H Xρήσιμη Εφημερίδα!!

H Xρήσιμη Εφημερίδα!!
H Xρήσιμη Εφημερίδα!!

2000 - 2025


"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

Διαβάζετε ένα ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ ΑΞΙΟΠΙΣΤΟ και ΧΩΡΙΣ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ οικονομική στήριξη (αυτοδιοικητική, χορηγική, δημοσία ή άλλη ) ηλικίας 24 ετών Μέσο Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης, με αξιοσημείωτη ΔΙΕΘΝΗ αναγνώριση και ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ ΥΨΗΛΗ ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑ.
Είκοσι τέσσαρα (24) ολόκληρα χρόνια δημοσιογραφίας, ΟΥΤΕ ΜΙΑ ΔΙΑΨΕΥΣΙΣ!!
Contact: politikimx@gmail.com v.ch.maria@gmail.com


Εσύ Γαλάζια μου ΘΑ ΚΥΜΑΤΙΖΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ φιλώντας τον Βοριά...Για να θυμίζεις σε όλους οτι ΕΔΩ, γεννήθηκε Πολιτισμός, η Γλώσσα, οι Επιστήμες..ΘΑ ΖΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ!!



Eως σήμερα 24 Οκτωβρίου 2024 ώρα 10΄22 οι αναγνώσεις της “ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ” είναι -σύμφωνα με την γκούγκλ)- 3.061.688 (τρία εκατομμύρια εξήντα μία χιλιάδες εξακόσιες ογδόντα οκτώ)

Η ανάλυση μηνών είναι:
71316 (Απρίλιος 2024)
76741 (Μάϊος 2024)
66828 (Iούνιος 2024)
80104 (Iούλιος 2024)

79553 (Aύγουστος 2024)
71739 (Σεπτέμβριος 2024)


Σήμερα σταματά η ενημέρωση της αναγνωσιμότητας. Ο λόγος είναι προφανής: δεν έχουμε μεν κανένα έσοδο αλλά η αναγνωσιμότητά μας περικόπτεται διαρκώς, ανάλγητα και συντριπτικά παρά τις κατ΄επανάληψη ΔΙΚΑΙΕΣ διαμαρτυρίες μας στην υπέροχη γκούγκλ. Απο σήμερα η Εφημερίδα δεν φιλοξενεί πλέον διαφημίσεις της. Οταν το κονδύλι της δημιουργίας ΙΣΤΟΣΕΛΙΔΑΣ θα γίνει προσιτό, η Εφημερίδα θα συνεχίσει ως Ιστοσελίδα. Εως τότε,όλα είναι αναμενόμενα και εμείς πανέτοιμοι για ένα καλύτερο μέλλον της "ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ". Νερό στο μύλο ΚΑΝΕΝΟΣ, ειδικά όταν συνοδεύεται απο πλήρη αναλγησία.
Άμεση επικοινωνία: v.ch.maria@gmail.com

"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

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ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ ΜΕΣΟΓΑΙΑΣ,ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΟΥ, Συνέντευξις που πρέπει να παρακολουθήσουμε ΟΛΟΙ



Οι αρθρογράφοι των οποίων τα άρθρα δημοσιεύονται ώδε ΔΕΝ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΝΟΝΤΑΙ επ ουδενί.

Οι αρθρογράφοι των οποίων τα άρθρα δημοσιεύονται ώδε ΔΕΝ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΝΟΝΤΑΙ επ ουδενί. Οι απόψεις τους αφορούν τους ιδίους και όχι απαραίτητα την θέση και άποψη της Εφημερίδας.
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα French Presidency of the Council of the EU. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα French Presidency of the Council of the EU. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Κυριακή 26 Ιουνίου 2022

French Presidency of the Council of the EU,update

23/06/2022 22:00 | Press releases

Conclusions of European Council, 23 and 24 June 2022

Main results


1. The European Council held a strategic discussion on the European Union’s relations with its partners in Europe. It discussed the proposal to launch a European political community.

What, who and how?

The aim is to offer a platform for political coordination for European countries across the continent. It could concern all European countries with whom we have close relations.

The objective would be to foster political dialogue and cooperation to address issues of common interest so as to strengthen the security, stability and prosperity of the European continent.

2. Such a framework will not replace existing EU policies and instruments, notably enlargement, and will fully respect the European Union’s decision-making autonomy.

3. Building on this first exchange of views, the European Council will revert to the issue.


Παρασκευή 24 Ιουνίου 2022

French presidency of the Council of the EU:update


Main results

The aim is to offer a platform for political coordination for European countries across the continent. It could concern all European countries with whom we have close relations.

The objective would be to foster political dialogue and cooperation to address issues of common interest so as to strengthen the security, stability and prosperity of the European continent.

2. Such a framework will not replace existing EU policies and instruments, notably enlargement, and will fully respect the European Union’s decision-making autonomy.

3. Building on this first exchange of views, the European Council will revert to the issue.


4. The European Council discussed the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in its different dimensions. The European Council reiterates that it firmly stands with Ukraine and that the European Union will continue to provide strong support for Ukraine’s overall economic, military, social and financial resilience, including humanitarian aid.

5. The European Council resolutely condemns Russia’s indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, and urges Russia to immediately and unconditionally withdraw all its troops and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. International humanitarian law, including on the treatment of prisoners of war, must be respected. Ukrainians, notably children, who have been forcibly removed to Russia must be immediately allowed to return safely. Russia, Belarus and all those responsible for war crimes and the other most serious crimes will be held to account for their actions, in accordance with international law.

The adoption of the sixth package of EU sanctions further intensifies pressure on Russia to end its war against Ukraine. Work will continue on sanctions, including to strengthen implementation and prevent circumvention. The European Council calls on all countries to align with EU sanctions, in particular candidate countries. Work should swiftly be finalised on the Council decision adding the violation of Union restrictive measures to the list of EU crimes.

6. The European Union remains strongly committed to providing further military support to help Ukraine exercise its inherent right of self-defence against the Russian aggression and defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty. To this end, the European Council calls on the Council to swiftly work on a further increase of military support.

7. The European Council notes that the Commission will soon present a proposal to grant Ukraine new exceptional macro-financial assistance of up to EUR 9 billion in 2022. It calls on the Commission to swiftly present its proposals on EU support for the reconstruction of Ukraine, in consultation with international partners, organisations and experts.

8. Russia, by weaponising food in its war against Ukraine, is solely responsible for the global food security crisis it has provoked. The European Council urges Russia to immediately stop targeting agricultural facilities and removing cereals, and to unblock the Black Sea, in particular the port of Odesa, so as to allow the export of grain and commercial shipping operations. The European Council supports the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General to this end. The European Council underlines that EU sanctions against Russia allow the free flow of agricultural and food products and the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

9. The European Council strongly supports the efforts on the Solidarity Lanes to facilitate food exports from Ukraine via different land routes and EU ports. It calls on the Commission and the Member States, building in particular on the FARM initiative as well as UN and G7 initiatives, to step up their efforts:

(1) to support developing countries to reorient, where necessary, their supply chains;

(2) to accelerate the delivery of the relevant Team Europe flagship initiatives agreed at the recent European Union - African Union Summit which seek to develop sustainable food production, strengthen agricultural productivity, including on protein crops, and agri-business capacity on the African continent; and

(3) to work on initiatives together with international partners to support the development of manufacturing capacity of inputs in developing countries, in particular sustainable fertilisers.


10. The European Council recognises the European perspective of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia. The future of these countries and their citizens lies within the European Union.

11. The European Council has decided to grant the status of candidate country to Ukraine and to the Republic of Moldova.

12. The Commission is invited to report to the Council on the fulfilment of the conditions specified in the Commission’s opinions on the respective membership applications as part of its regular enlargement package. The Council will decide on further steps once all these conditions are fully met.

13. The European Council is ready to grant the status of candidate country to Georgia once the priorities specified in the Commission’s opinion on Georgia’s membership application have been addressed.

14. The progress of each country towards the European Union will depend on its own merit in meeting the Copenhagen criteria, taking into consideration the EU’s capacity to absorb new members.


15. The European Union expresses its full and unequivocal commitment to the EU membership perspective of the Western Balkans and calls for the acceleration of the accession process.

16. Building on the revised methodology, the European Council invites the Commission, the High Representative and the Council to further advance the gradual integration between the European Union and the region already during the enlargement process itself in a reversible and merit-based manner.

17. The European Council recalls the importance of reforms, notably in the area of rule of law and in particular those related to the independence and functioning of the judiciary and the fight against corruption. It also calls on the partners to guarantee the rights and equal treatment of persons belonging to minorities.

18. The European Council was informed about the latest developments on discussions between Bulgaria and North Macedonia. It calls for a swift resolution of the last remaining issues so that accession negotiations can be opened without delay.

19. The European Council reaffirms the urgency of making tangible progress in resolving outstanding bilateral and regional disputes, particularly the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue on normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo*.

20. The European Council welcomes the political agreement reached on 12 June 2022 by the leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Brussels which is needed for the stability and full functioning of the country and in order to respond to the aspirations of the people. It calls on all political leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina to swiftly implement the commitments set out in the agreement and urgently finalise the constitutional and electoral reform, which will allow the country to advance decisively on its European path, in line with the opinion of the Commission.

21. The European Council is ready to grant the status of candidate country to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to that aim it invites the Commission to report without delay to the Council on implementation of the 14 key priorities set out in its opinion with special attention to those which constitute a substantial set of reforms in order for the European Council to revert to decide on the matter.


25. The European Council takes note of the proposals set out in the Report on the outcome of the Conference submitted to the three co-Presidents. The Conference has been a unique opportunity to engage with European citizens.

26. An effective follow-up to this report is to be ensured by the institutions, each within their own sphere of competences and in accordance with the Treaties. The European Council notes that work has already been undertaken in this regard.

27. It recalls the importance of ensuring that citizens are informed of the follow-up to the proposals made in the Report.


Eastern Mediterranean

28. The European Council expressed deep concern about recent repeated actions and statements by Turkey. Turkey must respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all EU Member States. Recalling its previous conclusions and the statement of 25 March 2021, the European Council expects Turkey to fully respect international law, to de-escalate tensions in the interest of regional stability in the Eastern Mediterranean, and to promote good neighbourly relations in a sustainable way.


29. The European Council underlines the democratic right of the Belarusian people to have new, free and fair elections. It calls on the Belarusian authorities to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law, to end repression and to release political prisoners.

This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Παρασκευή 13 Μαΐου 2022

Elysée:Un robot qui va à l'école, une série documentaire tournée à l'Élysée, une Varoise doyenne de l'humanité

Petit condensé de bonnes nouvelles et initiatives citoyennes
qui font rayonner la France.

Voir la version en ligne

Après deux mois de silence, Cocorico fait son grand retour dans vos boîtes mail !

Cocorico, c'est une sélection de bonnes nouvelles repérées aux quatre coins du pays : exploits, innovations, portraits de héros du quotidien, initiatives citoyennes solidaires, entreprises qui relocalisent en France...

De la suite dans les idées

Un robot sur les bancs de l'école - Depuis plusieurs semaines, à Belfort, cette école accueille un élève un peu particulier : un écran à roulettes d'1,40 mètre. Offert par une entreprise, ce robot a été conçu pour que Stevy, un jeune élève qui s'est retrouvé paralysé et en fauteuil après un grave accident de la route, puisse continuer à suivre ses cours depuis chez lui.

Une idée lumineuse - Depuis le 15 mars, la commune d'Épron expérimente l'éclairage public à la demande. Grâce à une application et un système de géolocalisation, les habitants peuvent, pour une durée de quelques minutes, allumer les lampadaires au gré de leurs déplacements durant la nuit. Une expérimentation de 5 mois qui présente à la fois des avantages écologiques et économiques.

Économie et relocalisations

Montée d'adrénaline - L'entreprise française Axyntis, spécialisée dans la chimie fine, va, avec l'aide de l'État, relocaliser en France la production de huit molécules, dont l'adrénaline, un principe actif présent dans plusieurs médicaments utilisés en réanimation et en anesthésie. Alors que ces produits ont frôlé la pénurie dans les hôpitaux lors de la première vague de la Covid, Axyntis prévoit à terme de couvrir plus de la moitié des besoins français.

Le tinder de l'alternance et des stages - Du 28 mars au 31 mai, France Bleu et AEF Info organisent la deuxième édition du Challenge « Jeunes d'Avenirs », une initiative et une plateforme numérique pour mettre en relation candidats et recruteurs. Après le succès de la première édition, l'objectif de cette année : 100 000 matchs !

Choose Normandie - Comme annoncé par le Président de la République lors de l'événement « Choose France », la firme américaine Eastman retient le site de Port-Jérôme-sur-Seine près de Rouen pour y construire la plus grande usine mondiale de recyclage plastique à l'horizon 2025. À la clé, 350 emplois directs et 1 500 emplois indirects. Elle devrait permettre de recycler environ 160 000 tonnes de déchets polyesters par an.

Ces mesures qui pourraient
vous concerner

Pensions alimentaires - Depuis le 1er mars 2022, c'est désormais la Caisse d'Allocation Familiale qui assure le versement automatique des pensions alimentaires aux parents en charge de leur enfant dans le cadre d'un divorce. Cette mesure devrait s'étendre à toutes les séparations à partir du 1er janvier 2023.

Accompagnement psychologique - Avec le dispositif « Mon Psy », depuis le 5 avril 2022 vous pouvez bénéficier du remboursement de 8 séances d'accompagnement psychologique par an.

Plan de résilience - Remise carburant, renforcement du dispositif du prêt garanti par l'État, augmentation de 1 000 euros de MaPrimeRénov... Pour protéger les particuliers et les entreprises des conséquences économiques et sociales du conflit en Ukraine, le Premier ministre a présenté mi-mars les grands axes du Plan de résilience.

Augmentation du SMIC - En mai, le SMIC sera rehaussé de 2,65 % du fait de la forte augmentation du coût de la vie. À la fin du mois, pour un temps plein, les travailleurs payés au SMIC verront leur salaire net mensuel passer de 1 269 à 1 302,64 euros.

Coup de jeunes

Une carte de réduction pour les étudiants, par des étudiants - Trois jeunes Lillois ont créé une carte qui propose près de 350 réductions parmi une centaine de partenaires (cafetiers, coiffeurs, restaurateurs...) pour les 7 000 détenteurs du « Student pass » dans les métropoles lilloise et rémoise.

He's the Carpman - À seulement 11 ans, Emerik est un surdoué de la pêche ! Sa passion, héritée de celle de son père, qui la tenait lui-même de son père, lui a permis de rivaliser avec les meilleurs et de devenir l'enfant prodige de la commune d'Aire-sur-la-Lys dans le Pas-de-Calais.

La ville a des elles - À Fougères, des lycéens ont rebaptisé temporairement douze places et rues du centre-ville pour faire connaître des femmes qui ont joué un rôle important depuis le 18ème siècle, que ce soit dans le domaine des idées, de l'art, ou du sport.

Main dans la main

Un défi sportif et solidaire - Passionné d'ultra-trail, en 3 jours, cet aidant a récolté 17 000 euros de dons et parcouru 150 km pour l'association France Alzheimer.

Tour de France des initiatives en faveur des réfugiés ukrainiens - Des convois humanitaires de bénévoles, un ferry reconverti en centre d'accueil, des professeurs de russe qui reprennent du service... Dans ce reportage du Monde, voyage dans la France qui participe à l'accueil des dizaines de milliers d'Ukrainiennes et d'Ukrainiens qui ont trouvé refuge sur notre sol.

Une maison à 1 euro - Dans le Cher, cette famille vient d'acquérir une maison de village à Saint-Amand-Montrond pour 1 euro symbolique. La proposition du maire, qui a attiré de nombreux candidats, s'inscrit dans une vaste opération de revitalisation du territoire.

Pour terminer
4 infos à picorer

Une Varoise doyenne de l'humanité : Sœur André, 118 ans, est devenue la personne vivante la plus âgée dans le monde le 25 avril dernier selon le Guinness World Records ! Elle cumule aussi les deux records de la nonne vivante la plus âgée et de la personne la plus âgée à se remettre de la Covid-19.

L'Europe lance un grand plan détox pour la santé et l'environnement. La Commission européenne a publié sa feuille de route pour éliminer des milliers de substances chimiques toxiques des produits de grande consommation d'ici à 2030. C'est plusieurs milliers de produits qui pourraient être interdits dans les prochaines années (jouets, vêtements, meubles et emballages alimentaires...).

Le gros lot pour la planète. En décembre 2020, en remportant 200 millions d'euros, ce Français devenait le plus grand gagnant de l'histoire de l'Euromillions. Surnommé Guy, l'heureux gagnant a récemment expliqué qu'il avait dédié la majeure partie de son gain à la protection de la nature.

Ça tourne à l'Élysée : À travers le regard de l'équipe vidéo de la Présidence de la République, découvrez les deux premiers épisodes de la série documentaire inédite sur cinq années d'engagement du Président Emmanuel Macron au service des Françaises et des Français.

Suivez l'Élysée !

Cet email à été envoyé à politikimx@gmail.com.

Τρίτη 10 Μαΐου 2022

Press Conference - The Conference on the Future of Europe concludes its work


● Council of the EU

09/05/2022 16:36 | Press release |

The Conference on the Future of Europe concludes its work

Closing ceremony of the Conference on the Future of Europe© Mathieu CUGNOT / Parlement européen

On Europe Day, the Presidents of the European Parliament, Commission and Council received the final report with proposals to reform the EU.

In a closing ceremony today in Strasbourg, President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, on behalf of the Council Presidency, President Emmanuel Macron, and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen received from the Co-Chairs of the Conference Executive Board the final report on the outcome of the Conference.

This unprecedented, one-year journey of discussion, debate and collaboration between citizens and politicians culminated in a report centred around 49 proposals that include concrete objectives and more than 320 measures for the EU institutions to follow up on under nine topics: climate change and the environment; health; a stronger economy, social justice and jobs; EU in the world; values and rights, rule of law, security, digital transformation, European democracy, migration, education, culture, youth and sport. The proposals are based on recommendations made by citizens who met within the European Citizens’ Panels, National Citizens’ Panels and contributed their ideas on the Multilingual Digital Platform.

Citizens - especially young people - are at the heart of our vision for the future of Europe. They have directly shaped the outcome of the Conference. We are at a defining moment of European integration and no suggestion for change should be off-limits. We should not be afraid to unleash the power of Europe to change people’s lives for the better.— Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament

Through the crises that we have gone through collectively in recent years, Europe has changed. We must continue this development and ensure that the Union lives up to the aspirations and expectations expressed by the citizens. The Conference on the Future of Europe, which we are closing today, is a unique exercise and unprecedented in its scope, a breath of fresh air for our continent. Its conclusions constitute a very rich source of proposals, which each institution must examine within the framework of its competences. The Council will have the opportunity to express itself in the coming weeks. As this exercise is coming to an end under the French Presidency, I thank the previous presidencies for their commitment and am happy to hand over the follow-up to be given to the conclusions of the Conference to the Czech and Swedish presidencies.— Emmanuel Macron, French President

Democracy, peace, individual and economic freedom. This is what Europe stands for today when the war rages again on our continent. This is at the heart of the Conference on the future of Europe. The European Union has to continue to deliver on European citizens’ expectations. Today, their message has been received loud and clear. And now, it is time to deliver.— Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Over the last year, through a multitude of events and discussions organised across the EU, national and European citizens’ panels, plenary meetings as well as exchanges on the dedicated Multilingual Digital Platform, the Conference became a truly open forum to discuss the Europe we want to live in. It enabled a transparent, inclusive and structured debate with European citizens about the issues that are of relevance to them and for their future.
Next Steps

The three institutions will now examine how to follow up effectively on these proposals, each within their own spheres of competence and in accordance with the Treaties.
A feedback event will take place to update citizens in autumn 2022.

The Conference on the Future of Europe has been a novel and innovative process, a bottom-up exercise for Europeans to have their say on what they expect from the European Union. European citizens of different geographic origin, gender, age, socioeconomic background and/or level of education participated in the Conference, with young Europeans playing a central role.

For More Information

Questions and Answers on the Conference
Factsheet on the Conference
Multilingual Digital Platform
Extracts of closing ceremony will be available on EbS.

Σάββατο 23 Απριλίου 2022

Council and European Parliament provisional agreement for making the internet a safer space for European citizens

23/04/2022 12:00 | Press releases
Digital Services Act: Council and European Parliament provisional agreement for making the internet a safer space for European citizensAn important step has been taken today with the provisional political agreement reached on the Digital Services Act (DSA) between the Council and the European Parliament. In terms of ambition, the nature of the actors regulated and the innovative aspect of the supervision involved, the DSA is a world first in the field of digital regulation. The DSA follows the principle that what is illegal offline must also be illegal online. It aims to protect the digital space against the spread of illegal content, and to ensure the protection of users’ fundamental rights.

An important step has been taken today with the provisional political agreement reached on the Digital Services Act (DSA) between the Council and the European Parliament.

In terms of ambition, the nature of the actors regulated and the innovative aspect of the supervision involved, the DSA is a world first in the field of digital regulation.

The DSA follows the principle that what is illegal offline must also be illegal online. It aims to protect the digital space against the spread of illegal content, and to ensure the protection of users’ fundamental rights.


The DSA will apply to all online intermediaries providing services in the EU.

The obligations introduced are proportionate to the nature of the services concerned and tailored to the number of users, meaning that very large online platforms (VLOPs) and very large online search engines (VLOSEs) will be subject to more stringent requirements. Services with more than 45 million monthly active users in the European Union will fall into the category of very large online platforms and very large search engines.

To safeguard the development of start-ups and smaller enterprises in the internal market, micro and small enterprises with under 45 million monthly active users in the EU will be exempted from certain new obligations.

In order to ensure effective and uniform implementation of requirements under the DSA, the Council and Parliament have decided to confer on the Commission exclusive power to supervise VLOPs and VLOSEs for the obligations specific to this type of actor.

They will be supervised at European level in cooperation with the member states. This new supervisory mechanism maintains the country-of-origin principle, which will continue to apply to other actors and requirements covered by the DSA.
Online marketplaces

Given the important role played by these actors in the daily lives of European consumers, the DSA will impose a duty of care on marketplaces vis-à-vis sellers who sell their products or services on their online platforms.

Marketplaces will in particular have to collect and display information on the products and services sold in order to ensure that consumers are properly informed.
Systemic risks of very large platforms and search engines

The DSA introduces an obligation for very large digital platforms and services to analyse systemic risks they create and to carry out risk reduction analysis.

This analysis must be carried out every year and will enable continuous monitoring aimed at reducing risks associated with:
dissemination of illegal content
adverse effects on fundamental rights
manipulation of services having an impact on democratic processes and public security
adverse effects on gender-based violence, and on minors and serious consequences for the physical or mental health of users
Dark patterns

For online platforms and interfaces covered by the DSA, the co-legislators have agreed to prohibit misleading interfaces known as ‘dark patterns’ and practices aimed at misleading users.
Recommender systems

Recommendation systems are found in many uses of online users, allowing them to quickly access relevant content.

Transparency requirements for the parameters of recommender systems have been introduced in order to improve information for users and any choices they make. VLOPs and VLOSEs will have to offer users a system for recommending content that is not based on their profiling.
Crisis mechanism

In the context of the Russian aggression in Ukraine and the particular impact on the manipulation of online information, a new article has been added to the text introducing a crisis response mechanism.

This mechanism will be activated by the Commission on the recommendation of the board of national Digital Services Coordinators. It will make it possible to analyse the impact of the activities of VLOPs and VLOSEs on the crisis in question and decide on proportionate and effective measures to be put in place for the respect of fundamental rights.
Protecting minors online

Platforms accessible to minors will have to put in place special protection measures to ensure their safety online in particular when they are aware that a user is a minor. Platforms will be prohibited from presenting targeted advertising based on the use of minors’ personal data as defined in EU law.

In December 2020, the European Commission presented a digital services package comprising the Digital Services Act (DSA) and a Digital Markets Act (DMA).

The DSA and DMA form the two pillars of unprecedented digital regulation that respects European values and the European model. Together, these acts define a framework suited to the challenges posed by the emergence of digital giants and the protection of their users, while maintaining a balance conducive to innovation in the digital economy.

A provisional political agreement between the Council and Parliament on the DMA was reached on 24 March 2022.
Next steps

The provisional agreement reached today is subject to approval by the Council and the European Parliament.

From the Council’s side, the provisional political agreement is subject to approval by the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper), before going through the formal steps of the adoption procedure.
European Commission proposal for a digital services act
Council’s general approach
European Parliament’s position
Digital services package (background information)

Παρασκευή 11 Μαρτίου 2022

Statement of the heads of state or government, meeting in Versailles, on the Russian military aggression against Ukraine

11/03/2022 06:00 | Press releases

Statement of the heads of state or government, meeting in Versailles, on the Russian military aggression against Ukraine

Text of the Statement

1. Two weeks ago Russia brought war back to Europe. Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine grossly violates international law and the principles of the UN Charter and undermines European and global security and stability. It is inflicting unspeakable suffering on the Ukrainian population. Russia, and its accomplice Belarus, bear full responsibility for this war of aggression and those responsible will be held to account for their crimes, including for indiscriminately targeting civilians and civilian objects. In this respect we welcome the decision of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to open an investigation. We call for the safety and security of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities to be ensured immediately with the assistance of the International Atomic Energy Agency. We demand that Russia ceases its military action and withdraws all forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine immediately and unconditionally, and fully respects Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognised borders.

2. We commend the people of Ukraine for their courage in defending their country and our shared values of freedom and democracy. We will not leave them alone. The EU and its Member States will continue to provide coordinated political, financial, material and humanitarian support. We are committed to provide support for the reconstruction of a democratic Ukraine once the Russian onslaught has ceased. We are determined to increase even further our pressure on Russia and Belarus. We have adopted significant sanctions and remain ready to move quickly with further sanctions.

3. Countless people are fleeing the war in Ukraine. We offer temporary protection to all war refugees from Ukraine. We commend European countries, notably at the borders with Ukraine, for showing immense solidarity in hosting Ukrainian war refugees. The EU and its Member States will continue to show solidarity and provide humanitarian, medical and financial support to all refugees and the countries hosting them. We call for funds to be made available without delay through a swift adoption of the proposal on Cohesion’s Action for Refugees in Europe (CARE) and through ReactEU. We call on Russia to fully abide by its obligations under international humanitarian law. It must ensure safe and unhindered humanitarian access to the victims and internally displaced persons in Ukraine, and allow safe passage for those civilians who want to leave.

4. The European Council acknowledged the European aspirations and the European choice of Ukraine, as stated in the Association Agreement. On 28 February 2022, exercising the right of Ukraine to choose its own destiny, the President of Ukraine submitted the application of Ukraine to become a member of the European Union. The Council has acted swiftly and invited the Commission to submit its opinion on this application in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaties. Pending this and without delay, we will further strengthen our bonds and deepen our partnership to support Ukraine in pursuing its European path. Ukraine belongs to our European family.

5. The Council has invited the Commission to submit its opinions on the applications of the Republic of Moldova and Georgia.

Τετάρτη 9 Μαρτίου 2022

COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION...interesting latest

● European Council
08/03/2022 19:54 | Press release |

Invitation letter by President Charles Michel to the members of the European Council ahead of their informal meeting of 10 and 11 March 2022


Russia has brought war back to Europe. This unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine grossly violates international law and undermines European security. Russia is inflicting unspeakable suffering on the Ukrainian population. We commend the people of Ukraine for their courage in defending their country. Together with Ukraine, we stand firmly on the side of freedom and democracy. Ukraine is part of our European family.

In response to Russia's aggression, the European Union has shown unity and strength. We have imposed on Russia the strictest sanctions ever adopted. The European Union and its Member States are providing coordinated humanitarian, political, financial and material support to Ukraine. Member States are also showing immense solidarity in hosting countless people fleeing the war.

This conflict and its consequences will be at the heart of our informal meeting in Versailles on 10 and 11 March, which President Macron will kindly host.

Over the past years, faced with multiple crises and challenges, we engaged together on an ambitious strategic agenda. In the light of recent events, it is more urgent than ever that we take decisive steps towards building our sovereignty, reducing our dependencies and designing a new growth and investment model.

Consequently, at our informal meeting, I would like us to focus on three particular issues, namely:

  • bolstering our defence capabilities;
  • reducing our energy dependency, in particular on Russian gas, oil and coal, and
  • building a more robust economic base.

Our meeting will start on 10 March at 5:30 pm with an exchange of views with the President of the European Parliament. Our objective on the first day is to focus on the situation in Ukraine, as well as on defence and energy. On 11 March, our morning session and our working lunch will be devoted to our new growth and investment model in the presence of the President of the European Central Bank and the President of the Eurogroup.

I look forward to seeing you in Versailles.

● Council of the EU
08/03/2022 20:39 | Press release |

Presidency press release - Informal Meeting of Ministers responsible for Culture, Media and the Audiovisual Sector


On 7 and 8 March, Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, the French Minister of Culture, welcomed her European counterparts in Angers for an informal meeting of EU Member State ministers responsible for culture and the media, held under the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The French Minister proposed a discussion on the situation in Ukraine. Oleksandr Tkachenko, Ukrainian Minister for Culture and Information Policy, spoke during a videoconference, after which the European ministers responsible for culture and media expressed their solidarity with Ukraine.

Following their discussion, and in the presence of the European Commissioners, they adopted a declaration of EU ministers responsible for culture and media, to express their support to Ukraine and its people, in particular its artists, journalists and professionals of culture, and the Ukrainian media. Through this declaration the ministers also expressed their great concern about the threats and serious damage to Ukraine’s rich heritage of museums, monuments and cities.

Read the full text of the press release in ENFR and DE.

● Council of the EU
09/03/2022 13:54 | Press release |

Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine: EU agrees new sectoral measures targeting Belarus and Russia


Following up on the restrictive measures adopted on 2 March in response to the involvement of Belarus in the unjustified and unprovoked Russian military aggression against Ukraine, and in view of the continued gravity of the situation, the Council today adopted additional sectoral measures targeting the Belarusian financial sector.

"With these additional sectoral sanctions, we are sending a strong message: the unprovoked and unjustified military aggression waged against Ukraine by the Putin regime with assistance by Lukashenko comes at a high price. We are closing the loopholes of our existing sanctions and imposing further measures on Belarus’ financial sector."
Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

The agreed measures will:

  • restrict the provision of specialised financial messaging services (SWIFT) to BelagroprombankBank Dabrabyt, and the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus, as well as their Belarusian subsidiaries;
  • prohibit transactions with the Central Bank of Belarus related to the management of reserves or assets, and the provision of public financing for trade with and investment in Belarus;
  • prohibit the listing and provision of services in relation to shares of Belarus state-owned entities on EU trading venues as of 12 April 2022;
  • significantly limit the financial inflows from Belarus to the EU, by prohibiting the acceptance of deposits exceeding €100.000 from Belarusian nationals or residents, the holding of accounts of Belarusian clients by the EU central securities depositories, as well as the selling of euro-denominated securities to Belarusian clients;
  • prohibit the provision of euro denominated banknotes to Belarus.

Furthermore the Council introduced further restrictive measures with regard to the export of maritime navigation goods and radio communication technology to Russia. By virtue of this decision it will be prohibited to sell, supply, transfer or export, directly or indirectly, maritime navigation goods and technology to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia, for use in Russia, or for the placing on board of a Russian-flagged vessel.

The Council also expanded the list of legal persons, entities and bodies subject to the prohibitions related to investment services, transferable securities, money market instruments, and loans.

Lastly the Council clarified the notion of “transferable securities” so as to clearly include crypto-assets, and thus ensure the proper implementation of the sectoral restrictions in place.

The European Union condemns in the strongest possible terms the Russian Federation’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine, as well as the involvement of Belarus in this aggression.

The European Union demands that Russia immediately ceases its military actions, unconditionally withdraws all forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine and fully respects Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognised borders. The European Council calls on Russia and Russia-backed armed formations to respect international humanitarian law and stop their systematic information manipulation, including disinformation campaign and cyber-attacks.

The use of force and coercion to change borders has no place in the 21st century. Tensions and conflict should be resolved exclusively through dialogue and diplomacy. The EU will continue cooperating closely with neighbours and reiterates its unwavering support for, and commitment to, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia and of the Republic of Moldova. It will continue strong coordination with partners and allies, within the UN, OSCE, NATO and the G7.

The relevant legal acts will soon be published in the Official Journal.

EU restrictive measures in response to the crisis in Ukraine (background information)

European Council conclusions, 24 February 2022

Ukraine: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the invasion of Ukraine by armed forces of the Russian Federation (24 February 2022)

08/03/2022 19:00 | Press releases

Informal Meeting of Ministers responsible for Culture, Media and the Audiovisual Sector

On 7 and 8 March, Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, the French Minister of Culture, welcomed her European counterparts in Angers for an informal meeting of EU Member State ministers responsible for culture and the media, held under the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The ministers were joined by Věra Jourová, European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency; Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market; and Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

On 7 and 8 March, Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, the French Minister of Culture, welcomed her European counterparts in Angers for an informal meeting of EU Member State ministers responsible for culture and the media, held under the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The ministers were joined by Věra Jourová, European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency; Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market; and Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

The French Minister wished to modify the meeting’s programme in response to the Russian Federation's unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine, and she proposed a discussion on the situation in Ukraine.

Oleksandr Tkachenko, Ukrainian Minister for Culture and Information Policy, spoke during a videoconference, after which the European ministers responsible for culture and media expressed their solidarity with Ukraine.

Following their discussion, and in the presence of the European Commissioners, they adopted a declaration of EU ministers responsible for culture and media, to express their support to Ukraine and its people, in particular its artists, journalists and professionals of culture, and the Ukrainian media. Through this declaration the ministers also expressed their great concern about the threats and serious damage to Ukraine’s rich heritage of museums, monuments and cities.

Declaration of the European ministers responsible for culture and media on the situation in Ukraine

The informal meeting also provided the opportunity to reaffirm the ambition shared by all the EU Member States to take action at European level to reinforce European policies to support the future of the media and diversity of online cultural content, on one hand, and to promote heritage, on the other.

On the first day, the ministers and Commissioners were therefore able to discuss their vision for the future of the media in Europe and the means of enhancing cultural diversity online. On the second day, they addressed the new policy challenges for protecting and promoting cultural heritage.
The future of the media and strengthening cultural diversity

The digital revolution has changed citizens’ relationship to information and access to cultural content, creating opportunities in terms of the content available but also posing economic, social and political challenges.

Addressing these considerations during an initial working session, the ministers exchanged views on the future of the media, as well as how to strengthen cultural diversity.

They discussed the role that the Member States and the European Union can play in strengthening the economic model of the media, keeping in mind the goals of media pluralism and independence. They agreed on the importance of restoring public trust in the media through various actions, such as increasing media ownership transparency and promoting media literacy.

In light of the hyperabundance of cultural content available online today, the ministers discussed ways to boost the discoverability of European cultural content, in terms of their availability online and how easily they can be found. These measures will contribute to strengthening European cultural diversity online.
New European challenges concerning policies for protecting and promoting heritage

During the second working session, the ministers turned their focus to heritage issues, from two angles: the fight at European level against the illicit trafficking of cultural goods, and issues related to promoting heritage.

The ministers agreed on the need for more effective concrete means, at European level, to better combat the illicit trafficking of cultural goods, in particular through the interoperability and pooling of technical resources, creating a criminal justice component to effectively combat organised crime, and enhancing cooperation between all parties involved, including museums, the art market and public authorities.

The ministers also addressed the issues linked to highlighting the value of European heritage, especially thanks to digital technology. This issue must be based on quality digitalisation offering a rich variety of content that is accessible to all. They agreed on the importance of creating a shared space for cultural heritage data, based on the digital library Europeana.

They also had the opportunity to discuss ways to enhance the European Heritage Label, whose purpose is to contribute to strengthening citizens’ sense of belonging to the European Union and awareness of their shared history, heritage and values.

During this working session, the ministers affirmed their commitment to safeguarding Ukrainian cultural heritage, in collaboration with international organisations.

Κυριακή 6 Μαρτίου 2022

French Presidency of the Council of the EU,update


06/03/2022 11:00 | Article

Informal Meeting of Ministers in charge of Telecommunications

On 8 and 9 March 2022, as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, EU Ministers in charge of digital affairs and electronic communications will convene in Paris and Nevers for an informal meeting also attended by European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton. In light of recent geopolitical developments, the French Presidency has decided to devote the meeting to the resilience of communications infrastructure and networks in Europe and the security of European cyberspace.

On 8 and 9 March 2022, as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, EU Ministers in charge of digital affairs and electronic communications will convene in Paris and Nevers for an informal meeting also attended by European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton. In light of recent geopolitical developments, the French Presidency has decided to devote the meeting to the resilience of communications infrastructure and networks in Europe and the security of European cyberspace.

The European Union has always remained vigilant against cyber risks. Since the European Commission published its cybersecurity roadmap in 2017, cybersecurity has become even more of a priority issue: the launch of the CyCLONe network in 2020 has ushered in increased cooperation between Member States; the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has been given a stronger mandate; and a European Cybersecurity Skills Framework has been adopted.

In December 2021, thanks to the progress acheived during the Slovenian Presidency, the Ministers in charge of digital affairs and electronic communications established a common position on the revision of the NIS2 Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the EU. Under the French Presidency, Ministers are continuing to work towards an agreement on the directive with the European Parliament. This informal meeting of Ministers will be an opportunity to advance discussions and make further progress on cybersecurity issues.
Welcome lunch | Combatting online disinformation

On 8 March, EU Ministers will attend an informal lunch alongside Jean-Yvles Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, at the Ministry for the Economy, Finance and the Recovery in Paris. Representatives from big tech companies will also be in attendance for a discussion on combatting online disinformation and information manipulation.
Informal working meeting | Strengthening the resilience of electronic communications infrastructure and networks in Europe

After travelling to Nevers, the Ministers will convene at Nevers town hall for their first working meeting, which will focus on the resilience of the infrastructure vital to Europe’s electronic communications networks (terrestrial infrastructure, undersea cables, etc.). Joined by Juhan Lepassaar, Executive Director of ENISA, and Annemarie Sipkes, Chair of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), the Ministers will discuss Europe’s electronic communications infrastructure networks.
Political plenary | Protecting European cyberspace

On 9 March, the political plenary, to be held at the Magny-Cours Motor-Racing Circuit, will be dedicated to European cyberspace. Ministers will discuss the security of information systems and baseline cybersecurity requirements for Europe. They will consider the structure of a resilient and effective European cyber ecosystem and examine European cooperation mechanisms, with input from Juhan Lepassaar, Executive Director of ENISA, and Guillaume Poupard, Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI). Discussions will also be held on the Cyber Resilience Act, a legislative initiative announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in her State of the Union address in September 2021.

The meeting will conclude after a working lunch and press conference.

06/03/2022 10:00 | Article

The Informal Meeting of Development Ministers of the European Union

The Informal Meeting of Development Ministers of the European Union will take place in Montpellier, at the Musée Fabre, on 7 March 2022.

The Informal Meeting of Development Ministers of the European Union will take place in Montpellier, at the Musée Fabre, on 7 March 2022.

This meeting will offer the opportunity to take stock of the actions implemented by the European Union and by its Member States, as Team Europe, to provide backing to Ukraine, both as part of emergency measures, and as part of the scheduling of our new EU Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument. This meeting will also enable an update on the action of the two main development banks that operate in Ukraine: the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Lastly, still on Ukraine, this meeting will allow us to take stock of the humanitarian aid sent to the Ukrainian border following the activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, as well as of the aid for the reception of numerous refugees in the neighbouring countries.

This meeting will also provide ministers with some time for in-depth exchange on European development policy, in an international context marked by geopolitical tensions and power games between different development models, the persistence of major global inequalities and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has hampered the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The informal nature of this meeting will allow more open exchanges on the new working method of the EU and on its position as the world’s leading donor of official development aid.

Beyond this, the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union intends to highlight themes that are essential to this core policy in the affirmation of the European Union and its values in the global arena:
The geopolitical dimension of European international cooperation and development policy

Discussions will focus on Europe’s offer of partnerships for sustainable development, in particular in the wake of the EU-AU Summit and the Forum for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, for the purpose of further developing strategic orientations, instruments and the implementation of the EU’s international cooperation and development policy. It will also be an opportune moment to examine the role and the status of the EU in international organizations.
Biodiversity preservation in development policies and support for research on sustainable food systems

Key issue in order to reach the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, it would be appropriate during the working lunch to discuss in particular the fight against climate change, the prevention of pandemics, access to water and the development of sustainable food systems, during the working lunch.

The former president of Niger, Mr Mahamadou Issoufou, will be invited to speak as “resource mobilization champion for the Great Green Wall”. This international initiative for the environment and land management launched in 2007 by the African Union in 11 countries of the Sahel region, which France helped to revive in early 2021, provides an example of a large-scale project that contributes to biodiversity protection, to fighting land degradation and to the development of sustainable farming policies. The agro-ecological approach is in fact vital to preserve biodiversity while responding in a sustainable manner to the growing food needs of populations.

World-renowned representatives from the Montpellier scientific ecosystem, will be invited to participate in this exchange to share their experience: French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and the CGIAR global partnership of international organizations focused on food security research.

"ΡΩΜΙΟΣ":Γεώργιος Σουρής

"Σουλούπι, μπόι μικρομεσαίο, ύφος του γόη, ψευτομοιραίο. Λίγο κατσούφης, λίγο γκρινιάρης, λίγο μαγκούφης, λίγο μουρντάρης. Σπαθί αντίληψη, μυαλό ξεφτέρι, κάτι μισόμαθε κι όλα τα ξέρει. Κι από προσπάππου κι από παππού συγχρόνως μπούφος και αλεπού!!!

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Statement by the Prime Minister on Christmas

Statement by the Prime Minister on Christmas
December 24, 2024 Ottawa, Ontario: The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Christmas: “Merry Christmas, everyone! This is such a special time of year. A time to gather with loved ones, to celebrate the spirit of the season, and to give thanks for all that is good in the world. “For Christians, it’s a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and think about his story of kindness, forgiveness, and faith. The lessons of his life are universal, and they inspire and comfort people every time they’re told – and retold. “For you, the holidays may be a time of big family gatherings and feasts, of gifts and celebrations. But maybe it’s a very hard time. If you’re grieving, worried, or alone, this can be the toughest time of the year. It can be the loneliest. So let’s all check in on the people in our lives who have not had an easy time this year, and who may need us more than we know. “As we reflect on the past year and look to the future, let us continue to show love and kindness – to ourselves and to those in need. Let us also take a moment to thank those who give so much of themselves to make Canada the place we are proud to call home, including the brave members of our Canadian Armed Forces, the dedicated first responders and essential workers, and the countless volunteers. Thank you, to all of you. “I wish joy to everyone who is celebrating today, and comfort to those who are suffering. Wherever you are, I hope you find light and hope for the year ahead. Merry Christmas.”

Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau:“Happy New Year, Canada!”

Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau:“Happy New Year, Canada!”
Statement by the Prime Minister to mark the New Year December 31, 2024 Ottawa, Ontario The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement to mark the New Year: “Tonight, Canadians across the country and around the world will gather with family and friends to ring in the New Year. This is an opportunity to reflect on the past year and to look to the future with renewed hope and optimism. “In 2024, Canadians did what Canadians do best. We stuck together, supported one another, and got through good times and bad times alongside each other. And the Government of Canada took action to make life better for Canadians and deliver fairness for every generation. “Through our Housing Accelerator Fund, we’re fast-tracking 750,000 new homes over the next decade, and we’re taking action to keep housing affordable. We’re protecting renters from unfair rent prices and making rent payments count toward their credit score. We’re also identifying public land across the country where new homes can be built. “This fall, we announced that we are putting more money in your pocket with a two-month GST/HST tax break. This is a tax break for all Canadians, so you can save on essentials like groceries, snacks, and kids’ clothing. With more money in your pocket, you can buy the things you need and save for the things you want. “As we look to a new year and the work ahead, strengthening the middle class will continue to be our priority. Over the past year, we increased the Canada Child Benefit and began rolling out the Canadian Dental Care Plan, which has already helped more than 1.2 million Canadians visit the dentist. We’re also moving forward with pharmacare, which will make contraceptives as well as diabetes medications, like insulin, completely free. “As we count down to midnight tonight, I invite Canadians to join me in celebrating all that we have achieved together in 2024 and in looking toward a better and fairer future in the new year. “Happy New Year, Canada!”

Wishing you a joyful holiday season from USAGov

Wishing you a joyful holiday season from USAGov
Wishing you a joyful holiday season from USAGov


"Φίλες, φίλοι, Εύχομαι η νέα χρονιά να χαρίσει σε εσάς και τις οικογένειές σας υγεία, χαμόγελα και δύναμη για να κάνετε τα όνειρά σας πραγματικότητα! Χρόνια Πολλά και Ευτυχισμένο το 2025! Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκης "

Dear AHEPA Family & Friends, Happy New Year!

Dear AHEPA Family & Friends, Happy New Year!
Dear AHEPA Family & Friends, Happy New Year! In this new year, we must make sure to continue the good work we have been doing in our community. Stay focused on the fulfillment of our entire mission - the advancement of the Hellenic ideals of Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence - and continue to help our Order grow. Reach out to your community members to bring new individuals who can lend their talents, resources, and passion to help fulfill our mission and promote our heritage. It is our duty as AHEPA members to spread the word of the good work we do. We must make sure to give others the opportunity to contribute! On behalf of the Supreme Lodge and entire AHEPA family, best wishes to you and your family for a joyous, prosperous, safe and healthy New Year! Let's make 2025 a storied year in AHEPA History! Fraternally, Savas C. Tsivicos Supreme President

U.S. Census Bureau: Happy New Year!

U.S. Census Bureau: Happy New Year!
U.S. Census Bureau: Happy New Year!


Ευχές Προέδρου και Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου ΕΒΕΑ

ΑΑΔΕ Θερμές Γιορτινές Ευχές!!



ALUMIL Θερμές Γιορτινές Ευχές

ALUMIL Θερμές Γιορτινές Ευχές
"Χρόνια πολλά & Ευτυχισμένο το 2025! Στέλνουμε τις θερμότερες ευχές μας για υγεία, αγάπη και ευημερία σε εσάς και τα αγαπημένα σας πρόσωπα! 🎄"

hellasjournal Oλόθερμες απο καρδιάς Ευχές

hellasjournal Oλόθερμες απο καρδιάς Ευχές
Χιλιάδες ευχές για Υγεία, Χαρά και Ευτυχία από την Hellas Journal στις αναγνώστριες και στους αναγνώστες μας, σε όλο τον Ελληνισμό

Season's Greetings from The Order of AHEPA!

Season's Greetings from The Order of AHEPA!
Dear AHEPA Family & Friends, Season's Greetings! On behalf of the AHEPA Supreme Lodge and the AHEPA family, I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year! May peace and joy be yours at this Holiday Season and throughout the whole of 2025! We are grateful for your continued support of the AHEPA mission and of our worthy programs. During this Season of Giving, please remember to keep that mission in mind with a tax-deductible gift to one of AHEPA's charitable giving entities. We appreciate deeply the tremendous outpouring we received from our appeals this season, most recently our successful fundraiser for the AHEPA Journey to Greece Program in which you have helped us get close to reaching our goal of raising $1 million in order to establish the AHEPA Journey to Greece Endowment Fund. As always, if you're looking for a last-minute gift, please consider the gift of AHEPA membership. Give the gift of being a part of a storied American Hellenic institution with a proud legacy. Please help us to sustain our heritage, good works and programs that lend to the fulfillment of our Order's worthy mission and to the betterment of the community. Visit ahepa.org for more information. Thank you! Fraternally, Savas C. Tsivicos

ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ,τ.Υφ.Αν.,Βουλευτού Αν.Αττικής Ν.Δ.:ΕΥΧΕΣ

ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ,τ.Υφ.Αν.,Βουλευτού Αν.Αττικής Ν.Δ.:ΕΥΧΕΣ
ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ,τ.Υφ.Αν.,Βουλευτού Αν.Αττικής Ν.Δ.:ΕΥΧΕΣ

κ. ΝΤΟΡΑΣ ΜΠΑΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ,Βουλευτού Χανίων Ν.Δ. ολόθερμες Ευχές

κ. ΝΤΟΡΑΣ ΜΠΑΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ,Βουλευτού Χανίων Ν.Δ. ολόθερμες Ευχές
κ. ΝΤΟΡΑΣ ΜΠΑΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ,Βουλευτού Χανίων Ν.Δ. ολόθερμες Ευχές

Ευχές από το Γραφείο Τύπου της Νέας Δημοκρατίας

Ευχές από το Γραφείο Τύπου της Νέας Δημοκρατίας
Ο Διευθυντής και οι εργαζόμενοι στο Γραφείο Τύπου της Νέας Δημοκρατίας, σας εύχονται καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένο το 2025! Χάρης Χατζηχαραλάμπους, Διευθυντής Γραφείου Τύπου "ΝΕΑ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ" - Πειραιώς 62, 18346 Μοσχάτο 210 9444551 - chatzicha@nd.gr

Κέντρον Ερεύνης της Ελληνικής Λαογραφίας της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών:Xριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές

Κέντρον Ερεύνης της Ελληνικής Λαογραφίας  της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών:Xριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές
Ο διευθύνων το Κέντρον Ερεύνης της Ελληνικής Λαογραφίας της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών κ. Ευάγγελος Καραμανές, το ερευνητικό και διοικητικό προσωπικό του Κέντρου σας εύχονται καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένο το νέον έτος 2025!




Ο Πρόεδρος του Επαγγελματικού Επιμελητηρίου Αθηνών κ. Γιάννης Χατζηθεοδοσίου και τα μέλη της Διοίκησης σάς στέλνουν θερμές ευχές για Χριστούγεννα γεμάτα χαρά, ελπίδα και όμορφες στιγμές κοντά στους αγαπημένους σας!


ΚΑΙ το 2025 θα συνεχίσουμε να αγωνιζόμαστε ακηδεμόνευτοι μέχρι να πάρουμε τη ζωή μας πίσω! Το ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΞΙΟΥΧΩΝ εύχεται σε όλους και όλες, γιά σας και τις οικογένειές σας: ΚΑΛΗ, ΕΥΤΥΧΙΣΜΕΝΗ και ΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ! ΚΑΙ ΒΕΒΑΙΑ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ γιά όλο τον κόσμο!


ΕΛΛΗΝΟΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟ & ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΟ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤΗΡΙΟ:Θερμές Ευχές (Δρ. Μηχ. Αθανάσιος Κελέμης Γενικός Διευθυντής Μέλος Δ.Σ. FacebookLinkedIn Dr.-Ing. Athanassios Kelemis Geschäftsführendes Vorstandsmitglied)

Ευχές Προέδρου ΕΒΕΑ

Ευχές Προέδρου ΕΒΕΑ
Ευχές Προέδρου ΕΒΕΑ

Eορταστικές ευχές Δημάρχου Μαρκοπούλου Μεσογαίας Κωνσταντίνου Δ. Αλλαγιάννη.

Eορταστικές ευχές Δημάρχου Μαρκοπούλου Μεσογαίας Κωνσταντίνου Δ. Αλλαγιάννη.
Eορταστικές ευχές Δημάρχου Μαρκοπούλου Μεσογαίας Κωνσταντίνου Δ. Αλλαγιάννη.





"ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΑΡΧΗ ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑΣ":Θερμές Χριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές

"ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΑΡΧΗ ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑΣ":Θερμές Χριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές
"ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΑΡΧΗ ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑΣ":Θερμές Χριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές

After Constantine Journal : Wishes for blessed holidays!

After Constantine Journal :    Wishes for blessed holidays!
After Constantine Journal : Wishes for blessed holidays!


AΡΧΗ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ:Θερμές ευχές για χαρούμενες γιορτές και μια καινούργια χρονιά γεμάτη υγεία, ασφάλεια και δημιουργία!

Παρατηρητήριο Καινοτόμου Επιχειρηματικότητας Περιφέρειας Κρήτης: Θερμές Ευχές

Παρατηρητήριο Καινοτόμου Επιχειρηματικότητας Περιφέρειας Κρήτης: Θερμές Ευχές
"Το Παρατηρητήριο Καινοτόμου Επιχειρηματικότητας Περιφέρειας Κρήτης σας εύχεται Καλά Χριστούγεννα & Καλή Χρονιά"

Portuguese Shoes:Merry Christmas!

Portuguese Shoes:Merry Christmas!
Portuguese Shoes:Happy Holidays! We wish to all our partners and clients a Merry Christmas and a Wonderfull New Year.

Bata Shoe Museum:"Happy Holidays from the BSM!"

Bata Shoe Museum:"Happy Holidays from the BSM!"
Bata Shoe Museum:"Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season this year!"

"ΕΝΩΣΗ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ" Θερμές Χριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές

"ΕΝΩΣΗ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ" Θερμές Χριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές
Χριστούγεννα 2024: Ο πρόεδρος, το διοικητικό συμβούλιο, τα μέλη και οι εργαζόμενοι του Αγροτικού Συνεταιρισμού ΕΝΩΣΗ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ, σας ευχόμαστε χρόνια πολλά, με υγεία, αισιοδοξία, εργασιακή και οικογενειακή γαλήνη.

EUROPEAN YOUTH PRESS: Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to All!

EUROPEAN YOUTH PRESS: Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to All!
EUROPEAN YOUTH PRESS:Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to All!



Χριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές από τον Πιερικό Οργανισμό Τουριστικής Ανάπτυξης και Προβολής

Χριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές από τον Πιερικό Οργανισμό Τουριστικής Ανάπτυξης και Προβολής
Χριστουγεννιάτικες Ευχές από τον Πιερικό Οργανισμό Τουριστικής Ανάπτυξης και Προβολής


Η διοίκηση και τα στελέχη της ILF consulting και του Agora World Business Center, σας εύχονται Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Καλές Γιορτές.




Το Προεδρείο, το ΔΣ, η Διεύθυνση, το Γραφείο Τύπου & η Γραμματεία της ΕΞΑΑΑ σας ευχόμαστε ολόψυχα Καλές Γιορτές!

🎄 Καλές Γιορτές από την ομάδα της Crowdpolicy

🎄 Καλές Γιορτές από την ομάδα της Crowdpolicy
🎄 Καλές Γιορτές από την ομάδα της Crowdpolicy



GEORGE TATAKIS best wishes

GEORGE TATAKIS best wishes
SEASON'S GREETINGS MARI, let's celebrate together! As the year draws to a close, I want to thank you, MARI, for being a part of my creative journey. Your support means the world to me, and it’s what keeps the spirit of art and storytelling alive. This Christmas, may your days be filled with warmth, joy, and the company of loved ones. Let's cherish the beauty around us, the traditions that unite us, and the stories we create along the way. Let’s end the year on a high note together and look forward to new creative adventures in 2025. Warm regards, George Tatakis


Το Δ.Σ. του ΚΙΝΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΣΥΝΤΑΞΙΟΥΧΩΝ εύχεται στα μέλη και στους φίλους του ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ και ΚΑΛΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ...Και ΕΛΠΙΖΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΚΑΤΑΛΑΒΑΙΝΟΥΜΕ ΟΛΟΙ ότι δεν είναι απαραίτητο - τέτοιες μέρες - να σφάζονται οι λαοί για χάρη των πολεμικών βιομηχανιών και κάποιων ηγετών (ισχυρών ή αχυρανθρώπων) που το φετίχ τους είναι ο πόλεμος...

"σχεδία" Θερμές Ευχές

"σχεδία" Θερμές Ευχές
Η ομάδα της "σχεδίας" σας εύχεται Καλές Γιορτές με Υγεία και Αγάπη!




"Καλά Χριστούγεννα & Ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος 2025!"

Ευχές για Καλή Χρονιά από την ArtsPR και το Diastixo.gr

Ευχές για Καλή Χρονιά από την ArtsPR και το Diastixo.gr
Ευχές για Καλή Χρονιά από την ArtsPR και το Diastixo.gr






Toπικό Μέσο Μαζικής ενημέρωσης ("θυγατρικό" της "ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ"),ΜΙΑ ΚΡΑΥΓΗ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ 170.000 Ελλήνων Πολιτών. Είκοσι ολόκληρα χρόνια ζωής (2000-2021) και αγώνων στην καταγραφή και υπεράσπιση της Αλήθειας για τον πολύπαθο τόπο των Αχαρνών.



Βιογραφικό του Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη Ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης γεννήθηκε το 1968 στην Αθήνα. Αφού αποφοίτησε αριστούχος από το Κολλέγιο Αθηνών συνέχισε τις σπουδές του στην Αμερική. Σπούδασε κοινωνικές επιστήμες στο Harvard από όπου αποφοίτησε με την ανώτατη τιμητική διάκριση «summa cum laude» ενώ τιμήθηκε με τα έπαθλα «Hoopes» και «Tocqueville» για την εκπόνηση της διατριβής του με θέμα την αμερικανική εξωτερική πολιτική απέναντι στην Ελλάδα. Συνέχισε τις σπουδές του στο Stanford, στον τομέα των διεθνών οικονομικών σχέσεων και τις ολοκλήρωσε στο Harvard Business School στον τομέα της διοίκησης επιχειρήσεων. Πριν ασχοληθεί με την πολιτική, εργάστηκε επί μία δεκαετία στον ιδιωτικό τομέα στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό. Διετέλεσε οικονομικός αναλυτής στην Chase Investment Bank και σύμβουλος στην κορυφαία εταιρία συμβούλων McKinsey and Company στο Λονδίνο. Μετά την επιστροφή του στην Ελλάδα, εργάστηκε ως ανώτατο στέλεχος επενδύσεων στην Alpha Ventures της Alpha Bank και στη συνέχεια μετακινήθηκε στον Όμιλο της Εθνικής Τράπεζας της Ελλάδας. Διατέλεσε για τρία χρόνια Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Εθνικής Επιχειρηματικών Συμμετοχών, την οποία και ανέδειξε σε κορυφαία εταιρεία στην Ελληνική και Βαλκανική αγορά του private equity και του venture capital. Η Εθνική Επιχειρηματικών Συμμετοχών χρηματοδότησε πολλές γρήγορα αναπτυσσόμενες επιχειρήσεις με ίδια κεφάλαια, δημιουργώντας εκατοντάδες θέσεις απασχόλησης. Για την επαγγελματική του δραστηριότητα έχει λάβει τιμητικές διακρίσεις, με σημαντικότερη την βράβευσή του το 2003 από το World Economic Forum ως “Global Leader for Tomorrow”. Στις εκλογές του 2004 και του 2007 εξελέγη πρώτος σε σταυρούς προτίμησης βουλευτής με τη Νέα Δημοκρατία στη μεγαλύτερη εκλογική περιφέρεια της χώρας, τη Β΄ Αθηνών, ενώ στις εκλογές του 2009 εξελέγη για τρίτη φορά. Στις εκλογές του Μαΐου 2012 εξελέγη για μία ακόμη φορά πρώτος στη Β’ Αθηνών, ενώ ήταν επικεφαλής του ψηφοδελτίου στις εκλογές του Ιουνίου 2012. Στη Βουλή των Ελλήνων έχει συμμετάσχει στην Επιτροπή Αναθεώρησης του Συντάγματος και στις Επιτροπές Οικονομικών, Παραγωγής και Εμπορίου, Ευρωπαϊκών Υποθέσεων και Εξωτερικών και Άμυνας ενώ διετέλεσε για δύο χρόνια Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Περιβάλλοντος. Έως τις εκλογές του 2012 ήταν Τομεάρχης Περιβαλλοντικής Πολιτικής της Νέας Δημοκρατίας. Έχει επισκεφθεί πολλές περιβαλλοντικά ευαίσθητες περιοχές της χώρας, έχει συμμετάσχει σε δεκάδες συνέδρια για το περιβάλλον στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό μεταξύ αυτών στις διεθνείς διασκέψεις του ΟΗΕ για την κλιματική αλλαγή στο Μπαλί, το Πόζναν, το Κανκούν και την Κοπεγχάγη. Διετέλεσε Υπουργός Διοικητικής Μεταρρύθμισης και Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης από τις 25 Ιουνίου 2013 μέχρι τις 27 Ιανουαρίου 2015. Στις εθνικές εκλογές της 25ης Ιανουαρίου 2015 εξελέγη για πέμπτη φορά βουλευτής της ΝΔ στη Β’ Αθηνών τετραπλασιάζοντας τους σταυρούς που έλαβε σε σχέση με τις εθνικές εκλογές του Μαΐου 2012. Στις 10 Ιανουαρίου 2016 εξελέγη πρόεδρος της Νέας Δημοκρατίας και αρχηγός της Αξιωματικής Αντιπολίτευσης. Στις 7 Ιουλίου 2019 εξελέγη Πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας. Μιλάει Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά και Γερμανικά και έχει εκδώσει το βιβλίο «Οι Συμπληγάδες της Εξωτερικής Πολιτικής». Έχει τρία παιδιά, τη Σοφία, τον Κωνσταντίνο και τη Δάφνη.





"ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ για τον μικρό μας Αγγελο,ΜΑΡΙΟ ΣΟΥΛΟΥΚΟ"

"ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ για τον μικρό μας Αγγελο,ΜΑΡΙΟ ΣΟΥΛΟΥΚΟ"


Ερευνα,Συνεντεύξεις και επισήμανση της σπουδαιότητος του τότε ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΕΝΤΡΟΥ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΑΙΜΑΤΟΣ "ΗΛΙΑΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ" απο το Περιοδικό "ΑΧΑΡΝΕΩΝ Εργα" το έτος 2004!!
Ο Ιστοχώρος μας ΔΕΝ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΝΕΙ τα κείμενα των Αρθρογράφων του. Αυτά δημοσιεύονται εκφράζοντας τους ιδίους.
Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική ή κατά παράφραση ή διασκευή ή απόδοση του περιεχομένου του παρόντος διαδικτυακού τόπου σε ό,τι αφορά τα άρθρα της ΜΑΡΙΑΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΔΑΚΗ ΒΑΒΟΥΡΑΝΑΚΗ και του ΓΙΑΝΝΗ Γ. ΒΑΒΟΥΡΑΝΑΚΗ με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, ηλεκτρονικό, μηχανικό, φωτοτυπικό ή άλλο, χωρίς την προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια των Αρθρογράφων. Νόμος 2121/1993 - Νόμος 3057/2002, ο οποίος ενσωμάτωσε την οδηγία 2001/29 του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.

Tι ήταν η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ»..για όσους δεν γνωρίζουν.

Η «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» γεννήθηκε το 2000,ως συνέχεια του Περιοδικού «ΑΧΑΡΝΕΩΝ Έργα». Δημιουργήθηκε από Επαγγελματίες Εκδότες με δεκαετίες στον τομέα της Διαφήμισης, των Εκδόσεων και των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων και αρχικά ήταν μια Υπερτοπική Εφημερίδα με κύριο αντικείμενο το Αυτοδιοικητικό Ρεπορτάζ.

Επί χρόνια, κυκλοφορούσε την έντυπη έκδοσή της σε ένα ικανότατο τιράζ (5000 καλαίσθητων φύλλων εβδομαδιαίως) και εντυπωσίαζε με την ποιότητα της εμφάνισης και το ουσιώδες, μαχητικό και έντιμο περιεχόμενο της.
Η δύναμη της Πένας της Εφημερίδας, η Ειλικρίνεια, οι Ερευνές της που έφερναν πάντα ουσιαστικό αποτέλεσμα ενημέρωσης, την έφεραν πολύ γρήγορα πρώτη στην προτίμηση των αναγνωστών και γρήγορα εξελίχθηκε σε Εφημερίδα Γνώμης και όχι μόνον για την Περιφέρεια στην οποία κυκλοφορούσε.

=Επι είκοσι τέσσαρα (24) χρόνια, στηρίζει τον Απόδημο Ελληνισμό, χωρίς καμία-ούτε την παραμικρή- διακοπή

. =Επί είκοσι τέσσαρα ολόκληρα χρόνια, προβάλλει με αίσθηση καθήκοντος κάθε ξεχωριστό, έντιμο και υπεύθυνο Πολιτικό της Πολιτικής Σκηνής. Στις σελίδες της, θα βρείτε ακόμα και σήμερα μόνο άξιες και χρήσιμες Πολιτικές Προσωπικότητες αλλά και ενημέρωση από κάθε Κόμμα της Ελληνικής Βουλής. Η «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» ουδέποτε διαχώρησε τους αναγνώστες της ανάλογα με τα πολιτικά τους πιστεύω. Επραττε το καθήκον της, ενημερώνοντας όλους τους Ελληνες, ως όφειλε.

=Επί είκοσι τέσσαρα ολόκληρα χρόνια, δίνει βήμα στους αδέσμευτους, τους επιτυχημένους, τους γνώστες και θιασώτες της Αλήθειας. Στηρίζει τον Θεσμό της Ελληνικής Οικογένειας, την Παιδεία, την Ελληνική Ιστορία, προβάλλει με όλες της τις δυνάμεις τους Αδελφούς μας απανταχού της Γης, ενημερώνει για τα επιτεύγματα της Επιστήμης, της Επιχειρηματικότητας και πολλά άλλα που πολύ καλά γνωρίζουν οι Αναγνώστες της.

=Επί είκοσι τέσσαρα ολόκληρα χρόνια, ο απλός δημότης–πολίτης, φιλοξενείται στις σελίδες της με μόνη προϋπόθεση την ειλικρινή και αντικειμενική γραφή και την ελεύθερη Γνώμη, η οποία ΟΥΔΕΠΟΤΕ λογοκρίθηκε.

Η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ», είναι ένα βήμα Ισονομίας και Ισοπολιτείας, έννοιες απόλυτα επιθυμητές, ιδιαιτέρως στις ημέρες μας. Είναι ο δικτυακός τόπος της έκφρασης του πολίτη και της εποικοδομητικής κριτικής, μακριά από κάθε στήριξη αφού δεν ετύγχανε οικονομικής υποστήριξης από Δήμους, Κυβερνήσεις ή όποιους άλλους Δημόσιους ή Ιδιωτικούς Φορείς, δεν είχε ΠΟΤΕ χορηγούς, ή οποιασδήποτε μορφής υποστηρικτές. Απολαμβάνει όμως Διεθνούς σεβασμού αφού φιλοξενεί ενημέρωση από αρκετά ξένα Κράτη πράγμα που της περιποιεί βεβαίως, μέγιστη τιμή.

Η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» διαγράφει απο την γέννησή της μια αξιοζήλευτη πορεία και απέκτησε εξ αιτίας αυτού,ΜΕΓΙΣΤΗ αναγνωσιμότητα. Η Εφημερίδα «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» κέρδισε την αποδοχή και τον σεβασμό που της ανήκει, με «εξετάσεις» εικοσι τεσσάρων ολόκληρων ετών, με συνεχείς αιματηρούς αγώνες κατά της τοπικής διαπλοκής, με αγώνα επιβίωσης σε πολύ δύσκολους καιρούς, με Εντιμότητα, αίσθηση Καθήκοντος και Ευθύνης.