Science for Impact Newsletter  PEER Impact Forum on June 27th Join USAID in celebrating the conclusion of the Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) program, which has supported nearly 500 research partnerships over 13 years. Through PEER, scientists in low and middle-income countries engaged over 2,500 local students in research and built partnerships with over 350 U.S.-based researchers. They produced evidence that influenced at least 188 significant changes to local and regional policies and programs in disaster response, wildlife trafficking, maternal and child health. The virtual program will take place on June 27, 2024, at 2:00 PM ET. The forum will highlight the PEER program’s accomplishments and feature insights and reflections from USAID, the National Science Foundation, the Department of State, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and PEER researchers and U.S.- based partners. Tune in here. In the News
Science for Development Institute attendees and speakers on Day 1 of the event. Photo Credit: Capitol Hill Photo Science for Development Institute The inaugural Science for Development Institute (SCI4DI), which took place from June 10 to 11, 2024, at Duke University in DC trained 49 participants from 14 Higher Education Institutions, including six Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Scientists and engineers from across the U.S., nominated by their universities, completed training on USAID, international development, and how to apply science to solve development challenges. Participants received training in the Research to Action Toolkit (R2A) to help them translate their research into impactful development outcomes. Attendees represented a broad range of disciplines, allowing USAID to leverage the expertise of diverse scientists and engineers to support international development priorities. Speakers encouraged participants to consider applied research and careers that contribute to achieving international development objectives, including the possible pursuit of Science for Development Fellowships. USAID will host the first Science for Development Fellows cohort in fall 2024 and begin accepting applications for the 2025-2027 cohort this summer. Learn more about USAID’s new Science for Development Fellowship program and how to apply. 
Recently Published: CARISCA Report USAID-supported Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Supply Chain–Africa (CARISCA) recently published their bi-annual CARISCA Report Newsletter. This issue highlights the upcoming Supply Chain Business Forum and Exhibition in July, connecting African researchers to address local supply chain challenges, the recent 2024 Supply Chain Research Summit and more. Download the newsletter. 
Campers prepare to identify plant cells on a prepared slide of onion skin during a laboratory session. Photo Credit: Princess Blamo, University of Liberia College of Health Sciences Camp xSEL Gears Up for Year Four BRIDGE-U: Liberia is a USAID-supported partnership (2021-2026) between Yale University, the University of Liberia College of Health Sciences, and Vanderbilt University, working to strengthen Liberia’s health system. Each year, the program hosts Camp Excellence in Science Education for Liberia (Camp xSEL), a science camp for secondary school students interested in pursuing careers in the health sciences. The program has consistently expanded its reach to attract more students, and will expand to a second campus this year. Expanding the program's reach is a crucial goal , given Liberia's shortage of healthcare workers. Learn more about the program here. 
Attendees at the USAID Jefferson Science Fellowship (JSF) program 20th Anniversary Celebration. Photo Credit: USAID Can USAID Fellowships Propel Global Innovation? The Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) recently published an assessment on USAID Science and Technology (S&T) Fellowships. A team of researchers from Duke University and Michigan State University conducted an extensive study on the USAID S&T Fellowships portfolio to better understand the fellowships’ importance and benefits. The team did a deep dive into existing literature and used a mix of research methods to analyze both primary and secondary data. They also put together three in-depth case studies based on interviews with former fellows. Download the report. 
CARISCA Supply Chain Research Summit The Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Supply Chain – Africa (CARISCA) hosted its 4th annual Supply Chain Research Summit in Accra, Ghana, from June 4 to 6, 2024. More than 600 people attended the hybrid summit, including 250 in person this year. The theme of the three-day event was “Africa’s Supply Chain Resilience for Economic Transformation,” and it brought together supply chain scholars and stakeholders from public, private, and civil society organizations to address complex supply chain challenges and brainstorm how Africa’s supply chains can be repositioned to drive the continent’s economic transformation agenda. The summit is central to CARISCA’s goal to integrate Africa’s supply chain research efforts, which will help strengthen African supply chain capacities. View local news coverage of the summit. Stories from the Field
Workshop attendees in Bangkok, Thailand. Photo Credit: Daniel Placht PEER Asia Forum From May 21 to 23, 2024, more than 60 researchers from Asia gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, to share their work and build new skills and connections at the PEER Asia Forum. The three-day workshop allowed researchers and partners to share their research with their peers, network on future research collaborations, join panel discussions and participate in a USAID Research Division-led Research-to-Action training. Steven G. Olive, Mission Director of the Regional Development Mission for Asia, opened the meeting, which gathered representatives from USAID’s Research Division, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the Office of Naval Research Global, SERVIR, and the Japan Science and Technology Agency, as well as researchers from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Job OpportunitiesUSmax Corporation is seeking a Communications, Recruitment & HEI (Higher Education Institutions) Network Manager to support the Science for Development Fellowships (SDF) program. Learn more. |