Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Έγγραφα ολομέλειας: Προτάσεις ψηφίσματος
ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ ΨΗΦΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ σχετικά με την ευρωπαϊκή ανθρωπιστική βοήθεια στο Μέτωπο Polisario - B9-0225/2020
27-07-2020 09:20 AM CEST
σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 143 του Κανονισμού
σχετικά με την ευρωπαϊκή ανθρωπιστική βοήθεια στο Μέτωπο Polisario
Dominique Bilde, Bernhard Zimniok, Gianna Gancia
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ ΨΗΦΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ σχετικά με τις ενέργειες της Τουρκίας στη Λιβύη στο πλαίσιο των μέτρων για το εμπάργκο όπλων - B9-0226/2020
27-07-2020 09:20 AM CEST
σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 143 του Κανονισμού
σχετικά με τις ενέργειες της Τουρκίας στη Λιβύη στο πλαίσιο των μέτρων για το εμπάργκο όπλων
Thierry Mariani
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Briefing - EU public health policy - 27-07-2020
Briefing - EU public health policy - 27-07-2020
27-07-2020 12:06 PM CEST
This paper explains the origins and current role of public health policy at European Union level, details how the Union has responded to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic to date, and analyses the European Commission’s recent proposal for a flagship policy initiative in this field, the EU4Health programme, which could represent a 'paradigm shift' in how the EU deals with health. It then goes on to explore a range of possible further initiatives that could be taken to over the medium- to long-term to strengthen healthcare system across Europe. In the context of the Franco-German proposition that the EU should acquire some form of ‘health sovereignty', it looks at the possibility of developing a more comprehensive vision for, and strengthening of, public health policy, in order to better respond to current and future needs.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Έγγραολομέλειας: Προτάσεις ψηφίσματος
ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ ΨΗΦΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ σχετικά με τη διασύνδεση της ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας και τη βελτίωση του ανταγωνιστικού περιβάλλοντος στην Ένωση - B9-0228/2020
27-07-2020 12:25 PM CEST
σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 143 του Κανονισμού
σχετικά με τη διασύνδεση της ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας και τη βελτίωση του ανταγωνιστικού περιβάλλοντος στην Ένωση
Viktor Uspaskich
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Briefing - Nutrition labelling schemes used in Member States - 27-07-2020
Briefing - Nutrition labelling schemes used in Member States - 27-07-2020
27-07-2020 12:00 AM CEST
The controversial issue of ‘front-of-pack nutrition labelling’ (FOP labelling) has been high on the agenda of those following European food labelling issues for many years. With half of adults in the European Union being overweight and with many health problems related to unhealthy diets, making the healthy choice the easy choice for consumers has been advocated as one of the means that could help to solve problems. Front-of-pack nutrition labelling is simplified nutrition information provided on the front of food packaging, aiming to help consumers with their food choices. Under the current EU rules, the indication of nutrition information on the front of packaging is not mandatory but could be provided on a voluntary basis. Some Member States have already introduced voluntary schemes to help consumers to identify healthier products. The Commission announces in its new ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy, launched in May 2020, that it will propose a mandatory harmonised front-of‑pack nutrition labelling system by the end of 2022. Consumer and health associations broadly consider that FOP nutrition labelling plays a key role in helping consumers make more informed, healthier food choices. There is, however, also criticism of such schemes, arguing that they are over-simplified and can mislead consumers. In its resolution on the European Green Deal, adopted in January 2020, the European Parliament welcomes the plan for a sustainable food system strategy, as well as the Commission’s intention to explore new ways to give consumers better information, and calls on the Commission to consider improved food labelling.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Briefing - Road and rail transport and coronavirus: Mapping the way out of the crisis - 27-07-2020
Briefing - Road and rail transport and coronavirus: Mapping the way out of the crisis - 27-07-2020
27-07-2020 04:50 PM CEST
In the first weeks of the coronavirus crisis, the lockdown and border closures halted most passenger services in road and rail transport and left road hauliers to face uncertainty and very long waiting times at many border crossings. With the pandemic easing, some passenger services resumed in certain EU countries from late April onward, and with the introduction of 'green lanes' the situation at border crossings stabilised allowing smoother passage for road hauliers. Nonetheless, the initial estimates of the costs to the transport sector are immense and the impact is expected to continue well beyond 2020. The EU took a number of steps in the early stages of the crisis to alleviate the situation and to provide relief to the transport sector. As the situation progressed, the European Commission introduced further measures to help coordinate the exit from confinement and safely restart transport services. The Commission has also tabled a European recovery plan with a number of new instruments, which will allow the provision of assistance to key sectors, including the transport sector. The European Council reached a political agreement on the recovery fund on 21 July. To support their economies, EU governments have introduced a number of economy-wide measures, but also sector-specific measures, including for transport and tourism, as well as support for individual transport companies. The Commission has further enabled governments to use State aid to help firms in difficulty by putting in place a temporary framework for State aid.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Briefing - The EU and Russia: Locked into confrontation - 28-07-2020
Briefing - The EU and Russia: Locked into confrontation - 28-07-2020
28-07-2020 12:00 AM CEST
Following the post-Cold War reset of the 1990s, EU-Russia relations have become increasingly tense. Although initially seen as a pro-Western reformer, since the start of his first presidency in 2000 Vladimir Putin has shown increasingly authoritarian tendencies, and his efforts to assert Russian influence over post-Soviet neighbours threaten the sovereignty of those states. Russia's 2008 war against Georgia led to no more than a temporary cooling of relations with the European Union (EU). However, its 2014 annexation of Crimea caused a more permanent rupture. Responding to Russian aggression in Ukraine, the EU adopted hard-hitting sanctions. In 2016, the EU decided to base its Russia policy on five principles, which remain as valid as ever in 2020. They are: insistence on full implementation of the Minsk Agreements on eastern Ukraine as a condition for lifting sanctions against Russia; efforts to strengthen relations with Russia's former Soviet neighbours; greater EU resilience to Russian threats; selective engagement with Russia on certain issues such as counter-terrorism; and support for EU-Russia people-to-people contacts. After six years of deadlock, French president Emmanuel Macron is among those calling for renewed EU-Russia dialogue. Improved relations between Ukraine and Russia following the election of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in spring 2019 raised hopes of a solution to the Donbass conflict, which is still the main obstacle to better relations between the two sides. However, there is still no sign of a breakthrough.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Έγγραφα ολομέλειας: Προτάσεις ψηφίσματος
ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ ΨΗΦΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ σχετικά με την προστασία της χριστιανικής θρησκευτικής και πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς της Αγίας Σοφίας στην Τουρκία - B9-0227/2020
28-07-2020 04:55 PM CEST
σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 143 του Κανονισμού
σχετικά με την προστασία της χριστιανικής θρησκευτικής και πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς της Αγίας Σοφίας στην Τουρκία
Mara Bizzotto
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Όλα τα δελτία τύπου
Άρθρο - Covid-19: 10 πράγματα που κάνει η ΕΕ για να στηρίξει την ανάκαμψη
28-07-2020 06:25 PM CEST
Η ΕΕ βρίσκεται στην πρώτη γραμμή του συντονισμού των μέτρων για την αντιμετώπιση της κρίσης του κορονοϊού. Αυτά είναι 10 πράγματα που κάνει η ΕΕ για να βοηθήσει την Ευρώπη να ορθοποδήσει.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Ειδήσεις
Άρθρο - Covid-19: 10 πράγματα που κάνει η ΕΕ για να στηρίξει την ανάκαμψη
28-07-2020 06:25 PM CEST
Η ΕΕ βρίσκεται στην πρώτη γραμμή του συντονισμού των μέτρων για την αντιμετώπιση της κρίσης του κορονοϊού. Αυτά είναι 10 πράγματα που κάνει η ΕΕ για να βοηθήσει την Ευρώπη να ορθοποδήσει.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Κοινοβουλευτικά
Άρθρο - Covid-19: 10 πράγματα που κάνει η ΕΕ για να στηρίξει την ανάκαμψη
28-07-2020 06:25 PM CEST
Η ΕΕ βρίσκεται στην πρώτη γραμμή του συντονισμού των μέτρων για την αντιμετώπιση της κρίσης του κορονοϊού. Αυτά είναι 10 πράγματα που κάνει η ΕΕ για να βοηθήσει την Ευρώπη να ορθοποδήσει.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
28-07-2020 12:00 AM CEST
Journalism and journalists face a growing range of threats, including violence and harassment; the misuse of defamation and other laws against them, and restrictive measures on freedom of information and expression adopted in response to the Covid-19 crisis. States must ensure a safe and favourable environment for journalists to perform their public watchdog function. This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, examines the overall chilling effect of crimes and threats against journalists and explores various regulatory and other measures to counter them.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Λεπτομερής ανάλυση - Ten opportunities for Europe post-coronavirus: Exploring potential for progress in EU policy-making - 29-07-2020
Λεπτομερής ανάλυση - Ten opportunities for Europe post-coronavirus: Exploring potential for progress in EU policy-making - 29-07-2020
29-07-2020 12:10 PM CEST
Whilst much commentary and analysis has understandably been focused on reaction to, and mitigation of, the immediate impact of the coronavirus crisis in Europe and worldwide, relatively little attention has been paid to areas of potential opportunity which the crisis may offer to improve policy for the future. This EPRS analysis looks at ten areas which may offer potential for progress, including working more closely together on health policy, using climate action to promote a sustainable recovery, re-thinking the world of work, future-proofing education, harnessing e commerce and championing European values and multilateralism.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Briefing - Linking the levels of governance in the EU - 29-07-2020
Briefing - Linking the levels of governance in the EU - 29-07-2020
29-07-2020 10:42 AM CEST
The coronavirus crisis has further underlined the need for a more cohesive European Union (EU). Previous ideas about how best to link the levels of the EU's system of multilevel governance have become even more important, while new paths of cooperation have been opened by changes triggered by the crisis itself. Every level of governance, from the EU to the local, via the national and regional levels, has been affected by the crisis and all are involved in the response. This crisis has shown that coordination between the levels can improve and should be improved. EU decision-making could become even more effective, efficient and legitimate if it draws appropriate lessons from the crisis. The first part of this paper focuses on the rationale for, and form of, an EU strategy to better connect the different levels of the multilevel system of governance in Europe. The second part assesses the consequences of the current crisis for the links between EU governance levels, reflecting on the various lessons to be drawn, for each level, and suggesting different practical implications for the process, such as the need to adjust the network of key partners and seize the moment to further incorporate digital technologies in partnership-building. Finally, the paper highlights the historic opportunity provided by the forthcoming Conference on the Future of Europe to develop and establish a more permanent system to link the levels of our Union. Concrete proposals are summarised in a table of potential initiatives.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Briefing - International trade policy - 29-07-2020
Briefing - International trade policy - 29-07-2020
29-07-2020 10:13 AM CEST
The coronavirus pandemic caused a significant collapse in international trade in the first half of 2020. Trade accounts for a higher proportion of the EU economy than that of the United States of America (US) or China, which can make the EU's economic model more vulnerable to import and export disruptions. In recent years, the multilateral liberal trading order has already been facing unprecedented turbulence. The rise of protectionism and zero-sum thinking, trade wars and the blockage within the World Trade Organization (WTO) Appellate Body have been severely undermining the basis on which trade had been conducted in recent decades. At the same time, the European Commission remains committed to the promotion of free and fair trade. Thus the five main priorities for EU trade policy after coronavirus will be economic recovery, re-establishing a positive transatlantic relationship, levelling the playing field with China, negotiating a fair new trade relationship with the United Kingdom, and improving enforcement and implementation of the EU's trade agreements with 76 countries around the world. Each of these priorities will need to be balanced against the requirements of the WTO, a comprehensive regulatory approach to digital trade and mainstreaming of sustainability objectives into trade policy. Creative solutions, such as instruments to tackle foreign subsidies and the WTO pharmaceutical agreement can also help Europe to navigate the new geo-economic and post-coronavirus era of global trade successfully.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Briefing - Climate change and climate action - 29-07-2020
Briefing - Climate change and climate action - 29-07-2020
29-07-2020 09:45 AM CEST
The coronavirus crisis presents challenges as well as opportunities for policies to address the issue of climate change. Measures taken in reaction to the pandemic have led to a dramatic fall in economic and social activity, and to a corresponding temporary drop in greenhouse gas emissions. Certain behaviour changes adopted during the crisis, such as teleworking and video-conferences, may persist and lead to permanently reduced emissions related to commuting and business travel. On the other hand, use of private cars may increase if public transport is considered as unsafe. The economic crisis has had a negative impact on household or corporate finances, which may lead to reduction or delay to investment in low-carbon technologies. Recovery packages for restarting the economy offer an opportunity for promoting low-carbon investment, but also bring the risk of financing the continuation of emission-intensive products and activities. The postponement of the COP26 climate change conference by one year slows down international climate action, but also offers the opportunity for the Parties to develop ambitious long-term strategies in the aftermath of the coronavirus crisis.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Briefing - EU civil protection capabilities - 29-07-2020
Briefing - EU civil protection capabilities - 29-07-2020
29-07-2020 09:14 AM CEST
Civil protection is the protection of people, the environment and property against natural and man-made disasters. The Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) is a highly visible and tangible promise by the European Union (EU) to its citizens to protect them when in need, and to act in solidarity in times of extraordinary suffering. It is a distinctively civilian approach to the problem. On the basis of Articles 196 and 222 (the 'solidarity clause') of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), it relies on a voluntary system of mutual assistance and on capacity pre-committed by the Member States. In 2019, this was complemented by dedicated EU capacities via a new tool, called RescEU, and improvements in risk prevention and preparedness. However, the current coronavirus crisis has shown that the current structures and processes might still not be fit for purpose or in the required state of readiness. The EU needs to broaden and increase its capabilities. This paper explores the issue and identifies potential initiatives to further improve the structural and capability components of EU crisis response. They include options for streamlining civilian and military crisis response and management, improving cooperation with industry, enhancing foresight, war-gaming, international exercises and cyber capabilities, and the development of capability goals, readiness monitoring, and ensured mobility of urgently needed assets.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Μελέτη - Evaluation in the European Commission - 29-07-2020
Μελέτη - Evaluation in the European Commission - 29-07-2020
29-07-2020 12:00 AM CEST
Ex-post evaluation provides an evidence-based assessment of the performance of policies and legislation. Its findings support political decision-making and inform the design of new interventions. For this reason, and notably under the EU's Better Regulation agenda, evaluation has become a key policy-making tool at EU level. At the same time, evaluation is an aid for legislators, in particular at the policy review stage. The European Parliament therefore has a keen interest in obtaining a complete picture of ongoing Commission evaluations and in having timely access to evaluation results. This fourth edition of the EPRS rolling check-list 'Evaluation in the European Commission' is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of planned, ongoing and recently completed Commission evaluations. Compiled from a range of sources in the public domain, it seeks to fill a gap by granting a single access point to the Commission's evaluation planning and output, as of 30 June 2020. The dataset is preceded by an analysis of how the evaluation process has evolved since the 2015 Better Regulation reform, with particular regard to the transparency of the European Commission's ex post evaluation process.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Μελέτη - The European Elections of May 2019: Electoral systems and outcomes - 29-07-2020
Μελέτη - The European Elections of May 2019: Electoral systems and outcomes - 29-07-2020
29-07-2020 04:52 PM CEST
This EPRS study provides an overview of the electoral systems and outcomes in the May 2019 elections to the European Parliament. It analyses the procedural details of how parties and candidates register their participation, how votes are cast, how valid votes are converted into seats, and how seats are assigned to candidates. For each Member State the paper describes the ballot structure and vote pattern used, the apportionment of seats among the Member State’s domestic parties, and the assignment of the seats of a party to its candidates. It highlights aspects that are common to all Member States and captures peculiarities that are specific to some domestic provisions.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Μελέτη - Towards a more resilient Europe post-coronavirus: An initial mapping of structural risks facing the EU - 29-07-2020
Μελέτη - Towards a more resilient Europe post-coronavirus: An initial mapping of structural risks facing the EU - 29-07-2020
29-07-2020 03:35 PM CEST
The current coronavirus crisis emphasises the need for the European Union to devote more effort to anticipatory governance, notably through analysis of medium- and long-term global trends, as well as structured contingency planning and the stress-testing of existing and future policies. In order to contribute to reflection on, and discussion about, the implications of the coronavirus pandemic for EU policy-making, this paper offers an initial ‘mapping’ of some of the potential structural risks which could confront Europe over the coming decade, with 66 such risks analysed briefly in a series of short notes. The document then goes on to take a closer look at some of the more immediate risks to be considered in the near-term and outlines possible EU action to prevent or mitigate them over the remainder of the 2019-24 institutional cycle.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Εν συντομία - EU budget and recovery fund: Is it a done deal? [What Think Tanks are thinking] - 29-07-2020
Εν συντομία - EU budget and recovery fund: Is it a done deal? [What Think Tanks are thinking] - 29-07-2020
29-07-2020 12:00 AM CEST
After nearly five days of tough negotiations, the European Council agreed on the EU’s next seven-year budget, the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), worth more than one trillion euros from 2021 to 2027, and crucially, on an additional 750-billion euro fund to help countries recover from the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Many politicians and analysts have hailed the agreement on the recovery fund in particular as an ‘historic moment’. For the first time, some EU debt will be mutualised and the EU will tap financial markets on a significant scale to secure funds, which will be disbursed in the form of grants and loans. The European Parliament - which must approve these spending plans - welcomed the fund but criticised the lack of parliamentary scrutiny in its implementation as well as some of the cuts leaders made in spending on innovation and the climate as compared to the European Commission’s MFF proposals and the Parliament’s own demands, and regretted the weakened link between budget spending and the rule of law. This note offers links to first reactions from international think tanks on the budget deal. Earlier publications on financing the EU can be found in a previous item in this series, published by EPRS on 8 June 2020.
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Έγγραφα ολομέλειας: Τροπολογίες
ΤΡΟΠΟΛΟΓΙΕΣ 067-067 - Έκθεση σχετικά με την περιοδική έκθεση 2004 και τη σύσταση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής που αφορά την πορεία της Τουρκίας προς την ένταξη - A6-0063/2004(067-067)
30-07-2020 10:45 AM CEST
σχετικά με την περιοδική έκθεση 2004 και τη σύσταση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής που αφορά την πορεία της Τουρκίας προς την ένταξη
(COM(2004)0656 – C6-0148/2004 – 2004/2182(INI))
Επιτροπή Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων
Εισηγητής: Camiel Eurlings
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Έγγραφα ολομέλειας: Εκθέσεις
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Just Transition Fund - A9-0135/2020
30-07-2020 12:40 PM CEST
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Just Transition Fund
Committee on Regional Development
Manolis Kefalogiannis
Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Έγγραφα ολομέλειας: Τροπολογίες
ΤΡΟΠΟΛΟΓΙΕΣ 001-001 - ΣΥΣΤΑΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΗ ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΗ σχετικά με την κοινή θέση του Συμβουλίου για την έκδοση απόφασης του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου σχετικά με την καθιέρωση πολυετούς κοινοτικού προγράμματος για τη βελτίωση της πρόσβασης, της χρηστικότητας και της αξιοποίησης του ψηφιακού περιεχομένου στην Ευρώπη - A6-0002/2005(001-001)
30-07-2020 01:49 PM CEST
σχετικά με την κοινή θέση του Συμβουλίου για την έκδοση απόφασης του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου σχετικά με την καθιέρωση πολυετούς κοινοτικού προγράμματος για τη βελτίωση της πρόσβασης, της χρηστικότητας και της αξιοποίησης του ψηφιακού περιεχομένου στην Ευρώπη
(10458/4/2004 – C6-0140/2004 – 2004/0025(COD))
Επιτροπή Βιομηχανίας, Έρευνας και Ενέργειας
Εισηγητής: Paul Rübig
Πηγή : © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2020 - EK