατίας. Έχει επισκεφθεί πολλές περιβαλλοντικά ευαίσθητες περιοχές της χώρας, έχει συμμετάσχει σε δεκάδες συνέδρια για το περιβάλλον στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό μεταξύ αυτών στις διεθνείς διασκέψεις του ΟΗΕ για την κλιματική αλλαγή στο Μπαλί, το Πόζναν, το Κανκούν και την Κοπεγχάγη. Διετέλεσε Υπουργός Διοικητικής Μεταρρύθμισης και Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης από τις 25 Ιουνίου 2013 μέχρι τις 27 Ιανουαρίου 2015. Στις εθνικές εκλογές της 25ης Ιανουαρίου 2015 εξελέγη για πέμπτη φορά βουλευτής της ΝΔ στη Β’ Αθηνών τετραπλασιάζοντας τους σταυρούς που έλαβε σε σχέση με τις εθνικές εκλογές του Μαΐου 2012. Στις 10 Ιανουαρίου 2016 εξελέγη πρόεδρος της Νέας Δημοκρατίας και αρχηγός της Αξιωματικής Αντιπολίτευσης. Στις 7 Ιουλίου 2019 εξελέγη Πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας. Μιλάει Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά και Γερμανικά και έχει εκδώσει το βιβλίο «Οι Συμπληγάδες της Εξωτερικής Πολιτικής». Έχει τρία παιδιά, τη Σοφία, τον Κωνσταντίνο και τη Δάφνη.





"ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ για τον μικρό μας Αγγελο,ΜΑΡΙΟ ΣΟΥΛΟΥΚΟ"

"ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ για τον μικρό μας Αγγελο,ΜΑΡΙΟ ΣΟΥΛΟΥΚΟ"


Ερευνα,Συνεντεύξεις και επισήμανση της σπουδαιότητος του τότε ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΕΝΤΡΟΥ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΑΙΜΑΤΟΣ "ΗΛΙΑΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ" απο το Περιοδικό "ΑΧΑΡΝΕΩΝ Εργα" το έτος 2004!!
Ο Ιστοχώρος μας ΔΕΝ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΝΕΙ τα κείμενα των Αρθρογράφων του. Αυτά δημοσιεύονται εκφράζοντας τους ιδίους.
Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική ή κατά παράφραση ή διασκευή ή απόδοση του περιεχομένου του παρόντος διαδικτυακού τόπου σε ό,τι αφορά τα άρθρα της ΜΑΡΙΑΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΔΑΚΗ ΒΑΒΟΥΡΑΝΑΚΗ και του ΓΙΑΝΝΗ Γ. ΒΑΒΟΥΡΑΝΑΚΗ με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, ηλεκτρονικό, μηχανικό, φωτοτυπικό ή άλλο, χωρίς την προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια των Αρθρογράφων. Νόμος 2121/1993 - Νόμος 3057/2002, ο οποίος ενσωμάτωσε την οδηγία 2001/29 του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.

Tι ήταν η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ»..για όσους δεν γνωρίζουν.

Η «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» γεννήθηκε το 2000,ως συνέχεια του Περιοδικού «ΑΧΑΡΝΕΩΝ Έργα». Δημιουργήθηκε από Επαγγελματίες Εκδότες με δεκαετίες στον τομέα της Διαφήμισης, των Εκδόσεων και των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων και αρχικά ήταν μια Υπερτοπική Εφημερίδα με κύριο αντικείμενο το Αυτοδιοικητικό Ρεπορτάζ.

Επί χρόνια, κυκλοφορούσε την έντυπη έκδοσή της σε ένα ικανότατο τιράζ (5000 καλαίσθητων φύλλων εβδομαδιαίως) και εντυπωσίαζε με την ποιότητα της εμφάνισης και το ουσιώδες, μαχητικό και έντιμο περιεχόμενο της.
Η δύναμη της Πένας της Εφημερίδας, η Ειλικρίνεια, οι Ερευνές της που έφερναν πάντα ουσιαστικό αποτέλεσμα ενημέρωσης, την έφεραν πολύ γρήγορα πρώτη στην προτίμηση των αναγνωστών και γρήγορα εξελίχθηκε σε Εφημερίδα Γνώμης και όχι μόνον για την Περιφέρεια στην οποία κυκλοφορούσε.

=Επι είκοσι τέσσαρα (24) χρόνια, στηρίζει τον Απόδημο Ελληνισμό, χωρίς καμία-ούτε την παραμικρή- διακοπή

. =Επί είκοσι τέσσαρα ολόκληρα χρόνια, προβάλλει με αίσθηση καθήκοντος κάθε ξεχωριστό, έντιμο και υπεύθυνο Πολιτικό της Πολιτικής Σκηνής. Στις σελίδες της, θα βρείτε ακόμα και σήμερα μόνο άξιες και χρήσιμες Πολιτικές Προσωπικότητες αλλά και ενημέρωση από κάθε Κόμμα της Ελληνικής Βουλής. Η «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» ουδέποτε διαχώρησε τους αναγνώστες της ανάλογα με τα πολιτικά τους πιστεύω. Επραττε το καθήκον της, ενημερώνοντας όλους τους Ελληνες, ως όφειλε.

=Επί είκοσι τέσσαρα ολόκληρα χρόνια, δίνει βήμα στους αδέσμευτους, τους επιτυχημένους, τους γνώστες και θιασώτες της Αλήθειας. Στηρίζει τον Θεσμό της Ελληνικής Οικογένειας, την Παιδεία, την Ελληνική Ιστορία, προβάλλει με όλες της τις δυνάμεις τους Αδελφούς μας απανταχού της Γης, ενημερώνει για τα επιτεύγματα της Επιστήμης, της Επιχειρηματικότητας και πολλά άλλα που πολύ καλά γνωρίζουν οι Αναγνώστες της.

=Επί είκοσι τέσσαρα ολόκληρα χρόνια, ο απλός δημότης–πολίτης, φιλοξενείται στις σελίδες της με μόνη προϋπόθεση την ειλικρινή και αντικειμενική γραφή και την ελεύθερη Γνώμη, η οποία ΟΥΔΕΠΟΤΕ λογοκρίθηκε.

Η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ», είναι ένα βήμα Ισονομίας και Ισοπολιτείας, έννοιες απόλυτα επιθυμητές, ιδιαιτέρως στις ημέρες μας. Είναι ο δικτυακός τόπος της έκφρασης του πολίτη και της εποικοδομητικής κριτικής, μακριά από κάθε στήριξη αφού δεν ετύγχανε οικονομικής υποστήριξης από Δήμους, Κυβερνήσεις ή όποιους άλλους Δημόσιους ή Ιδιωτικούς Φορείς, δεν είχε ΠΟΤΕ χορηγούς, ή οποιασδήποτε μορφής υποστηρικτές. Απολαμβάνει όμως Διεθνούς σεβασμού αφού φιλοξενεί ενημέρωση από αρκετά ξένα Κράτη πράγμα που της περιποιεί βεβαίως, μέγιστη τιμή.

Η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» διαγράφει απο την γέννησή της μια αξιοζήλευτη πορεία και απέκτησε εξ αιτίας αυτού,ΜΕΓΙΣΤΗ αναγνωσιμότητα. Η Εφημερίδα «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» κέρδισε την αποδοχή και τον σεβασμό που της ανήκει, με «εξετάσεις» εικοσι τεσσάρων ολόκληρων ετών, με συνεχείς αιματηρούς αγώνες κατά της τοπικής διαπλοκής, με αγώνα επιβίωσης σε πολύ δύσκολους καιρούς, με Εντιμότητα, αίσθηση Καθήκοντος και Ευθύνης.