"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"
"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

"ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2024"

Διαβάζετε ένα ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ ΑΞΙΟΠΙΣΤΟ και ΧΩΡΙΣ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ οικονομική στήριξη (αυτοδιοικητική, χορηγική, δημοσία ή άλλη ) ηλικίας 24 ετών Μέσο Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης, με αξιοσημείωτη ΔΙΕΘΝΗ αναγνώριση και ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ ΥΨΗΛΗ ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑ.
Είκοσι τέσσαρα (24) ολόκληρα χρόνια δημοσιογραφίας, ΟΥΤΕ ΜΙΑ ΔΙΑΨΕΥΣΙΣ!!
Contact: politikimx@gmail.com v.ch.maria@gmail.com


1/5/2024 Χθες 2831  Τελευταίος μήνας 71316 
28/4/2024 Χθες 3683  Αυτόν τον μήνα 64108  Τελευταίος μήνας 64042 
Χθες 2991  Αυτόν τον μήνα 60681  Τελευταίος μήνας 64042 

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

ΠΡΟΣΦΑΤΑ ΑΡΘΡΑ, ΓΝΩΜΕΣ, ΑΠΟΨΕΙΣ: ΒΙΟΤΕΧΝΙΚΟ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤΗΡΙΟ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ:οικονομική ενημέρωση..-ΕΝΩΣΗ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ:Αγροτική Ενημέρωση..-Παρατηρητήριο Καινοτόμου Επιχειρηματικότητας Περιφέρειας Κρήτης..-La flamme olympique est arrivée à Marseille ville phocéenne..-ΛΑΜΠΡΙΝΟΣ ΠΛΑΤΥΠΟΔΗΣ:Thessaloniki Book Fair/Διεθνής Έκθεση Βιβλίου Θεσσαλονίκης..-ΠΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΑΡΟΧΗΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ ΕΟΠΥΥ:πρόσφατη ενδιαφέρουσα ενημέρωση..- EUROGROUP,COUNCIL OF THE EU, update..- ‍"δρόμος ΤΗΣ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΑΣ" ενημέρωση..-Αλέξης Μητρόπουλος (Καθηγητής-Πρόεδρος ΕΝΥΠΕΚΚ): Τέλος το πενθήμερο μετά τις Ευρωεκλογές!..-AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT..-EUROPEAN BANK's latest..-COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,update..-ΕΙΣΑΓΓΕΛΕΑΣ ΑΡΕΙΟΥ ΠΑΓΟΥ:"ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΗ ΚΡΑΤΟΥΜΕΝΩΝ ..για κακές συνθήκες κράτησης.."..-ON THINK TANK,update..-"Μας κλέβουν το γιαούρτι, μας δουλεύουν κιόλας!": γράφει ο κ. Λεωνίδας Κουμάκης*..-APEC latest..-SPD latest news..-The Order of AHEPA Condemns Conversion of The Chora Museum into a Mosque..-NASA's Earth Observatory,update..-"ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ" Ειδήσεις..-ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΟΣ "ΚΥΚΛΟΣ ΙΔΕΩΝ" πρόσκλησις..-Πολεοδομικές επεκτάσεις περιοχών της Αττικής(by dasarxeio)..-European Economic and Social Committee,update..- --



Συνταξιούχος Κυρία,ζητά απογευματινή 4ωρη εργασία υποστήριξης Γραμματείας. Τριανταπεντάχρονη (35) εμπειρία, ισχυρότατες ικανότητες γραπτής και προφορικής επικοινωνίας,πλήρης επίγνωση σοβαρότητος προθεσμιών, αρχειοθέτηση, “τυφλό” σύστημα δακτυλογράφισης, δημιουργική γραφή παντός τύπου εγγράφων, ορθογράφος, άριστη γνώστις H/Y και χρήσης social media, αποτελεσματική υψηλού επιπέδου διοικητική υποστήριξη, ΕΧΕΜΥΘΕΙΑ και ΔΙΑΚΡΙΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ. Αποδεκτή και συνεργασία εξ αποστάσεως. Επικοινωνήστε: polisisnet@gmail.com - tipovafia@gmail.com (Θα δοθούν απαντήσεις ΜΟΝΟΝ σε σοβαρές προτάσεις)

Πέμπτη 16 Νοεμβρίου 2023

Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau,...

Statement by the Prime Minister on Louis Riel Day

November 16, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Louis Riel Day:

“Today, people across Canada come together to honour and celebrate the legacy of Louis Riel, the great Métis leader and founder of Manitoba.

“Louis Riel’s contributions to our country cannot be overstated. His passionate advocacy for the Métis and his unwavering commitment to Indigenous rights, justice, and bilingualism helped shape Manitoba, and the Canada we know today. His visionary leadership and incredible resilience are a continued source of inspiration for Canadians as we work toward a more just and equitable future.

“As we commemorate Louis Riel’s legacy, we reflect on the major achievements for which he paved the way. We continue to work with Métis and other Indigenous partners across the country to advance reconciliation, including through the implementation of the recently unveiled United Nations Declaration Act Action Plan 2023-2028 – an evergreen roadmap to achieve the objectives of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

“The Government of Canada recognizes the historic injustices suffered by Métis and all Indigenous Peoples. Today, we recommit ourselves to addressing these wrongdoings through meaningful dialogue and collaboration. It is in this spirit that we remember Louis Riel.

“On Louis Riel Day, I encourage all Canadians to learn from our history, and to strive for a brighter and more inclusive tomorrow. As we continue to walk the path of reconciliation, let us take a moment to reflect on and celebrate the diversity that makes Canada stronger.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

November 15, 2023
Vancouver, British Columbia

Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Prime Minister Trudeau reaffirmed Canada’s unwavering support for Ukraine as it continues to resist Russia’s brutal and unjustifiable war of aggression. As the cold of the winter months sets in, he expressed Canadians’ solidarity with Ukrainians, who are preparing for a second winter under Russian assault.

The two leaders discussed the situation on the ground, as well as Ukraine’s needs over the coming months. Prime Minister Trudeau reiterated Canada’s commitment to provide Ukraine with as much as it takes, for as long as it takes.

Prime Minister Trudeau expressed support for Ukraine’s ongoing diplomatic efforts toward a just and sustainable peace, and President Zelenskyy welcomed Canada’s co-chairing of Ukraine’s Peace Formula working group on prisoners and deported persons, including leading in the creation of an international coalition to facilitate the return of Ukrainian children who have been deported or forcibly displaced by Russia from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The Prime Minister reaffirmed Canada’s determination to continue advocating for Ukraine wherever and whenever possible, including at the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Leaders’ Meeting, given the impact of Russia’s war on the region.

The two leaders reiterated their intention to remain in close and regular contact.

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis

November 15, 2023
Vancouver, British Columbia

Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

The prime ministers discussed the state of the economy. They highlighted the close ties between Canada and Greece and looked forward to opportunities to continue strengthening relations, including through trade and investment.

The two leaders also discussed the situation in the Middle East. Prime Minister Trudeau thanked Prime Minister Mitsotakis for Greece’s critical role in supporting the assisted departure of Canadians in the region by facilitating their travel through Athens.

Prime Minister Trudeau and Prime Minister Mitsotakis unequivocally condemned Hamas’ terrorist attacks against Israel and expressed support for Israel’s right to defend itself, in accordance with international law.

The two leaders shared grief over the disturbing loss of civilian life and expressed deep concern over the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. They emphasized the need to protect civilians and the importance of ensuring unimpeded access to live-saving humanitarian aid for civilians. They discussed ways to facilitate the delivery of this aid, including through humanitarian corridors.

The prime ministers underscored the importance of working with partners in the Middle East toward a future where Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace, security, and dignity, without fear.

The leaders also exchanged views on the importance of upholding and respecting the rule of law as well as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. 

Prime Minister Trudeau and Prime Minister Mitsotakis agreed to remain in regular contact and to continue collaborating on shared priorities.

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Governor of California Gavin Newsom

November 15, 2023
San Francisco, United States of America

Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, on the margins of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Summit in San Francisco, United States of America.

The Prime Minister and the Governor discussed their shared commitment to fighting climate change while growing strong economies and making life more affordable for the middle class. As part of this work, they discussed ongoing collaboration under the Climate action and nature protection: Memorandum of co-operation between Canada and California, signed in 2022 on the margins of the Summit of the Americas. Canada and California continue to work together on electric vehicles, and the Prime Minister and the Governor discussed opportunities on clean energy, including resilient clean electricity grids, nuclear energy, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage.

With Canada and California as recognized leaders on innovation, the Prime Minister and the Governor exchanged views on artificial intelligence, as well as support for journalism and its role in strong, healthy democracies. They also discussed continued collaboration on trade and agriculture, to support workers and consumers on both sides of the border.

The Prime Minister and the Governor agreed to remain in contact and looked forward to further collaboration on issues of importance to Canadians and Californians alike.

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Strengthening battery manufacturing in British Columbia to secure good jobs and keep our air clean

November 14, 2023
Maple Ridge, British Columbia

Across the battery supply chain – from mining and processing critical minerals, to manufacturing batteries and their components – Canada is attracting job-creating projects from around the world. By making Canada a global leader on batteries, we create middle-class jobs, grow our economy, and keep our air clean for generations to come.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, was joined today by the Premier of British Columbia, David Eby, and the Mayor of Maple Ridge, Dan Ruimy, to announce support for a major lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing facility in Maple Ridge, British Columbia.

The $1 billion new facility, constructed by leading battery company E-One Moli, will create up to 350 new jobs and secure over 100 existing positions. The facility, powered by British Columbia’s clean energy supply, is expected to produce up to 135 million battery cells per year and become the largest factory in Canada for high performance lithium-ion battery cells. This facility will bolster British Columbia’s role in Canada’s world-leading battery supply chain.

As part of the federal government’s strategy on securing key battery manufacturing facilities, the Government of Canada will contribute up to $204.5 million to support the project, through the Strategic Innovation Fund’s Net Zero Accelerator Initiative. The Government of British Columbia will contribute $80 million to the construction of the facility.

Working together with provinces and territories to support landmark, job-creating clean technology projects secures middle-class jobs for decades to come, builds a strong, competitive economy, and helps keep our air clean.


“British Columbians have long been known for their innovation in the clean technology space. Today, as we secure a major clean battery manufacturing project in Maple Ridge, we build on that expertise to secure hundreds of middle-class jobs while fighting climate change. The world is looking to Canada. When we support projects like E-One Moli’s new facility in Maple Ridge, we bolster Canada’s role as a global clean tech leader, we create good jobs, and we help keep our air clean.”

— The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

“As our province builds a stronger, cleaner economy, we open the door to immense opportunities in the private sector that value British Columbia as a centre for innovation, investment, and cutting-edge technology. The new E-One Moli advanced manufacturing plant will create hundreds of good, local jobs and continue to establish British Columbia as a leader in building a clean energy future.”

— The Hon. David Eby, Premier of British Columbia

“Canada is becoming a global leader in battery manufacturing thanks to all our advantages – access to global markets, a highly talented workforce, and all the critical mineral resources necessary to make batteries – and world-leading companies want in! E-One Moli is the latest company to establish a new battery manufacturing project in Canada, and I am excited to see their project come to fruition as their new facility will help expand the electrification of consumer products and offer new energy alternatives in sectors such as construction and health care. With E-One Moli, we are securing well-paying jobs for the people of British Columbia, while building a greener, more sustainable, and resilient economy.”

— The Hon. François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry

“Canada is immensely well positioned to thrive in the low-carbon economy of the future. Economic opportunities, like today’s exciting investment in E-One Moli’s new facility, are not only an integral part of our plan to lower carbon emissions and fight climate change, but also to create and maintain good jobs and secure strategic value chains, from mines and mineral processing to advanced manufacturing, in every region of Canada.”

— The Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources

“This investment in British Columbia by E-One Moli is a powerful example of a global leader in clean technology manufacturing choosing to anchor its North American production and operations here at home. Jurisdictions around the world are competing for investment capital and British Columbia has shown time and again that our province is stronger when we invest in people and the vision they have for a cleaner future. In British Columbia, we are interested in businesses that will build an economy to benefit British Columbians for generations to come.”

— The Hon. Brenda Bailey, British Columbia’s Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation

“E-One Moli has been a long-time employer in Maple Ridge. This investment in the expansion of a new clean tech manufacturing facility is an economic milestone to support job creation and growth in our community. It aligns with the city’s economic development and climate action strategies. This kind of growth and investment in businesses like E-One Moli helps to diversify our tax base and enable Maple Ridge to invest in our community infrastructure. We thank the provincial and federal government for their funding and support of E-One Moli.”

— His Worship Dan Ruimy, Mayor of Maple Ridge

“E-One Moli believes in ‘Total Climate Commitment’ as well as ‘Total Care Commitment’ and looks forward to producing a pure green battery to support the world’s energy transition.”

— Nelson Chang, Chairman, TCC Group, E-One Moli Energy (Canada) Ltd., and E-One Moli Quantum Energy (Canada) Ltd.

Quick Facts

  • Today’s announcement builds on the many agreements Canada has signed this year to bring billions in investments, and thousands of good-quality jobs, to grow our battery and electric vehicle manufacturing sectors across the country.
  • The lithium-ion battery cells produced in Maple Ridge will be used to electrify devices that have traditionally relied on diesel, including consumer electronics, power tools, medical devices, high-performance vehicles, and aerospace applications – helping to support the transition to cleaner, more efficient energy sources.
  • E-One Moli Energy (Canada) Ltd. is a subsidiary of E-One Moli Energy Corporation, a global manufacturer that specializes in high-performance, superior quality, rechargeable lithium-ion cell products. E-One Moli Quantum Energy (Canada) Ltd. is a subsidiary of E-One Moli Energy (Canada) Ltd. that will be responsible for the new facility’s manufacturing operations once the project is completed.
  • Construction of the E-One Moli manufacturing facility is expected to begin in June 2024, and the facility is expected to be fully operational in 2028.
  • Budget 2023 allocated $500 million over 10 years to the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) to support the development and application of clean technologies. The SIF will also direct up to $1.5 billion of its existing resources toward projects in clean technologies, critical minerals, and industrial transformation.
  • The Net Zero Accelerator (NZA) Initiative, part of the SIF program, invites forward-looking Canadian companies to contribute to Canada’s global leadership efforts and meet its ambitious emissions reduction targets.

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Statement by the Prime Minister on the 75th birthday of His Majesty King Charles III

November 14, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the 75th birthday of His Majesty King Charles III:

“Today, I join Canadians as well as people across the Commonwealth and around the world in celebrating the 75th birthday of His Majesty King Charles III, King of Canada.

“His Majesty has been a constant presence in the life of Canadians over the past 75 years, including through 19 official tours to our country. As we mark this milestone birthday, we look back on the many special moments we have shared with him, from his numerous visits to Canada’s North to celebrations of our country’s sesquicentennial in 2017, and hope that His Majesty’s relationship with Canada will continue to grow stronger over many years to come.

“On this day, we also recognize His Majesty’s sense of duty and commitment to public service. For decades, he has advanced important causes close to his heart, including conservation, sustainable development, health care, and education, with a focus on building a better future for the next generation. The Prince’s Trust, which he founded almost 50 years ago, has helped one million young people and Veterans around the world, including here in Canada, achieve their full potential.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I wish His Majesty a very happy 75th birthday and continued health and happiness.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with President of France Emmanuel Macron

November 13, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron.

The Prime Minister and the President unequivocally condemned Hamas’ terrorist attacks against Israel and expressed support for Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international law, including international humanitarian law. The leaders called for the immediate release of all hostages being held by Hamas.

Prime Minister Trudeau and President Macron expressed deep concern over the potential for escalation in the region and the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. The leaders expressed their shared grief over the disturbing loss of civilian life and extended their heartfelt condolences to those whose families and communities have been affected by the violence. They agreed on the importance of unimpeded access to live-saving humanitarian aid for Palestinian civilians, and the Prime Minister underscored the need for sustained humanitarian pauses. Prime Minister Trudeau welcomed France’s efforts to support civilians, including its hosting of the International Humanitarian Conference for the Civilian Population in Gaza on November 9.

The two leaders discussed the need to work together with partners in the region toward a future where Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace, security, and dignity, without fear. They also discussed the importance of combatting antisemitism and Islamophobia at home and abroad. They emphasized the value of close coordination and partnerships in responding to pressing global challenges.

Prime Minister Trudeau and President Macron also talked about the worsening humanitarian, security, and political crises in Haiti. They agreed that an inclusive political consensus is needed to create the conditions for the reestablishment of democratic order in Haiti.

The leaders committed to continue working together to promote the safe and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), including through forums like the Global Partnership on AI.

Prime Minister Trudeau and President Macron highlighted the strong bilateral relationship between Canada and France, and looked forward to future opportunities to connect, including through the Franco-Canadian Council of Ministers. They agreed to stay in close and regular contact.

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Statement by the Prime Minister on Global Entrepreneurship Week

November 13, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Global Entrepreneurship Week:

“Today, we mark the beginning of Global Entrepreneurship Week, a time to celebrate entrepreneurs’ creativity, drive, and innovation, here in Canada and around the world.

“Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. They demonstrate great adaptability and resilience when faced with hurdles such as supply chain issues, affordability challenges, and global economic instability, and seize opportunities to redefine how we do business. From the community members running our favourite local businesses to the visionaries fostering trade links between nations, entrepreneurs create good jobs, drive new ideas forward, and boost the global economy.

“The Government of Canada is working to remove barriers so that entrepreneurship can continue to thrive. With the support we provide to organizations such as Futurpreneur Canada, and federal initiatives including the Black Entrepreneurship Program, the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy, the Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program, and the 2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program, we are working to ensure that under-represented groups have equitable access to the opportunities and resources they need to succeed in business. In October, we announced $2.7 million in funding to the École des entrepreneurs du Québec FAIR­·E project to help provide learning programs to support women in their entrepreneurial endeavours. And we recently committed up to $25 million through Canada’s Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative to help advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Canadian venture capital ecosystem, enhancing access to capital for diverse fund managers and entrepreneurs to help businesses scale and grow.

“As Canada continues to welcome talent from around the world, we remain committed to supporting newcomer entrepreneurs as they build and grow their businesses here. This summer, we announced over $3 million in funding for the Toronto Business Development Centre to support 100 newcomer entrepreneurs and create 200 jobs in Ontario.

“This week, we recommit ourselves to supporting a flourishing entrepreneurial culture in Canada and working to ensure that everyone, no matter their background, has a chance to realize their vision. On behalf of the Government of Canada, I thank all entrepreneurs for the role they play in building a better and more prosperous future for everyone.”\

Statement by the Prime Minister on Diwali

November 12, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Diwali:

“Today, we join millions of people in Canada and around the world to celebrate Diwali.

“On this joyful holiday, families and friends gather to pray, exchange gifts, share meals, and decorate their homes and temples with colour and the glow of diyas to mark the triumph of light over darkness. Diwali is also a time to reflect on the values of selflessness, optimism, gratitude, and compassion for those less fortunate.

“As we mark Diwali, we also recognize the many contributions of Canadians from Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and Buddhist communities to our country’s cultural fabric, and we celebrate their role in making Canada the diverse and inclusive place we call home.

“On behalf of all Canadians, I wish everyone celebrating a very happy Diwali.”

Statement by the Prime Minister on Bandi Chhor Divas

November 12, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement to mark Bandi Chhor Divas:

“Today, Sikhs across Canada and around the world will celebrate Bandi Chhor Divas.

“This important day commemorates the story of the sixth Guru, Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, who upon his release from prison, refused to leave his captors unless the 52 innocent kings imprisoned alongside him were also freed. Generations later, his story continues to inspire values of selflessness and generosity in Sikhs around the world.

“Families and friends will observe Bandi Chhor Divas today by getting together to share festive meals and sweets, watch fireworks, illuminate their homes and Gurdwaras, and read the Sikh holy book – the Guru Granth Sahib.

“For those celebrating, this holiday is a reminder that when we come together as a society, we can achieve a world that stands for peace, freedom, and community. Today is also an opportunity to recognize the contributions of Sikh Canadians, past and present, to building a better and more diverse country.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I wish a happy Bandi Chhor Divas to all those celebrating.”

Statement by the Prime Minister on Remembrance Day

November 11, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Remembrance Day:

“On November 11 of every year, we wear our red poppies and observe two minutes of silence to honour the brave members in uniform who risked everything to defend the values that we hold dear. We pay tribute to the women and men Veterans. When Canadians have fought during times of war and conflict, they’ve done so in defence of values like freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. Today, we recommit ourselves to promoting these values that guide us in our mission to create a better Canada and world.

“Remembrance Day is an opportunity to recognize members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have courageously answered the call of duty. When it was needed most, they left behind their families and homes. Many returned with severe trauma – or didn’t return at all. Their sacrifice is a debt that we can never repay.

“As we reflect on this debt, we are reminded that this day is not just about the past; it is about our present and our future. From the battlefields of the First and Second World Wars, to Korea and Afghanistan, and in peacekeeping operations, to the training grounds for Ukrainian soldiers, and here at home, responding to a global pandemic and to climate-related disasters, Canadian Armed Forces members continue to show unwavering resolve and bravery.

“Members of our Armed Forces have endured the horrors of war to defend our values. We owe it to them to stay true to our values and to never forget the sacrifices they have made to protect them. While we observe a moment of silence and lay wreaths at memorials across the country, we acknowledge the importance of teaching the lessons of history to the next generations. May they carry the torch of remembrance forward so that we can create a brighter world for all.

“Lest we forget.”

Statement by the Prime Minister on Poland’s National Independence Day

November 11, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Poland’s National Independence Day:

“Today, I join Polish communities in Canada and around the world in celebrating the anniversary of Poland’s independence.

“On this day in 1918, Poland reestablished its sovereignty and territorial integrity after 123 years of foreign rule. Over the course of the following decades, the country continued to face enormous challenges, from the devastation of the Second World War to decades under Soviet domination, but the enduring spirit of the Polish people never wavered – and today it remains stronger than ever.

“Poland and Canada have been close friends and allies for many years, and we continue to work together to promote our shared ideals of peace, democracy, and security around the world. Canada was the first country to approve Poland joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1998, and we continue to support NATO’s assurance and deterrence efforts in Central and Eastern Europe. Canada and Poland are strong defenders of Ukraine’s sovereignty, freedom, and independence. That is why, through Operation UNIFIER, Canada will continue to work with Poland to assist in the training of Ukraine’s Armed Forces.

“The warm ties between our peoples serve as the foundation of our countries’ strong bilateral relationship. Close to one million Canadians of Polish descent call Canada home, and they form an integral piece of our country’s rich cultural mosaic. The contributions of Polish Canadians, both past and present, have helped shape Canada into the country we love.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I extend my best wishes to everyone celebrating Poland’s National Independence Day.

“Szczęśliwego Święta Niepodległości!”

Statement by the Prime Minister to mark the Christchurch Call Leaders’ Summit 2023

November 10, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement to mark the Christchurch Call Leaders’ Summit 2023:

“Canada reiterates its strong commitment to the Christchurch Call to Eliminate Terrorist & Violent Extremist Content Online and to combating hate in all its forms. More than ever, we need governments, civil society, and industry to continue working together on solutions. That’s what makes the Christchurch Call so important.

“In 2019, following two tragic terrorist attacks on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, Canada joined governments, technology companies, and civil society organizations from around the world to adopt the Christchurch Call to Action. Since then, the Christchurch Call has become a leading forum for advancing global efforts to prevent terrorist and violent extremist content online.

“As technology continues to rapidly evolve and questions around the misuse of artificial intelligence, the propagation of disinformation, and the radicalization of online spaces become increasingly relevant, supporting the Christchurch Call remains a key priority for the Government of Canada. At last year’s Leaders’ Summit in New York City, I announced funding to help smaller online platforms detect and remove terrorist and violent extremist content, and we continue to take action as a government to address the spread of ideologically motivated hate.

“In September, Canada and the Netherlands launched the Global Declaration on Information Integrity Online, which brings together 32 countries to protect our information ecosystems, including international commitments to uphold information integrity online and strengthen our responses to the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence. Through the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, we continue to advocate for improved digital industry responses to terrorist and violent extremist content around the world. And earlier this year, we announced funding through the Community Resilience Fund to fight radicalization here at home, including several projects related to the Christchurch Call and its commitments. We continue to work with Canadian industry, academia, civil society, and other stakeholders to address illegal and harmful online content in Canada, while promoting a safer and more inclusive online environment for everyone.

“As we look to the future, the work of Dame Jacinda Ardern, Special Envoy for the Christchurch Call, will continue to be critical, and I look forward to our continued collaboration.

“Canada will continue to provide leadership and work with its international partners to counter radicalization and eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content. Together, we will help ensure that people of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome and feel safe both on and offline.”

Canada and Quebec announce a major agreement to support accelerated housing construction

November 9, 2023
Longueuil, Quebec

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, and Quebec Premier François Legault today announced an agreement through the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), under which Canada will provide Quebec with a total contribution of $900 million to accelerate the construction of residential units in the province.

The agreement confirms that the governments of Canada and Quebec share the common goal of ensuring all Quebec residents have a place to call home that meets their needs. In this context, Canada’s financial contribution will support Quebec’s initiatives to accelerate the construction of residential units to meet the province’s housing needs.

Quebec is committed to using Canada’s $900 million contribution to increase the supply of residential units in the province. The contribution corresponds to nearly 23 per cent of the total federal funding, the aim of which is to add at least 100,000 residential units over and above historical averages across Canada, over four years. In its November 7 economic and financial update, the Quebec government announced that it will also invest $900 million, bringing the combined total of the two governments’ contribution to $1.8 billion in new funding for housing construction. This investment will directly create 8,000 social and affordable housing units, 500 of which will be earmarked for clients who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

This agreement will result in the creation of tens of thousands of additional housing units over the next few years in Quebec, and will also bring about regulatory reforms, which is excellent news.

Quebec is resolutely committed to pursuing its efforts to accelerate the construction of residential units in the province, based on the Act respecting land use planning and development and other provisions. The Quebec government will also set up an interdepartmental project acceleration unit in co-operation with Quebec municipalities, and will adopt new government policies for land use planning, with housing construction indicators on which municipalities will have to base their targets. The province intends to propose legislative amendments – these are currently in the drafting phase and will be subject to adoption by the National Assembly – to improve urban densification and facilitate the authorization of residential building construction, thus reducing related delays.


“We've heard Canadians and we're working hard to build more housing, faster. The agreement announced today is historic and supports Quebec’s efforts to ensure that all Quebecers have a safe and affordable place to live. Together with our provincial and municipal partners, we will continue to cut red tape and build the safe, affordable communities that Canadians need and deserve, from coast to coast to coast.”

— The Right Hon.. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

“The current housing crisis is a complex problem that is affecting many Quebecers. I’m proud to announce, in partnership with the federal government, an $900 million agreement, free of conditions, to build more affordable housing. In this week’s economic update, we also added $900 million for housing, bringing the total combined investment to $1.8 billion. Everyone must work together to speed up housing construction, and Quebec is doing its part.”

— François Legault, Premier of Quebec

“The agreement we have reached with the Government of Quebec will enable us to build more housing, faster, for Quebecers. The historic investments and initiatives that the Government of Quebec will put in place to help municipalities increase density and reduce construction times will provide for building tens of thousands of new homes.”

— Hon. Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities

“This is excellent news for households looking for affordable housing, and for municipalities and organizations trying to develop this type of project for their residents at a time of rising construction costs. I’m pleased with the healthy partnership that Minister Fraser and I were able to build during our discussions, which made it possible for Quebec’s priorities and needs to be taken into account in this agreement. With this major additional investment in housing construction, we need to move quickly from financing to building projects. Each partner will have to act accordingly. For our part, we will make use of our existing financial vehicles to speed up the flow of the assistance being provided.”

— France-Élaine Duranceau, Quebec Minister Responsible for Housing

Quick Facts

  • Today’s announcement was made by Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, Premier of Quebec, François Legault, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, Sean Fraser, and Quebec Minister Responsible for Housing, France-Élaine Duranceau.
  • The Government of Canada will provide the Government of Quebec with a contribution of $900 million to finance projects identified by the Société d’habitation du Québec (SHQ – Quebec Housing Corporation). This amount represents nearly 23 per cent of the federal funding.
  • The payments, totalling $900 million, will be spread over four years, commencing in 2023–2024, to help accelerate the construction of residential units in Quebec.
  • In choosing projects, the SHQ will select those that meet the objectives of the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) and the requirements of applicable Quebec programs and initiatives. The SHQ is also committed to ensuring that to the extent possible, project selection takes into account regional distribution in conjunction with regional needs.
  • The HAF is a $4 billion initiative launched by the Government of Canada in March 2023 to provide funding to accelerate the construction of 100,000 new homes across Canada.
  • The HAF encourages local governments to implement sustainable initiatives that remove barriers to housing supply and development approvals. The long-term goal is to make housing more affordable for people across Canada.
  • The Act Respecting Land Use Planning and Development and Other Provisions is one of the pillars of the National Policy on Architecture and Land-Use Planning: Living and Building Better in Quebec.

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Prime Minister announces appointment of new Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal

November 9, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the appointment of the Honourable Yves de Montigny, a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal, as the new Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal.

Chief Justice de Montigny replaces the Honourable Marc Noël, who retired effective August 1, 2023.


“I wish the Honourable Yves de Montigny every success as he takes on his new role as Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal. He is a respected member of the legal community and has extensive experience in many areas of the law. I am confident Chief Justice de Montigny will be a great asset to the Federal Court of Appeal.”

— The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices in Canada are responsible for the leadership and administration of their courts. They also serve as members of the Canadian Judicial Council, which works to improve the quality of judicial services in the superior courts of Canada.
  • Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of Cabinet and the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

Biographical Note

Prime Minister announces appointment of new Associate Chief Justice of the Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick

November 9, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the appointment of the Honourable Larry Landry, a judge of the Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick, Trial Division, as the new Associate Chief Justice of the Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick.

Associate Chief Justice Landry fills the newly created position authorized further to the Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1.


“I wish the Honourable Larry Landry every success as he takes on his new role as Associate Chief Justice of the Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick. He is a respected member of the legal community and has extensive experience in many areas of the law. I am confident Associate Chief Justice Landry will be a great asset to the people of New Brunswick.”

— The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices in Canada are responsible for the leadership and administration of their courts. They also serve as members of the Canadian Judicial Council, which works to improve the quality of judicial services in the superior courts of Canada.
  • Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of Cabinet and the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

Biographical Note

Prime Minister announces appointment of new Associate Chief Justice of the Court of King’s Bench for Saskatchewan

November 9, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the appointment of the Honourable Michael D. Tochor, a judge of the Court of King’s Bench for Saskatchewan, as the new Associate Chief Justice of the Court of King’s Bench for Saskatchewan.

Associate Chief Justice Tochor fills a new position authorized further to the Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1.


“I wish the Honourable Michael D. Tochor every success as he takes on his new role as Associate Chief Justice of the Court of King’s Bench for Saskatchewan. He is a respected member of the legal community and has decades of experience in many areas of the law. I am confident Associate Chief Justice Tochor will continue to be a great asset to the people of Saskatchewan.”

— The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices in Canada are responsible for the leadership and administration of their courts. They also serve as members of the Canadian Judicial Council, which works to improve the quality of judicial services in the superior courts of Canada.
  • Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of Cabinet and the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

Biographical Note

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Orthodox Easter:

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Orthodox Easter:
Statement by the Prime Minister on Orthodox Easter May 5, 2024 Ottawa, Ontario The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Orthodox Easter: “Today, we join people of Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic faith in Canada and around the world to celebrate Easter, also known as Pascha. “As the holiest holiday in the Christian Orthodox faith, Easter is a time of hope, new beginnings, and gratitude. During this special time, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ by decorating colourful eggs, enjoying festive meals with friends and family, and attending the Divine Liturgy at their local churches. “Easter is also an opportunity to give thanks for life’s blessings and to show compassion, kindness, and charity to those less fortunate. Orthodox Christians make remarkable contributions to communities across the country, and Canada is stronger because of them. “On behalf of the Government of Canada, I wish a happy Easter to everyone celebrating today.”


ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΠΙΕΡΡΑΚΑΚΗΣ,ΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΣ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ,ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΥ:Φίλες, φίλοι, Εύχομαι η φετινή Ανάσταση να χαρίσει σε εσάς και τις οικογένειές σας υγεία, ευημερία και αισιοδοξία! Καλή Ανάσταση και Καλό Πάσχα! Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκης

ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ,τ.Υφ.Αν.,Βουλευτού Ν.Δ. Θερμές Ευχές

ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ,τ.Υφ.Αν.,Βουλευτού Ν.Δ. Θερμές Ευχές
ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ,τ.Υφ.Αν.,Βουλευτού Ν.Δ. Θερμές Ευχές




Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and to those in the tombs, granting life. Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών, θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας, και τοις εν τοις μνήμασι ζωήν χαρισάμενος. On behalf of the Order of AHEPA, I wish you, and your family, a Happy Easter. May it be a special day of joyous memories for you and your loved ones. Fraternally, Savas C. Tsivicos Supreme President

Ευχές από την Εθνική Αρχή Διαφάνειας

Ευχές από την Εθνική Αρχή Διαφάνειας
Ευχές από την Εθνική Αρχή Διαφάνειας



Κέντρον Ερεύνης της Ελληνικής Λαογραφίας της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών

Κέντρον Ερεύνης της Ελληνικής Λαογραφίας της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών
O διευθύνων το Κέντρον Ερεύνης της Ελληνικής Λαογραφίας της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών κ. Ευάγγελος Καραμανές, το ερευνητικό και διοικητικό προσωπικό του Κέντρου σας εύχονται Καλό Πάσχα!


ΣΤΕΡΓΙΟΥ ΤΣΙΡΚΑ,ΔΗΜΑΡΧΟΥ ΜΑΡΑΘΩΝΟΣ,Θερμές Πασχαλινές Ευχές:"Το μήνυμα της Αγάπης, της Συγχώρεσης και της Ελπίδας, ας φωτίσει τις ψυχές μας, αυτές τις Άγιες Μέρες"



Σας ευχόμαστε Καλή Ανάσταση, Καλό Πάσχα! Αρχή Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα

Σας ευχόμαστε Καλή Ανάσταση, Καλό Πάσχα!  Αρχή Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα
Σας ευχόμαστε Καλή Ανάσταση, Καλό Πάσχα! Αρχή Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα





"SOS IATΡΟΙ" Θερμές Πασχαλινές Ευχές

"SOS IATΡΟΙ" Θερμές Πασχαλινές Ευχές
"SOS IATΡΟΙ" Θερμές Πασχαλινές Ευχές


Ο Πρόεδρος και τα μέλη του ΔΣ του Παραρτήματος Αχαρνών & Φυλής της Ελληνικής Αντικαρκινικής Εταιρείας σας εύχονται:

"ΣΥΡΙΖΑ" Ανατολικής Αττικής:Ευχές

"ΣΥΡΙΖΑ" Ανατολικής Αττικής:Ευχές
"ΣΥΡΙΖΑ" Ανατολικής Αττικής:Ευχές

Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Τέχνης & Έρευνας του Πολιτισμού του Ανατολικού Ρωμαϊκού Κράτους στην Ευρώπη

Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Τέχνης & Έρευνας του Πολιτισμού του Ανατολικού Ρωμαϊκού Κράτους στην Ευρώπη



✨Καλό Πάσχα από την ομάδα της Crowdpolicy!✨

✨Καλό Πάσχα από την ομάδα της Crowdpolicy!✨
✨Καλό Πάσχα από την ομάδα της Crowdpolicy!✨





"ALUMIL" Ευχές

"ALUMIL"  Ευχές
"ΑLUMIL" Eυχές για "ΚΑΛΟ ΠΑΣΧΑ"!!

"ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΞΙΟΥΧΩΝ" Θερμές Πασχαλινές Ευχές

"ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΞΙΟΥΧΩΝ" Θερμές Πασχαλινές Ευχές
Συναδέλφισσες - συνάδελφοι... Διευκρινίζουμε ότι για μας - ΤΟ ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΞΙΟΥΧΩΝ - ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΣΗΜΑΙΝΕΙ: Επιστροφή όλων των αναδρομικών (των συντάξεων μας από το 2012 και μετά, που χαρακτηρίστηκαν αντισυνταγματικές) Επιστροφή των δώρων μας (αφού τα μνημόνια τέλειωσαν) Αυτόματη Τιμαριθμική Αναπροσαρμογή ημερομισθίων, μισθών και συντάξεων (ΑΤΑ) Κατοχύρωση των κοινωνικών μας δικαιωμάτων όπως αυτά ίσχυαν μέχρι το 2009 Αντιμετώπιση της (ηθελημένης) ακρίβειας …

Hellenic Hotel Federation Ευχές

Hellenic Hotel Federation Ευχές
Π.Ο.Ξ. Θερμές Ευχές

"askitis" Eυχές

"askitis" Eυχές
"askitis" Eυχές


Η Εφημερίδα «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ 2000-2022» μετά από εικοσιδύο ολόκληρα χρόνια ΕΝΤΥΠΗΣ και ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗΣ έκδοσης, ολοκλήρωσε τον κύκλο της τον Δεκέμβριο 2022 οπότε και σταμάτησε την κυκλοφορία της για να μεταλλαχθεί σε THINK TANK BLOG. Ευχαριστούμε από καρδιάς όσους μας αγάπησαν, μας τίμησαν με την απίστευτη αναγνωσιμότητά της, μας εμπιστεύθηκαν και ακόμα το κάνουν έως σήμερα. Ευχαριστούμε όσους συνεργάστηκαν μαζί μας, όσους μας εμπιστεύθηκαν και μας στήριξαν. Με αληθινή, βαθύτατη εκτίμηση προς Ολους Σας… ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ και ΜΑΡΙΑ ΒΑΒΟΥΡΑΝΑΚΗ

Toπικό Μέσο Μαζικής ενημέρωσης ("θυγατρικό" της "ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ"),ΜΙΑ ΚΡΑΥΓΗ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ 170.000 Ελλήνων Πολιτών. Είκοσι ολόκληρα χρόνια ζωής (2000-2021) και αγώνων στην καταγραφή και υπεράσπιση της Αλήθειας για τον πολύπαθο τόπο των Αχαρνών.



Βιογραφικό του Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη Ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης γεννήθηκε το 1968 στην Αθήνα. Αφού αποφοίτησε αριστούχος από το Κολλέγιο Αθηνών συνέχισε τις σπουδές του στην Αμερική. Σπούδασε κοινωνικές επιστήμες στο Harvard από όπου αποφοίτησε με την ανώτατη τιμητική διάκριση «summa cum laude» ενώ τιμήθηκε με τα έπαθλα «Hoopes» και «Tocqueville» για την εκπόνηση της διατριβής του με θέμα την αμερικανική εξωτερική πολιτική απέναντι στην Ελλάδα. Συνέχισε τις σπουδές του στο Stanford, στον τομέα των διεθνών οικονομικών σχέσεων και τις ολοκλήρωσε στο Harvard Business School στον τομέα της διοίκησης επιχειρήσεων. Πριν ασχοληθεί με την πολιτική, εργάστηκε επί μία δεκαετία στον ιδιωτικό τομέα στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό. Διετέλεσε οικονομικός αναλυτής στην Chase Investment Bank και σύμβουλος στην κορυφαία εταιρία συμβούλων McKinsey and Company στο Λονδίνο. Μετά την επιστροφή του στην Ελλάδα, εργάστηκε ως ανώτατο στέλεχος επενδύσεων στην Alpha Ventures της Alpha Bank και στη συνέχεια μετακινήθηκε στον Όμιλο της Εθνικής Τράπεζας της Ελλάδας. Διατέλεσε για τρία χρόνια Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Εθνικής Επιχειρηματικών Συμμετοχών, την οποία και ανέδειξε σε κορυφαία εταιρεία στην Ελληνική και Βαλκανική αγορά του private equity και του venture capital. Η Εθνική Επιχειρηματικών Συμμετοχών χρηματοδότησε πολλές γρήγορα αναπτυσσόμενες επιχειρήσεις με ίδια κεφάλαια, δημιουργώντας εκατοντάδες θέσεις απασχόλησης. Για την επαγγελματική του δραστηριότητα έχει λάβει τιμητικές διακρίσεις, με σημαντικότερη την βράβευσή του το 2003 από το World Economic Forum ως “Global Leader for Tomorrow”. Στις εκλογές του 2004 και του 2007 εξελέγη πρώτος σε σταυρούς προτίμησης βουλευτής με τη Νέα Δημοκρατία στη μεγαλύτερη εκλογική περιφέρεια της χώρας, τη Β΄ Αθηνών, ενώ στις εκλογές του 2009 εξελέγη για τρίτη φορά. Στις εκλογές του Μαΐου 2012 εξελέγη για μία ακόμη φορά πρώτος στη Β’ Αθηνών, ενώ ήταν επικεφαλής του ψηφοδελτίου στις εκλογές του Ιουνίου 2012. Στη Βουλή των Ελλήνων έχει συμμετάσχει στην Επιτροπή Αναθεώρησης του Συντάγματος και στις Επιτροπές Οικονομικών, Παραγωγής και Εμπορίου, Ευρωπαϊκών Υποθέσεων και Εξωτερικών και Άμυνας ενώ διετέλεσε για δύο χρόνια Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Περιβάλλοντος. Έως τις εκλογές του 2012 ήταν Τομεάρχης Περιβαλλοντικής Πολιτικής της Νέας Δημοκρατίας. Έχει επισκεφθεί πολλές περιβαλλοντικά ευαίσθητες περιοχές της χώρας, έχει συμμετάσχει σε δεκάδες συνέδρια για το περιβάλλον στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό μεταξύ αυτών στις διεθνείς διασκέψεις του ΟΗΕ για την κλιματική αλλαγή στο Μπαλί, το Πόζναν, το Κανκούν και την Κοπεγχάγη. Διετέλεσε Υπουργός Διοικητικής Μεταρρύθμισης και Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης από τις 25 Ιουνίου 2013 μέχρι τις 27 Ιανουαρίου 2015. Στις εθνικές εκλογές της 25ης Ιανουαρίου 2015 εξελέγη για πέμπτη φορά βουλευτής της ΝΔ στη Β’ Αθηνών τετραπλασιάζοντας τους σταυρούς που έλαβε σε σχέση με τις εθνικές εκλογές του Μαΐου 2012. Στις 10 Ιανουαρίου 2016 εξελέγη πρόεδρος της Νέας Δημοκρατίας και αρχηγός της Αξιωματικής Αντιπολίτευσης. Στις 7 Ιουλίου 2019 εξελέγη Πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας. Μιλάει Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά και Γερμανικά και έχει εκδώσει το βιβλίο «Οι Συμπληγάδες της Εξωτερικής Πολιτικής». Έχει τρία παιδιά, τη Σοφία, τον Κωνσταντίνο και τη Δάφνη.





"ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ για τον μικρό μας Αγγελο,ΜΑΡΙΟ ΣΟΥΛΟΥΚΟ"

"ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ για τον μικρό μας Αγγελο,ΜΑΡΙΟ ΣΟΥΛΟΥΚΟ"


Ερευνα,Συνεντεύξεις και επισήμανση της σπουδαιότητος του τότε ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΕΝΤΡΟΥ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΑΙΜΑΤΟΣ "ΗΛΙΑΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ" απο το Περιοδικό "ΑΧΑΡΝΕΩΝ Εργα" το έτος 2004!!
Ο Ιστοχώρος μας ΔΕΝ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΝΕΙ τα κείμενα των Αρθρογράφων του. Αυτά δημοσιεύονται εκφράζοντας τους ιδίους.
Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική ή κατά παράφραση ή διασκευή ή απόδοση του περιεχομένου του παρόντος διαδικτυακού τόπου σε ό,τι αφορά τα άρθρα της ΜΑΡΙΑΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΔΑΚΗ ΒΑΒΟΥΡΑΝΑΚΗ και του ΓΙΑΝΝΗ Γ. ΒΑΒΟΥΡΑΝΑΚΗ με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, ηλεκτρονικό, μηχανικό, φωτοτυπικό ή άλλο, χωρίς την προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια των Αρθρογράφων. Νόμος 2121/1993 - Νόμος 3057/2002, ο οποίος ενσωμάτωσε την οδηγία 2001/29 του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.

Tι ήταν η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ»..για όσους δεν γνωρίζουν.

Η «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» γεννήθηκε το 2000,ως συνέχεια του Περιοδικού «ΑΧΑΡΝΕΩΝ Έργα». Δημιουργήθηκε από Επαγγελματίες Εκδότες με δεκαετίες στον τομέα της Διαφήμισης, των Εκδόσεων και των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων και αρχικά ήταν μια Υπερτοπική Εφημερίδα με κύριο αντικείμενο το Αυτοδιοικητικό Ρεπορτάζ.

Επί χρόνια, κυκλοφορούσε την έντυπη έκδοσή της σε ένα ικανότατο τιράζ (5000 καλαίσθητων φύλλων εβδομαδιαίως) και εντυπωσίαζε με την ποιότητα της εμφάνισης και το ουσιώδες, μαχητικό και έντιμο περιεχόμενο της.
Η δύναμη της Πένας της Εφημερίδας, η Ειλικρίνεια, οι Ερευνές της που έφερναν πάντα ουσιαστικό αποτέλεσμα ενημέρωσης, την έφεραν πολύ γρήγορα πρώτη στην προτίμηση των αναγνωστών και γρήγορα εξελίχθηκε σε Εφημερίδα Γνώμης και όχι μόνον για την Περιφέρεια στην οποία κυκλοφορούσε.

=Επι είκοσι δύο (22) χρόνια, στήριζε τον Απόδημο Ελληνισμό, χωρίς καμία-ούτε την παραμικρή- διακοπή

. =Επί είκοσι δυο ολόκληρα χρόνια, προέβαλε με αίσθηση καθήκοντος κάθε ξεχωριστό, έντιμο και υπεύθυνο Πολιτικό τόσο της Τοπικής όσο και της Κεντρικής Πολιτικής Σκηνής. Στις σελίδες της, θα βρείτε ακόμα και σήμερα μόνο άξιες και χρήσιμες Πολιτικές Προσωπικότητες αλλά και ενημέρωση από κάθε Κόμμα της Ελληνικής Βουλής. Η «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» ουδέποτε διαχώρησε τους αναγνώστες της ανάλογα με τα πολιτικά τους πιστεύω. Επραττε το καθήκον της, ενημερώνοντας όλους τους Ελληνες, ως όφειλε.

=Επί είκοσι δυο ολόκληρα χρόνια, έδινε βήμα στους αδέσμευτους, τους επιτυχημένους, τους γνώστες και θιασώτες της Αλήθειας. Στήριζε τον Θεσμό της Ελληνικής Οικογένειας, την Παιδεία, την Ελληνική Ιστορία, πρόβαλλε με όλες της τις δυνάμεις τους Αδελφούς μας απανταχού της Γης, ενημέρωνε για τα επιτεύγματα της Επιστήμης, της Επιχειρηματικότητας και πολλά άλλα που πολύ καλά γνωρίζουν οι Αναγνώστες της.

=Επί είκοσι δύο ολόκληρα χρόνια, ο απλός δημότης–πολίτης, φιλοξενήθηκε στις σελίδες της με μόνη προϋπόθεση την ειλικρινή και αντικειμενική γραφή και την ελεύθερη Γνώμη, η οποία ΟΥΔΕΠΟΤΕ λογοκρίθηκε.

Η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ», στην διακοπείσα πλέον ηλεκτρονική έκδοσή της, ήταν ένα βήμα Ισονομίας και Ισοπολιτείας, έννοιες απόλυτα επιθυμητές, ιδιαιτέρως στις ημέρες μας. Υπήρξε ο δικτυακός τόπος της έκφρασης του πολίτη και της εποικοδομητικής κριτικής, μακριά από κάθε στήριξη αφού δεν ετύγχανε οικονομικής υποστήριξης από Δήμους, Κυβερνήσεις ή όποιους άλλους Δημόσιους ή Ιδιωτικούς Φορείς, δεν είχε ΠΟΤΕ χορηγούς, ή οποιασδήποτε μορφής υποστηρικτές. Απολάμβανε όμως του Διεθνούς σεβασμού αφού φιλοξενούσε ενημέρωση από αρκετά ξένα Κράτη-κάτι που συνεχίζεται και σήμερα- πράγμα που της περιποιεί βεβαίως, μέγιστη τιμή.

Η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» διέγραψε μια αξιοζήλευτη πορεία και απέκτησε ΜΕΓΙΣΤΗ αναγνωσιμότητα (που συνεχίζεται ως σήμερα). Η Εφημερίδα «ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ» διεκδίκησε και κέρδισε την αποδοχή και τον σεβασμό που της ανήκε, με «εξετάσεις» εικοσιδύο ολόκληρων ετών, με συνεχείς αιματηρούς αγώνες κατά της τοπικής διαπλοκής, με αγώνα επιβίωσης σε πολύ δύσκολους καιρούς, με Εντιμότητα, αίσθηση Καθήκοντος και Ευθύνης.