06/06/2018 11:11 AM EDT
Por Federico J. Díez y Daniel Leigh
El creciente poder y patrimonio económico de las grandes empresas —desde líneas aéreas hasta compañías farmacéuticas y de tecnología avanzada— suscita inquietud en torno a un exceso de concentración y poder […]
06/01/2018 10:47 AM EDT
Diálogo a fondo
Colombia se ha recuperado del duro shock de los precios del petróleo de 2015-2016 que frenó el sólido ritmo de crecimiento, elevó la inflación y amplió el déficit en cuenta corriente, y ahora las perspectivas del país están dando un giro favorable.
06/06/2018 08:45 AM EDT
By Federico J. Díez and Daniel Leigh June 6, 2018 The market power of “superstar” companies in advanced economies is growing (photo: iStock by Getty Images) The growing economic wealth and power of big companies—from […]
Most Read Blogs in May
Volatility Strikes Back
The bouts of volatility in early February and late March that spooked investors were confined to equity markets. Nevertheless, they illustrate the potential for sudden market moves to expose fragilities in the financial system more broadly. All this could lead to a period of renewed volatility.
Technology and the Future of Work
Many feel anxious about the impact of new technology on their jobs. This is not new. In fact, it dates back at least to the Luddites movement at the outset of the Industrial Revolution. And it resurfaced during the Great Depression and again in the 1960s, following a period of high productivity growth, and in the 1980s at the outset of the IT revolution. How can governments help? By investing in peoples’ skills
Creating a Better Global Trade System
Recent news on global trade has tended to focus on protectionist measures and diplomatic tensions. These challenges have raised concerns over growth and jobs across the world.Yet what is often lost in the current discussions is that we are entering a new era of trade—an era in which data flows are becoming more important than physical trade.
Trust and the Future of Multilateralism
We live in an era of doubts and questions about the global order. We have seen an erosion of trust in bedrock institutions—political parties, national governments, regional authorities, and among international trade and investment partners. We often throw around the word trust rather loosely. Where trust exists and is reciprocated—where there is “confidence” in policies, institutions and systems—economies will achieve more.
Latin America and the Caribbean in 2018: An Economic Recovery in the Making
Recent trends in the world economy and financial markets are good news for Latin America. Global growth and trade are on an upswing, and we expect the momentum to continue in 2018. Stronger commodity prices have also helped the region rebound. Benefiting from these better global conditions, Latin America’s economic recovery is gaining momentum too, as recessions in a few countries come to an end (Brazil, Argentina, and Ecuador).