Washington, DC - The Supreme President of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (Order of AHEPA), Savas C. Tsivicos, is proud to announce another extraordinary gift of $643,000 to the AHEPA Foundation Inc., Ahepa’s 501(c)(3) charitable entity.
In December, thirty-one-year member of AHEPA, E. John Rumpakis passed away at the age of 92. E. John and Cleo Rumpakis as a final, unselfish, and gratuitous act, left a transformative gift for the AHEPA Foundation. In 2018 E. John and Cleo, his wife for over 50 years, donated $100,000 to the foundation with a promise for more. Then-Supreme President George E. Loucas said, “The Rumpakis’ have been extraordinary leaders of the American Hellenic community and continue to set an outstanding example for all to emulate.” E. John served AHEPA as a Supreme Governor and President of Mount Hood Chapter 154 in Portland, Oregon, as well as on AHEPA’s Cyprus & Hellenic Affairs Committee. In March 2010, then-Supreme President Nicholas Karacostas presented him with the Supreme President’s “Award for Excellence in the Preservation and Promotion of Hellenism” at AHEPA’s Western Regional Banquet. He has been a benefactor of Hellenic Classics for: Portland State University, University of Washington, University of Portland, Reed College, and Willamette University. Former Oregon Governors John Kitzhaber and Ted Kulongoski appointed E. John to Oregon’s Heritage Commission, where he served for a decade. He was a Realtor Emeritus, a recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, and a member of the American Hellenic Institute and Leadership 100.
Cleo Rumpakis, a member of Daughters of Penelope Troy Chapter 32, is a DOP Past District 22 Governor and DOP Past Grand Governor. She has dedicated her life to the Greek American cause, documented our history as it occurred, and authored Hellenic Tour USA, a guidebook of the Greek American experience covering all 50 states. “For nearly 100 years, the Order of AHEPA has upheld Hellenic ideals, fostered good citizenship and Brotherhood, and given back admirably to our communities through service, volunteerism, and financial contributions,” E. John Rumpakis said, several years ago. “We are proud members of the AHEPA family, and it is our earnest wish for it to continue to meet its worthy mission for the next century”. Supreme President Savas Tsivicos stated "Brother E. John & Sister Cleo’s dedication to the AHEPA mission serves as an incredible example not just to our members, but to the Hellenic Community as a whole, of how to give back to a cause we believe in. They have shown us all that we should consider AHEPA – its mission and its legacy – and how our contributions and donations can continue to perpetuate them for the benefit of future generations. AHEPA is 103 years old and because of gifts such as these, will be able to continue the work of our ancestors in the promotion of Hellenism and our mission. Brother E. John will forever be remembered for the impact he has had on the Order of AHEPA, and for how his generosity and acts of philanthropy have inspired others. May his memory be eternal."
Anyone interested in creating or making a donation in their will or through any investment instrument can call AHEPA headquarters and speak with Executive Director Basil Mossaidis or email basil@ahepa.org