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New books added to the Council Library's collection - July 2022
- 29 July 2022
- New books
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Foreign affairs & international relations Energy Environment Security & defence Eastern Europe and Central Asia Asia United States EU member states Regional development Economy & finance
Discover our selection of books recently added to the Council Library collection New books
July 2022
”This book sheds light on how Member States and EU neighbours relate to Russia. It includes their historical, financial and political ties, as well as the public perception of the national population vis-à-vis Russia.”
”This open access handbook is distinguished by its emphasis on international energy, rather than domestic energy policies or international geopolitical aspects. It addresses key topics such as energy production and distribution, renewables and global energy trends, regional case studies.”
”Cet ouvrage traite des relations entre l’Union européenne et les territoires des États membres rapportés à la singularité de l’ordre juridique de l’Union. Il développe une approche fonctionnelle et une vision transversale des questions d’ordre institutionnel et matériel dans les différents champs d’intervention de l’Union.”
”By shadowing lawyers who encourage deliberate law-breaking and mobilize courts against their own governments, this book overturns the conventional wisdom regarding the judicial construction of Europe and illuminates how the politics of lawyers can profoundly impact institutional change and transnational governance.”
”Although modern life grows increasingly casual, in many sectors, protocol still reigns supreme. This guide offers an overview of its associated practices, including those found within the context of diplomatic relations and the business world.”
"La construction de l’Europe est une expérience unique dans l’espace mondial. Pour la première fois, des gouvernements de nations indépendantes – démocratiques, qui plus est – décident de mutualiser librement une partie de leur souveraineté au profit d’une association fondée sur la volonté politique.”
The publications mentioned in this post do not necessarily represent the positions, policies, or opinions of the Council of the European Union or the European Council.
The Council library remains open on-line over August, and will reply to queries by email from Monday to Friday, 12.30 to 15.30. You can reach the Info Desk by email (library@consilium.europa.eu).