"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"
"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

Διαβάζετε ένα ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ ΑΞΙΟΠΙΣΤΟ και ΧΩΡΙΣ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ οικονομική στήριξη (αυτοδιοικητική, χορηγική, δημοσία ή άλλη ) ηλικίας 24 ετών Μέσο Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης, με αξιοσημείωτη ΔΙΕΘΝΗ αναγνώριση και ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ ΥΨΗΛΗ ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑ.
Είκοσι τέσσαρα (24) ολόκληρα χρόνια δημοσιογραφίας, ΟΥΤΕ ΜΙΑ ΔΙΑΨΕΥΣΙΣ!!
Contact: politikimx@gmail.com v.ch.maria@gmail.com



71316 (Απρίλιος 2024)
76741 (Μάϊος 2024)
66828 (Iούνιος 2024)
80104 (Iούλιος 2024)

79553 (Aύγουστος 2024)
71739 (Σεπτέμβριος 2024)

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

ΠΡΟΣΦΑΤΑ ΑΡΘΡΑ, ΓΝΩΜΕΣ U.S. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION,update..-ΠΡΟΚΗΡΥΞΗ ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΥ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΥ ΔΙΗΓΗΜΑΤΟΣ 2024 – 2025..- 33Η ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ ΗΜΕΡΑ ΚΑΡΙΕΡΑΣ ΔΥΠΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΘΗΝΑ ..-ΟΠΕΚΑ,επίδομα παιδιού:οδηγίες για την συμπλήρωση της αίτησης..- NOMOI KAI NOMOΣΧΕΔΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΒΟΥΛΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ..- ΕΠΙΚΟΥΡΙΚΩΝ ΣΥΝΤΑΞΕΩΝ επίσπευσις εκδόσεως..-Ημερομηνίες πληρωμής των συντάξεων μηνός Νοεμβρίου 2024..-ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟΥ ΑΓΡΟΤΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ πρόσφατη ενημέρωση..-ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ ΔΕΝΔΙΑ, ΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΜΥΝΗΣ Συνέντευξις.. ..-ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟΥ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΣ πρόσφατη δραστηριότητα..-ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟΥ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ πρόσφατη χρήσιμη ενημέρωση..-ΑΑΔΕ πρόσφατη χρήσιμη ενημέρωση..-Σε ΦΕΚ ο νόμος 5144/2024 με το νέο Κώδικα Φόρου Προστιθέμενης Αξίας (ΦΠΑ)..-ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟΥ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ πρόσφατες ειδήσεις..-ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ ΜΗΤΣΟΤΑΚΗ,ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ πρόσφατη δραστηριότητα..-ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ.-ΚΙΝ.ΑΛ.: ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ...-Συνάντηση Μάνου Κόνσολα με τον Υπουργό Ανάπτυξης κ. Θεοδωρικάκο .....-ΠΙΕΡΙΚΟΣ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ ΠΡΟΒΟΛΗΣ:"Ο Π.Ο.Τ.Α.Π. ιχνηλατώντας προβάλλει την Πιερία.."..-Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau,..-WTC Health Program eNews ..-New EEA report — Europe's state of water 2024: the need for improved water resilience..-EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Finance news hub..-ΔΗΛΩΣΗ ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΥ ΓΣΕΕ ΜΕΤΑ ΤΗ ΣΥΝΑΝΤΗΣΗ ΣΥΝΟΜΟΣΠΟΝΔΙΑΣ ΜΕ ΗΓΕΣΙΑ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟΥ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ..-ENYΠΕΚΚ ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ενημέρωση..-IGCAT,update..-European Economic and Social Committee (EESC),update..-APEC update..-EΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΩΝ..-KREMLIN'sWeekly information newsletter ..-EUROPEAN BANK's update..- EUROPEAN COMMISSION,AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT,UPDATE..-EUROPEAN JOURNALISM CENTRE,update..-DIASPORA-GRECQUE.COM :Επίσκεψη Δημάρχου Λεμεσού και αντιπροσωπείας του Δήμου στη Μασσαλία..-GAIN reports.....-ΕΕΑ:"Βραβεία Ε.Ε.Α.: Μία λαμπρή βραδιά.."..-eskyparissias Proodos:Η ώρα είναι τώρα: Διεκδικούμε το Αυτονόητο για τον Αυτοκινητόδρομο Πύργος - Καλό Νερό - Τσακώνα!..-Ε.Β.Ε.Α. πρόσφατη επιχειρηματική ενημέρωση..-National Institutes of Health (NIH),update..-Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System..-AHEPA Educational Foundation Announces 2024 Scholarship Winners..-"ΕΝΩΣΗ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ" Υπεύθυνη έγκρη Αγροτική Ενημέρωση..-NASA's Earth Observatory,update..-Ε.Ε.Φα.Μ. Newsletter..- Ρύθμιση χρεών προς τους ΟΤΑ σε 60 δόσεις....-ΑΠΟΝΟΜΗ ΣΤΕΦΑΝΩΝ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΔΗΜΟ ΜΑΡΑΘΩΝΟΣ ΣΤΟΝ ΜΑΡΑΘΩΝΙΟ ΤΟΥ ΣΙΚΑΓΟΥ..-WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION's latest..-Επεισοδιακή συνέντευξη της Κάμαλα Χάρις στο «εχθρικό» Fox News....-NATO latest..-IMF interesting latest news..-Tο μεταναστευτικό διχάζει την Ευρώπη ....-U.S.A.'s interesting latest news..-Στην τελευταία θέση της ΕΕ εμείς, μαζί με την Πολωνία, στο δείκτη οικονομικής ελευθερίας....-Μπλόκο της Ιταλίας στην παρένθετη μητρότητα..-ASEP NEWSLETTER..-" Η ΑΠΟΔΥΝΑΜΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΓΕΙΤΟΝΙΑΣ, διαχρονικό, σιωπηλό στοχευμένο ΕΓΚΛΗΜΑ":γράφει η Μ.Χ.Β...-33η Εκδήλωση ΗΜΕΡΑ ΚΑΡΙΕΡΑΣ ΔΥΠΑ..-IMF update..-"WORLD FOOTWEAR" interesting latest news..-EUROGROUP,COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,all interesting latest news..-MAΡΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΡΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΑ SOCIAL MEDIA..-"ΗΛΙΟΣ" Πρόγραμμα:ΑΚΥΡΩΣΤΕ ΤΟ Τ Ω Ρ Α !!(Πόσα αλλα Κράτη έχουν ΤΕΤΟΙΟ ΕΓΚΛΗΜΑ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΗΣ ΧΩΡΑΣ ΤΟΥΣ;;;)..-"Εϊ εσείς ΚΑΠΟΙΟΙ!! Για ποιό ακριβώς έργο...επαίρεστε;;":γράφει η Μ.Χ.Β..-"ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ" Ειδήσεις..-"ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΣ ΤΥΠΟΣ" Ειδήσεις..- ΕΡΕΥΝΑ "ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024":Μέσα στο μέλλον της κατασκευής υποδημάτων..-ΔΙΕΥΚΡΙΝΙΣΙΣ ΕΚΔΟΤΩΝ περί της εβδομαδιαίας πλέον ενημέρωσης....-“ΤΟ ΨΕΜΑ,ΕΧΕΙ “ΚΟΝΤΑ” ΠΟΔΙΑ”:γράφει ο Γιάννης Γ.Βαβουρανάκης..-ΕΡΕΥΝΑ "ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024":METAΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΗ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΑ μια ενδιαφέρουσα πηγή αληθινής πληροφόρησης.....-Naveed Anwar, PhD:"The Future of Footwear: Innovations Shaping Tomorrow"..-H MAΡΙΑ ΣΤΑ SOCIAL MEDIA....-Michelle Obama :Join us this International Day of the Girl..-Leonidas Koumakis:"Ηχηρή παρέμβαση στον ΟΑΣΕ για Πατριαρχείο και Ελληνική μειονότητα"..-COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,update..-Ε.Ε.Φα.Μ ενημέρωση..-Διαμαρτυρία του Νεστορίου για τη διάνοιξη δρόμου στην αλπική ζώνη του Γράμμου..-"ENΩΣΗ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ":ΑΓΡΟΤΙΚΗ ΕΝΗΜΈΡΩΣΗ..-Solutions Journalism Accelerator: a closer look at our Ambassadors' visit..-Drugnet Europe: September 2024..-Γ. Χατζηθεοδοσίου στο OPEN: Μεγάλο ζήτημα το ενεργειακό κόστος – Να στηριχθούν οι επιχειρήσεις..-Enrique Mendizabal :think tank..-GAIN reports ..-ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ:πρόσφατα, ενδιαφέροντα Νέα.....-NIH Health Information:Menopause | ADHD | Childhood Obesity | Hearing Protectors | Wellness Toolkits..-Δήμος Μαλεβιζίου: Ιδιοκτήτης απορριματοφόρων πίσω απο τον εμπρησμό – Έχασε τη δουλειά!..-Σωρηδόν οι παραιτήσεις σε Δήμο της Αττικής – Το κατηγορώ των αντιδημάρχων..-U.S. National Science Foundation Update..-COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,update ..-BATA SHOE MUSEUM,update..-APEC latest..-[NORWAY's update..-AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT by EUROPEAN COMMISSION....-U.S.A.'s interesting latest news..-© Portuguese Shoes newsletter..-IMF update..-All news on the elysee.fr..-"ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ" Ειδήσεις..-EUROPEAN BANK's update..-EUROPEAN JOURNALISM CENTRE,update..-NASA's Earth Observatory,update..-ΕΝΥΠΕΚΚ-ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ:Ενημερώσεις της ΕΝΥΠΕΚΚ - 10/09/2024..-id.gov.gr:Σε λειτουργία η νέα πλατφόρμα για τον προγραμματισμό ραντεβού για το νέο τύπο Δελτίου Ταυτότητας..-Υπερψηφίστηκε το νομοσχέδιο του Υπουργείου Ψηφιακής Διακυβέρνησης για το Κτηματολόγιο..-Ψηφιακή μεταβίβαση ΙΧ επιβατικού και δικύκλου οχήματος μέσω Κ.Ε.Π...-ΣτΕ: Δεν πρέπει να αποζημιωθούν από το Δημόσιο οι ιδιοκτήτες ακινήτων για τις μειώσεις των ενοικίων που έγιναν κατά την πανδημία..-World Footwear:"Spain Retail: the future looks brighter for retail"..-WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION, update..-ΣΕΒ newsletter ..-AHEPA E-News..- --




Μια μικρή, δική σου κίνηση, φέρνει μία μεγάλη αλλαγή για όλους μας. Σε ευχαριστούμε, που κλείνεις τη βρύση! Μάθε ακόμα περισσότερα για το πώς μπορείς να εξοικονομήσεις, κάθε μέρα, νερό, έξυπνα και εύκολα, εδώ.


ΜΙΧΑΗΛ ΧΡΥΣΟΧΟΪΔΗΣ,πρόσφατη ενδιαφέρουσα συνέντευξις


Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω πως πολλοί ΔΕΝ γνωρίζουν την αξία της ψήφου.Η ΨΗΦΟΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΦΑΙΡΑ και σκοτώνει οταν ΔΕΝ σκέφτεσαι...Αυτό..

Πέμπτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2024

U.S.A.'s interesting latest news


Consumer Alerts from the Federal Trade Commission

By Jennifer Leach

If you’ve been grocery shopping lately, you might have noticed that the box, can, or bag you usually buy might feel a little lighter. Sure, sometimes brands repackage and freshen their designs — but sometimes everything is exactly as it was. Just maybe a little smaller with less inside.

Read more >

Please join us to learn about business opportunities in Vietnam. This webinar will provide you with in-depth insights on current market opportunities.


  • Vietnam’s Defense Market
    U.S. Embassy - Commercial, and Defense Officers
    • Market Overview and Vietnam International Defense Expo
    • Defense Industry Insight and Opportunities
  • Procurement Process
    Retired Vietnam Army Officer of VAXUCO - Ministry of Defense

  • The U.S. Government Advocacy Center


In 2023, the United States and Vietnam elevated their relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, marking a significant milestone in diplomatic and defense cooperation. This upgrade opens the door to deeper defense collaboration and expanded commercial opportunities for U.S. defense firms seeking to support Vietnam’s defense modernization efforts.

Vietnam's defense budget has shown consistent growth over the past decade, reflecting the country’s commitment to enhancing its military capabilities amid rising regional security concerns. In 2023, Vietnam’s defense budget was an estimated $7 billion, and it is projected to continue growing at 5.6% annually, driven by the need to modernize key military assets and maintain security in the South China Sea.

As Vietnam pivots away from its historic reliance on Russia and pursues a diversification strategy, opportunities for international defense firms are expanding, especially in key fields such Naval and Air Defense, Cybersecurity and Electronic Warfare, Missile Defense, and Artillery.

Prospect Areas Include:

  • UAV and C-UAV
  • Radar
  • Cyber Defense
  • Night Vision

Register now...

Register Now


  • Nov. 4, 2024
    8:00-9:30PM, New York
    5:00-6:30PM, Los Angeles

  • Nov. 5, 2024
    8:00-9:30AM, Hanoi

COST: $25


  • Anh Nguyen
    Commercial Specialist
    U.S. Embassy
    Hanoi, Vietnam

  • Jason Sproule
    A&D Team Leader
    U.S. Commercial Service
    Los Angeles, CA
Here's a quick note on what's coming up as we continue the month of October.

📅 The Week Ahead: 2030 Census Advisory Committee Meeting

The 2030 Census Advisory Committee will meet this Thursday and Friday.

Discussion topics include:
✅ Small-Scale Response Testing
✅ Overview of Administrative Data Acquisition and Applications for 2030 Testing
✅ Local Update of Census Addresses and more

Tune In

📊 Releases This Week

State-to-State Migration Flows

On Thursday, October 17, the Census Bureau will release the latest version of the State-to-State Migration Flows table package. Tables come from the 2023 American Community Survey, 1-Year Estimates. The State-to-State Migration Flows tables will provide estimates of the number of people moving between origin and destination geographies.

Business Dynamics Statistics

On Thursday, October 17, the Census Bureau will publish 2022 data from four experimental Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) products:

📅 Holidays and Observances

Filipino American History Month

October is Filipino American History Month. Get to know three notable Census Bureau alumni: Juan Cailles y Kauppama, Epifanio de los Santos, and Tranquilino B. Aquino.

Learn about their life journeys and lasting impacts.

Learn More

📌 In Case You Missed It

About 577,000 people living in 27 North Carolina counties under a major disaster declaration after Hurricane Helene had high social vulnerability to disasters.

Read about Helene’s impact on the socially vulnerable in North Carolina on America Counts.

Read More

Upcoming Census Academy Webinars

More Webinars

📈 Economic Indicators 

Thursday: Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services

Thursday: Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Sales

Friday: New Residential Construction (Building Permits, Housing Starts, and Housing Completions)

Economic Indicators

About the Census Bureau

We serve as the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. The Census Bureau is the federal government's largest statistical agency. As the world’s premier statistical agency, we are dedicated to making our nation a better place. Policy-makers, businesses, and the public use our data to make informed decisions.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Ahead of World Bank and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to Deliver Remarks on Biden-Harris Administration’s International Economic Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations

Treasury Building Engraving

U.S. Department of the Treasury

Office of Public Affairs


Press Release:             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

October 14, 2024


Contact:                      Treasury Public Affairs; Press@Treasury.gov             

Media Advisory

Ahead of World Bank and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to Deliver Remarks on Biden-Harris Administration’s International Economic Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations

WASHINGTON – On Thursday October 17th, Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen will deliver remarks and participate in a fireside conversation at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York, New York, ahead of the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund the following week.

In her remarks, Secretary Yellen will discuss the Biden-Harris Administration’s international economic policy and how it supports American businesses and workers and benefits America’s national security. She will also discuss the progress the Administration has made over the past three and a half years in strengthening relationships and working multilaterally to bolster the U.S. and global economy and better equip the world to respond to shared challenges, including pandemics, climate change, and security risks.

Following her remarks, Secretary Yellen will participate in a fireside conversation with the CFR President Michael Froman at CFR’s Stephen C. Freidheim Symposium on Global Economics.

Who: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen and Council on Foreign Relations President Michael Froman

What: Remarks and Fireside Conversation at the Council on Foreign Relations.

When: Speaking program to begin at 3:15 PM ET

Where: Council on Foreign Relations, 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065

This event is open to pre-credentialed media. Media interested in attending this event should contact lpotter@cfr.org. A livestream of this event will be available here.


United States and Canada Target Key International Fundraiser for Foreign Terrorist Organization PFLP

U.S. Department of the Treasury

Office of Public Affairs


Press Release:             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

October 15, 2024


Contact:                      Treasury Public Affairs; Press@Treasury.gov             

United States and Canada Target Key International Fundraiser for Foreign Terrorist Organization PFLP

WASHINGTON — Today, in a joint action with Canada, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, or “Samidoun,” a sham charity that serves as an international fundraiser for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization. The PFLP, which was designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the U.S. Department of State in October 1997 and October 2001, respectively, uses Samidoun to maintain fundraising operations in both Europe and North America. Also designated today is Khaled Barakat, a member of the PFLP’s leadership. Together, Samidoun and Barakat play critical roles in external fundraising for the PFLP. Today’s action is being taken pursuant to the counterterrorism authority Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, as amended.

In a coordinated effort, the Government of Canada has listed Samidoun as a terrorist entity under its Criminal Code, effective Friday, Oct. 11. The listing of an entity is a public means of identifying a group or individual as being associated with terrorism. The Criminal Code prohibits certain actions in relation to terrorist groups, including those related to terrorist financing, such as knowingly dealing with any property that belongs to a terrorist.

“Organizations like Samidoun masquerade as charitable actors that claim to provide humanitarian support to those in need, yet in reality divert funds for much-needed assistance to support terrorist groups,” said Acting Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Bradley T. Smith. “The United States, together with Canada and our like-minded partners, will continue to disrupt those who seek to finance the PFLP, Hamas, and other terrorist organizations.”

“Canada remains committed to working with our key partners and allies, like the United States, to counter terrorist organizations and their fundraisers,” remarked the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Canadian Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs. “Today’s joint action with the U.S. sends a strong message that our two nations will not tolerate this type of activity and will do everything in our power to ensure robust measures are in place to address terrorist financing.”

In coordination with Canada, OFAC is targeting a sham fundraiser whose efforts have supported terrorism. When terrorists and terrorist organization abuse the non-profit sector, legitimate organizations have more difficulty securing financial services. This impacts their ability to provide support for basic human needs like food, medicine, and shelter in Gaza and the West Bank. By publicly identifying sham charities, this action reduces the overall risk of the NPO sector and preserves access by legitimate humanitarian organizations to financial services. This action builds on OFAC’s recent action on October 7, 2024, which sought to expose terrorists and terrorist organizations that abuse the non-profit organization sector by raising funds under the guise of charitable work, and was also enabled by key data from Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).


The PFLP is a terrorist group operating in Gaza and the West Bank. It has been a designated FTO since 1997 and is the second largest Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) faction despite boycotting PLO meetings since 2018. PFLP remained committed to terrorist activity through its armed apparatus, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and the group has been active in the Israel-Hamas conflict, to include participating in the horrific attacks against Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023. PFLP has not held any leadership positions in the PLO since 2016.


The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (Samidoun), a front organization based in Vancouver, Canada and established by the PFLP, is involved in fundraising for the PFLP. Samidoun serves as a front for the group in countries where the PFLP is declared a terrorist organization. While the organization ostensibly supports Palestinian prisoners and their family members, in practice Samidoun provides financial support to the sanctioned PFLP. In addition to today’s joint action with Canada, Samidoun was also banned by Germany in a separate November 2023 action.

Khaled Barakat (Barakat) is a Canadian citizen and a member of the PFLP and serves as part of the group’s leadership abroad. His fundraising and recruitment efforts support the PFLP’s terrorist activity against Israel. Barakat has previously publicly acknowledged Samidoun’s affiliation with the PFLP, despite direction from PFLP leadership to maintain the confidential nature of the relationship.

Samidoun is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for being owned, controlled, or directed by, or having acted for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, the PFLP. Barakat is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, the PFLP.


As a result of today’s action, all property and interests in property of the designated persons described above, and of any entities that are owned directly or indirectly, 50 percent or more by them, individually, or with other blocked persons, that are in the United States or in the possession or control of U.S. persons are blocked and must be reported to OFAC. Unless authorized by a general or specific license issued by OFAC, or exempt, OFAC’s regulations generally prohibit all transactions by U.S. persons or within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or otherwise blocked persons.

U.S. persons must comply with OFAC regulations, including all U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens regardless of where they are located, all persons within the United States, and all U.S.-incorporated entities and their foreign branches. Non-U.S. persons are also subject to certain OFAC prohibitions. For example, non-U.S. persons are prohibited from causing or conspiring to cause U.S. persons to wittingly or unwittingly violate U.S. sanctions, as well as engaging in conduct that evades U.S. sanctions. Violations of OFAC regulations may result in civil or criminal penalties.

In addition, non-U.S. financial institutions and other persons that engage in certain transactions or activities with sanctioned entities and individuals may expose themselves to sanctions risk or be subject to an enforcement action. The prohibitions include the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any designated person, or the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services from any such person.

OFAC may impose civil penalties for sanctions violations based on strict liability, meaning that a person subject to U.S. jurisdiction may be held civilly liable even if such person did not know or have reason to know that it was engaging in a transaction that was prohibited under sanctions laws and regulations administered by OFAC. OFAC’s Economic Sanctions Enforcement Guidelines provide more information regarding OFAC’s enforcement of U.S. economic sanctions, including the factors that OFAC generally considers when determining an appropriate response to an apparent violation. For additional information on complying with U.S. sanctions and export control laws, please see Department of Commerce, Department of the Treasury, and Department of Justice Tri-Seal Compliance Note.

Furthermore, engaging in certain transactions with the individuals designated today entails risk of secondary sanctions pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended. Pursuant to this authority, OFAC can prohibit or impose strict conditions on the opening or maintaining in the United States of a correspondent account or a payable-through account of a foreign financial institution that knowingly conducted or facilitated any significant transaction on behalf of a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.

The power and integrity of OFAC sanctions derive not only from OFAC’s ability to designate and add persons to the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) List, but also from its willingness to remove persons from the SDN List consistent with the law. The ultimate goal of sanctions is not to punish, but to bring about a positive change in behavior. For information concerning the process for seeking removal from an OFAC list, including the SDN List, please refer to OFAC’s Frequently Asked Question 897 here. For detailed information on the process to submit a request for removal from an OFAC sanctions list, please click here.

Treasury remains committed to enabling the flow of legitimate humanitarian assistance supporting the basic human needs of vulnerable populations, while continuing to deny resources to malicious actors. Accordingly, OFAC sanctions programs contain provisions for legitimate humanitarian support to vulnerable populations, including authorizations for certain humanitarian transactions in support of nongovernmental organizations’ activities. For more information, please review relevant authorizations and guidance on OFAC’s website.

Click here for more information on the persons designated today.

Additional Treasury resources on countering the financing of terrorism and providing humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people:


Publication of Request for Public Comments on Information Collected by OFAC

Publication of Request for Public Comments on Information Collected by OFAC

The Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Currently, OFAC is soliciting comments concerning its information collection requirements contained within OFAC’s Rough Diamonds Control Regulations.

This notice is currently available for public inspection with the Federal Register and will be published on October 16, 2024.

For more information, please visit the Recent Actions Notice.

Oct. 16, 2024

OMB Memo: Advancing the Responsible Acquisition of Artificial Intelligence in Government

Federal acquisition professionals are encouraged to read Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-24-18: Advancing the Responsible Acquisition of Artificial Intelligence in Government. This guidance highlights the ethical and transparent integration of AI in federal procurements. It provides important directives on managing risks, working with vendors, and training the workforce. Stay current on these key policies by reviewing the full memorandum.

Looking for Training to Take Before the New Year?

We have seats in the following classes:

CON 2420V - Architect-Engineer Indirect Rates (Nov. 4-7)

FQN 181 - Price Analysis (Dec. 2-4)

CON 1200V - Contract Pre-Award (Dec. 4-13)

FCN 180 - Emerging Technologies - Robotic Process Automation (Dec. 5)

FCR 404 - COR Refresher (Dec. 9-13)

FQN 180 - Cost Analysis (Dec. 9-13)

Five Government Contracts That Changed Your Life

Video thumbnail titled "5 Things in Government Contracting That Probably Changed Your Life"

Discover how historical government contracts shaped today's world, from Civil War uniforms to Silicon Valley tech, in this video. Learn how Macy's and Sears rose to prominence and explore how the Space Race ignited innovations that continue to influence our lives.

Happening TODAY! Take Flight with the Procurement Co-Pilot: Find a Contract to Meet My Needs

Take Flight with the Co-Pilot webinar promotional banner

Happening today! Don't miss out! Register for the final session of the Take Flight with the Procurement Co-Pilot webinar series, “Find a Contract to Meet My Needs,” from 2:30-3:30 pm EST. Join host Kevin Patrick for a live demo on the Co-Pilot’s contract search features, earn ⅔ CLP credit, and participate in the Q&A during the inaugural Procurement Co-Pilot Office Hours. With over 100 federal agencies participating, discover how the Co-Pilot revolutionizes market research. Federal employees only—register with your .gov or .mil email to attend. If you missed any of the earlier sessions, watch on-demand from the Procurement Co-Pilot Resources page

Register for GSA’s Acquisition Training for the Real World’s FallFest!

ARTW FallFest flyer: Register Now Nov. 18-22, Earn up to 10 CLPs, autumn themed background design

Join GSA’s Acquisition Training for the Real World’s FallFest, Nov. 18-22, 2024! Why should you participate? (1) You can earn up to 10 continuous learning points, (2) you'll gain access to free tools, digital resources, and personalized services, and (3) you'll become an expert on finding and acquiring products, services, and solutions. This is a week-long series of virtual training sessions for acquisition professionals. There are five virtual training sessions open to government employees only (federal, military, state, local, tribal). Register now!

Introducing the CFEN 001 AI Prompt Engineering Credential

FAI is excited to launch the CFEN 001 AI Prompt Engineering Credential to equip the federal acquisition workforce with vital AI skills. As AI reshapes federal operations, mastering prompt engineering is essential for optimizing tools like ChatGPT. This credential aligns with federal AI directives and includes two Coursera courses—Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT and Advanced Prompt Engineering for Everyone—totaling 28 hours of online training via FAI's CSOD platform. Participants will learn AI fundamentals, effective prompt crafting, and ethical AI use. Designed for federal employees in diverse roles, this program enhances decision-making and innovation while ensuring compliance. Enroll today!

Earn Your Digital Services Credential (DITAP) (formerly FAC-C-DS) via the DITAP Training Program!

Successful completion of the Digital IT Acquisition Professional (DITAP) training program earns students a DITAP training certificate, 80 CLPs, and the ability to apply for the Digital Services Credential (DITAP) (formerly FAC-C-DS) through FAI's credential program. FAC-C (Professional) holders with at least two years of experience and assigned to acquisitions consisting primarily of digital services over FAR 13.500(c) thresholds are required to attend the DITAP training program. FAC-COR Level II/III and FAC-P/PM Level II/III holders with at least two years of experience and assigned to acquisitions consisting primarily of digital services over FAR 13.500(c) thresholds are encouraged to attend DITAP training to create a cohesive team that fully understands how to buy digital services. There are several vendors who provide the training: Management ConceptsEAGLESICFCivicActionsGraduate School USA, and Skylight. Learn more about DITAP by visiting the TechFAR Hub.

Acquisition Today is published the first and third Wednesday of each month. If you have information that you would like to share with the federal acquisition workforce community via Acquisition Today, you may submit your article for consideration by completing this form. If you have feedback that you would like to share with FAI, please email us at contact@fai.gov.

Any reference to, or information discussing, a specific commercial training organization, or its products, processes, or services within this Acquisition Today newsletter does not constitute or imply an endorsement by FAI, GSA, or the United States Government of the commercial training organization, or its products, processes, services, producers, or providers. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document, website, linked information, or any other information, contained in the newsletter regarding a commercial training organization do not necessarily state or reflect those of FAI, GSA, or the United States Government. All references to commercial training organizations are for information purposes only. Neither the FAI, GSA, or the United States Government, nor any of their employees, assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information from a commercial training organization's referenced information, linked information, services, products, producers, or providers.

10/16/2024 11:25 AM EDT

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that RTX Corporation, a Virginia-based aerospace and defense company, agreed to pay more than $124 million to resolve charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in connection…


USAGov Logo

Medicare Open Enrollment 2025

Medicare Seniors Compare Plans

Between October 15 and December 7, as a Medicare beneficiary, you have the opportunity to: 

✅ Review your current health coverage and drug plan.

✅ Update your coverage to fit your needs.

✅ Choose a new plan for 2025, if necessary.

Whether you're satisfied with your current plan or seeking better options, now is the time to explore what's available.

🚨 Extended enrollment is available for those in areas where FEMA has declared an emergency or disaster that prevents timely sign ups.

Learn more and enroll in Medicare today

Know how to reduce unwanted phone call

If you receive too many phone calls from telemarketers and scammers, there’s a solution: the National Do Not Call Registry. It’s as simple as registering your number at DoNotCall.gov.

Unfortunately, it won’t stop all unwanted calls. Organizations such as charities, political groups, debt collectors and survey companies might still call you.

Register your number at DoNotCall.gov

Bureau of Consumer Protection. Business Alerts From the Federal Trade Commission


By Julia Solomon Ensor

Benjamin Franklin famously declared, “When you’re good to others, you’re best to yourself.” Maybe he was giving general advice about being a nice person. But it’s also possible the United States’ widely acknowledged father of commercial franchising was tipping his hat to fellow franchisors looking to build their businesses. In other words, when you’re good to your franchisees, you’re best to your own business.

Read more >

By Julia Solomon Ensor

The FTC has long regulated negative options through the Negative Option Rule and strategic enforcement actions. Today, the FTC builds on that work by announcing a set of common-sense revisions to the Negative Option Rule, now known as the Rule Concerning Recurring Subscriptions and Other Negative Option Programs.

Read more >

October 16, 2024

World Trade Center Health Program Updates

We recently sent an email with a link that isn’t working. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Please see the message below with the correct link.

The latest updates from the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program are available on the Program’s website. A mailer with these updates will be arriving to member mailboxes soon.  

Updates include information about: Expanded eligibility for Pentagon and Shanksville responders,
your pharmacy options,
the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, and
the travelling version of our Health Effects of 9/11 exhibition opening at the Flight 93 Memorial near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

We recently sent an email with a link that isn't working. Please see the message above with the corrected link.

Read the latest Program updates


FDIC Appoints Hansel Cordeiro as Director of New Office of Professional Conduct

WASHINGTON – The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today announced its Board of Directors has approved the appointment of Hansel J. Cordeiro as Director of the agency’s new Office of Professional Conduct (OPC). 

In June, the Board announced the creation of the OPC to serve as a single point of entry for employee complaints of harassment and other interpersonal misconduct.  In this role, Mr. Cordeiro will lead the OPC’s work to receive, investigate and report on complaints of interpersonal misconduct within the FDIC workplace. OPC will also determine and discipline anyone violating the FDIC’s anti-harassment or anti-retaliation policies.  Mr. Cordeiro will report on the work of the OPC directly to the FDIC Board. 

Mr. Cordeiro was selected from among several highly qualified candidates after a competitive nationwide public solicitation.  Most recently, he served as Executive Director of Accountability and Strategic Business Management at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).  In that role, Mr. Cordeiro led the FAA’s anti-harassment program, the largest program within the U.S. Department of Transportation; established the agency’s anti-harassment policies; and oversaw the receipt and investigation of allegations of harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation involving FAA employees and contractors, as well as management actions on substantiated allegations.  In addition, he oversaw anti-harassment training for more than 45,000 FAA employees and contractors. 

Prior to his role at FAA, Mr. Cordeiro served at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in various executive and leadership positions, including leading efforts to remediate deficiencies in the Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection, which is responsible for improving personnel and organizational accountability within VA. Mr. Cordeiro also served in the Office of General Counsel as a principal legal advisor to several Secretaries of Veterans Affairs on employment and labor law issues. Mr. Cordeiro began his government career at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, where he developed and implemented several landmark reforms to the federal government’s personnel systems.

Mr. Cordeiro has a Juris Doctor from the Washburn University School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hunter College of the City University of New York.



FDIC: PR-89-2024


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Reserve Board
Florida Office of Financial Regulation
National Credit Union Administration

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Federal and State Financial Regulatory Agencies Issue Interagency Statement on Supervisory Practices Regarding Financial Institutions Affected by Hurricane Milton

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, the Florida Office of Financial Regulation, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, collectively the agencies, recognize the serious impact of Hurricane Milton on the customers and operations of many financial institutions and will provide appropriate regulatory assistance to affected institutions subject to their supervision. The agencies encourage institutions operating in the affected areas to meet the financial services needs of their communities.

A complete list of the current disaster areas can be found at https://www.fema.gov/disaster/declarations.

Lending: The agencies encourage financial institutions to work constructively with borrowers in communities affected by Hurricane Milton. Prudent efforts to adjust or alter terms on existing loans in affected areas are supported by the agencies and should not be subject to examiner criticism. In accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, institutions should individually evaluate modifications of existing loans to determine whether they represent troubled debt restructurings or modifications to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty, as applicable. In making this evaluation, institutions should consider the facts and circumstances of each borrower and modification. In supervising institutions affected by Hurricane Milton, the agencies will consider the unusual circumstances these institutions face. The agencies recognize that efforts to work with borrowers in communities under stress can be consistent with safe-and-sound practices as well as in the public interest.

Temporary Facilities: The agencies understand that many financial institutions face staffing, power, telecommunications, and other challenges in re-opening facilities after Hurricane Milton. In cases in which operational challenges persist, the primary federal and/or state regulator will expedite, as appropriate, any request to operate temporary facilities to provide more convenient availability of services to those affected by Hurricane Milton. In most cases, a telephone notice to the primary federal and/or state regulator will suffice initially to start the approval process, with necessary written notification being submitted shortly thereafter.

Publishing Requirements: The agencies understand that the damage caused by Hurricane Milton may affect compliance with publishing and other requirements for branch closings, relocations, and temporary facilities under various laws and regulations. Institutions experiencing disaster-related difficulties in complying with any publishing or other requirements should contact their primary federal and/or state regulator.

Regulatory Reporting Requirements: Institutions affected by Hurricane Milton that expect to encounter difficulty meeting the agencies’ reporting requirements should contact their primary federal and/or state regulator to discuss their situation. The agencies do not expect to assess penalties or take other supervisory action against institutions that take reasonable and prudent steps to comply with the agencies’ regulatory reporting requirements if those institutions are unable to fully satisfy those requirements because of Hurricane Milton.

The agencies’ staffs stand ready to work with affected institutions that may be experiencing problems fulfilling their reporting responsibilities, taking into account each institution’s particular circumstances, including the status of its reporting and recordkeeping systems and the condition of its underlying financial records.

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA): Financial institutions may receive CRA consideration for community development loans, investments, or services that revitalize or stabilize federally designated disaster areas in their assessment areas or in the states or regions that include their assessment areas. For additional information, refer to the Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment at https://www.ffiec.gov/cra/qnadoc.htm.

Investments: Institutions are encouraged to monitor municipal securities and loans affected by Hurricane Milton. The agencies realize local government projects may be negatively affected by the disaster and encourage institutions to engage in appropriate monitoring and take prudent efforts to stabilize such investments.

For more information, refer to the Interagency Supervisory Examiner Guidance for Institutions Affected by a Major Disaster, which is available as follows:

FDIC:  https://www.fdic.gov/news/disaster

FRB:  https://www.federalreserve.gov/supervisionreg/srletters/sr1714a1.pdf

NCUA:  https://www.ncua.gov/regulation-supervision/letters-credit-unions-other-guidance/examiner-guidance-institutions-affected-major-disaster

OCC:  https://www.occ.gov/news-issuances/bulletins/2017/bulletin-2017-61.html

State Financial Regulators:  https://www.csbs.org/interagency-supervisory-examiner-guidance-institutions-affected-major-disaster




LaJuan Williams-Young

(202) 898-3876


Katie Norris

(850) 410-9826


Meg Nelson

(202) 452-2955


Joseph Adamoli

(703) 518-6572


Stephanie Collins

(202) 649-6870

FDIC: PR-88-2024



Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Toπικό Μέσο Μαζικής ενημέρωσης ("θυγατρικό" της "ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ"),ΜΙΑ ΚΡΑΥΓΗ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ 170.000 Ελλήνων Πολιτών. Είκοσι ολόκληρα χρόνια ζωής (2000-2021) και αγώνων στην καταγραφή και υπεράσπιση της Αλήθειας για τον πολύπαθο τόπο των Αχαρνών.



Βιογραφικό του Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη Ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης γεννήθηκε το 1968 στην Αθήνα. Αφού αποφοίτησε αριστούχος από το Κολλέγιο Αθηνών συνέχισε τις σπουδές του στην Αμερική. Σπούδασε κοινωνικές επιστήμες στο Harvard από όπου αποφοίτησε με την ανώτατη τιμητική διάκριση «summa cum laude» ενώ τιμήθηκε με τα έπαθλα «Hoopes» και «Tocqueville» για την εκπόνηση της διατριβής του με θέμα την αμερικανική εξωτερική πολιτική απέναντι στην Ελλάδα. Συνέχισε τις σπουδές του στο Stanford, στον τομέα των διεθνών οικονομικών σχέσεων και τις ολοκλήρωσε στο Harvard Business School στον τομέα της διοίκησης επιχειρήσεων. Πριν ασχοληθεί με την πολιτική, εργάστηκε επί μία δεκαετία στον ιδιωτικό τομέα στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό. Διετέλεσε οικονομικός αναλυτής στην Chase Investment Bank και σύμβουλος στην κορυφαία εταιρία συμβούλων McKinsey and Company στο Λονδίνο. Μετά την επιστροφή του στην Ελλάδα, εργάστηκε ως ανώτατο στέλεχος επενδύσεων στην Alpha Ventures της Alpha Bank και στη συνέχεια μετακινήθηκε στον Όμιλο της Εθνικής Τράπεζας της Ελλάδας. Διατέλεσε για τρία χρόνια Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Εθνικής Επιχειρηματικών Συμμετοχών, την οποία και ανέδειξε σε κορυφαία εταιρεία στην Ελληνική και Βαλκανική αγορά του private equity και του venture capital. Η Εθνική Επιχειρηματικών Συμμετοχών χρηματοδότησε πολλές γρήγορα αναπτυσσόμενες επιχειρήσεις με ίδια κεφάλαια, δημιουργώντας εκατοντάδες θέσεις απασχόλησης. Για την επαγγελματική του δραστηριότητα έχει λάβει τιμητικές διακρίσεις, με σημαντικότερη την βράβευσή του το 2003 από το World Economic Forum ως “Global Leader for Tomorrow”. Στις εκλογές του 2004 και του 2007 εξελέγη πρώτος σε σταυρούς προτίμησης βουλευτής με τη Νέα Δημοκρατία στη μεγαλύτερη εκλογική περιφέρεια της χώρας, τη Β΄ Αθηνών, ενώ στις εκλογές του 2009 εξελέγη για τρίτη φορά. Στις εκλογές του Μαΐου 2012 εξελέγη για μία ακόμη φορά πρώτος στη Β’ Αθηνών, ενώ ήταν επικεφαλής του ψηφοδελτίου στις εκλογές του Ιουνίου 2012. Στη Βουλή των Ελλήνων έχει συμμετάσχει στην Επιτροπή Αναθεώρησης του Συντάγματος και στις Επιτροπές Οικονομικών, Παραγωγής και Εμπορίου, Ευρωπαϊκών Υποθέσεων και Εξωτερικών και Άμυνας ενώ διετέλεσε για δύο χρόνια Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Περιβάλλοντος. Έως τις εκλογές του 2012 ήταν Τομεάρχης Περιβαλλοντικής Πολιτικής της Νέας Δημοκρατίας. Έχει επισκεφθεί πολλές περιβαλλοντικά ευαίσθητες περιοχές της χώρας, έχει συμμετάσχει σε δεκάδες συνέδρια για το περιβάλλον στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό μεταξύ αυτών στις διεθνείς διασκέψεις του ΟΗΕ για την κλιματική αλλαγή στο Μπαλί, το Πόζναν, το Κανκούν και την Κοπεγχάγη. Διετέλεσε Υπουργός Διοικητικής Μεταρρύθμισης και Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης από τις 25 Ιουνίου 2013 μέχρι τις 27 Ιανουαρίου 2015. Στις εθνικές εκλογές της 25ης Ιανουαρίου 2015 εξελέγη για πέμπτη φορά βουλευτής της ΝΔ στη Β’ Αθηνών τετραπλασιάζοντας τους σταυρούς που έλαβε σε σχέση με τις εθνικές εκλογές του Μαΐου 2012. Στις 10 Ιανουαρίου 2016 εξελέγη πρόεδρος της Νέας Δημοκρατίας και αρχηγός της Αξιωματικής Αντιπολίτευσης. Στις 7 Ιουλίου 2019 εξελέγη Πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας. Μιλάει Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά και Γερμανικά και έχει εκδώσει το βιβλίο «Οι Συμπληγάδες της Εξωτερικής Πολιτικής». Έχει τρία παιδιά, τη Σοφία, τον Κωνσταντίνο και τη Δάφνη.





"ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ για τον μικρό μας Αγγελο,ΜΑΡΙΟ ΣΟΥΛΟΥΚΟ"

"ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ για τον μικρό μας Αγγελο,ΜΑΡΙΟ ΣΟΥΛΟΥΚΟ"


Ερευνα,Συνεντεύξεις και επισήμανση της σπουδαιότητος του τότε ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΕΝΤΡΟΥ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΑΙΜΑΤΟΣ "ΗΛΙΑΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ" απο το Περιοδικό "ΑΧΑΡΝΕΩΝ Εργα" το έτος 2004!!
Ο Ιστοχώρος μας ΔΕΝ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΝΕΙ τα κείμενα των Αρθρογράφων του. Αυτά δημοσιεύονται εκφράζοντας τους ιδίους.
Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική ή κατά παράφραση ή διασκευή ή απόδοση του περιεχομένου του παρόντος διαδικτυακού τόπου σε ό,τι αφορά τα άρθρα της ΜΑΡΙΑΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΔΑΚΗ ΒΑΒΟΥΡΑΝΑΚΗ και του ΓΙΑΝΝΗ Γ. ΒΑΒΟΥΡΑΝΑΚΗ με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, ηλεκτρονικό, μηχανικό, φωτοτυπικό ή άλλο, χωρίς την προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια των Αρθρογράφων. Νόμος 2121/1993 - Νόμος 3057/2002, ο οποίος ενσωμάτωσε την οδηγία 2001/29 του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.

Tι ήταν η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ»..για όσους δεν γνωρίζουν.

Η «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» γεννήθηκε το 2000,ως συνέχεια του Περιοδικού «ΑΧΑΡΝΕΩΝ Έργα». Δημιουργήθηκε από Επαγγελματίες Εκδότες με δεκαετίες στον τομέα της Διαφήμισης, των Εκδόσεων και των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων και αρχικά ήταν μια Υπερτοπική Εφημερίδα με κύριο αντικείμενο το Αυτοδιοικητικό Ρεπορτάζ.

Επί χρόνια, κυκλοφορούσε την έντυπη έκδοσή της σε ένα ικανότατο τιράζ (5000 καλαίσθητων φύλλων εβδομαδιαίως) και εντυπωσίαζε με την ποιότητα της εμφάνισης και το ουσιώδες, μαχητικό και έντιμο περιεχόμενο της.
Η δύναμη της Πένας της Εφημερίδας, η Ειλικρίνεια, οι Ερευνές της που έφερναν πάντα ουσιαστικό αποτέλεσμα ενημέρωσης, την έφεραν πολύ γρήγορα πρώτη στην προτίμηση των αναγνωστών και γρήγορα εξελίχθηκε σε Εφημερίδα Γνώμης και όχι μόνον για την Περιφέρεια στην οποία κυκλοφορούσε.

=Επι είκοσι τέσσαρα (24) χρόνια, στηρίζει τον Απόδημο Ελληνισμό, χωρίς καμία-ούτε την παραμικρή- διακοπή

. =Επί είκοσι τέσσαρα ολόκληρα χρόνια, προβάλλει με αίσθηση καθήκοντος κάθε ξεχωριστό, έντιμο και υπεύθυνο Πολιτικό της Πολιτικής Σκηνής. Στις σελίδες της, θα βρείτε ακόμα και σήμερα μόνο άξιες και χρήσιμες Πολιτικές Προσωπικότητες αλλά και ενημέρωση από κάθε Κόμμα της Ελληνικής Βουλής. Η «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» ουδέποτε διαχώρησε τους αναγνώστες της ανάλογα με τα πολιτικά τους πιστεύω. Επραττε το καθήκον της, ενημερώνοντας όλους τους Ελληνες, ως όφειλε.

=Επί είκοσι τέσσαρα ολόκληρα χρόνια, δίνει βήμα στους αδέσμευτους, τους επιτυχημένους, τους γνώστες και θιασώτες της Αλήθειας. Στηρίζει τον Θεσμό της Ελληνικής Οικογένειας, την Παιδεία, την Ελληνική Ιστορία, προβάλλει με όλες της τις δυνάμεις τους Αδελφούς μας απανταχού της Γης, ενημερώνει για τα επιτεύγματα της Επιστήμης, της Επιχειρηματικότητας και πολλά άλλα που πολύ καλά γνωρίζουν οι Αναγνώστες της.

=Επί είκοσι τέσσαρα ολόκληρα χρόνια, ο απλός δημότης–πολίτης, φιλοξενείται στις σελίδες της με μόνη προϋπόθεση την ειλικρινή και αντικειμενική γραφή και την ελεύθερη Γνώμη, η οποία ΟΥΔΕΠΟΤΕ λογοκρίθηκε.

Η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ», είναι ένα βήμα Ισονομίας και Ισοπολιτείας, έννοιες απόλυτα επιθυμητές, ιδιαιτέρως στις ημέρες μας. Είναι ο δικτυακός τόπος της έκφρασης του πολίτη και της εποικοδομητικής κριτικής, μακριά από κάθε στήριξη αφού δεν ετύγχανε οικονομικής υποστήριξης από Δήμους, Κυβερνήσεις ή όποιους άλλους Δημόσιους ή Ιδιωτικούς Φορείς, δεν είχε ΠΟΤΕ χορηγούς, ή οποιασδήποτε μορφής υποστηρικτές. Απολαμβάνει όμως Διεθνούς σεβασμού αφού φιλοξενεί ενημέρωση από αρκετά ξένα Κράτη πράγμα που της περιποιεί βεβαίως, μέγιστη τιμή.

Η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» διαγράφει απο την γέννησή της μια αξιοζήλευτη πορεία και απέκτησε εξ αιτίας αυτού,ΜΕΓΙΣΤΗ αναγνωσιμότητα. Η Εφημερίδα «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» κέρδισε την αποδοχή και τον σεβασμό που της ανήκει, με «εξετάσεις» εικοσι τεσσάρων ολόκληρων ετών, με συνεχείς αιματηρούς αγώνες κατά της τοπικής διαπλοκής, με αγώνα επιβίωσης σε πολύ δύσκολους καιρούς, με Εντιμότητα, αίσθηση Καθήκοντος και Ευθύνης.