The Week Ahead: Back to School Today is Monday, August 22, and it is Back to School preparation time. Yesterday, August 21, was National Senior Citizens Day. Friday, August 26, is Women's Equality Day. Saturday, August 27, is National Petroleum Day. View our Stats for Stories page for more upcoming observances. Summer is ending. It’s time to get back to school! Teachers: To celebrate the occasion with your students, have them explore statistics on how our nation’s students and teachers get ready for a return to the classroom. Download our handout and be sure to share it with parents and caregivers. You May Be Interested InCensus Bureau Releases First in a Series of 2020 Census Quality ReportsThe U.S. Census Bureau, on August 18, released the first two of more than 65 reports from its 2020 Census Evaluations and Experiments (EAE) operation designed to assess the quality of 2020 Census programs and operations and test new methods suggested from previous research. These studies include evaluations, experiments, operational assessments, quality control profiles, and a topic report. Conclusions and recommendations will play a key role in the design, research, testing, and implementation of the 2030 Census. Feedback Is Critical for Informing Plans for the Next Decennial HeadcountThe U.S. Census Bureau has formally invited the public to share their input and ideas for an improved 2030 Census. The invitation comes in the form of a Federal Register Notice published on August 17. The notice marks the start of a 90-day response window. The Census Bureau is in the early stages of planning for the next census – a process that includes years of research and testing to prepare for the complex task of counting every person living in the United States each decade. By mid-decade, in 2024, the Census Bureau expects to decide the initial operational design for the 2030 Census – the “big picture” plan for the census. That milestone is followed by refining procedures and putting technology and other infrastructure in place for the national count in 2030. Household Pulse Survey Phase 3.5 Monthly Data ReleaseThe U.S. Census Bureau, on August 17, released new data from phase 3.5 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS). Phase 3.5 includes new questions on timing of positive coronavirus test, use of coronavirus treatments, the experience of long-COVID symptoms, amount of monthly rent and changes in monthly rent, children's mental health, and difficulty with self-care and communicating. Questions related to food expenditures were reinstated this phase. Some existing questions were also modified. Among them: changing the focus of one vaccination question to ask reasons for not getting the COVID-19 vaccine booster instead of reasons for not getting the vaccine; modifying the questions on children's vaccines to include whether each child in each given age group is fully vaccinated and has received booster vaccines; and a revised question on number of days (if any) teleworked. Several questions were removed for this phase, including those on the number of vaccine doses and brand of vaccine received, intention to receive a vaccine, mental health prescriptions and services use and unmet needs, preventive care for children, confidence in paying rent or mortgage on time and some questions on household activities. Happy Birthday, Hawaii!Yesterday, we celebrated Hawaii's 63rd anniversary of statehood. Did You Know?- Hawaii joined the Union on August 21, 1959, as the 50th state.
- Hawaii is the 47th largest state by area.
- Hawaii's population increased by 94,970 from 2010-2020.
- The state nickname is the Aloha State.