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Conseil de l'UE
Conseil des affaires générales, 22 mars 2022
Principaux résultats
Conseil européen des 24 et 25 mars 2022
Les ministres ont procédé à un échange de vues sur le projet de conclusions du Conseil européen des 24 et 25 mars 2022.
Les dirigeants de l'UE discuteront de l'agression militaire russe contre l'Ukraine, de l'énergie, de la COVID-19, de la sécurité et de la défense, des relations extérieures et des questions économiques.
Conseil européen, 24-25 mars 2022 (informations générales)
Financement des partis politiques
Les ministres des affaires européennes de l'UE sont parvenus aujourd'hui à un accord politique (orientation générale partielle) sur la refonte du règlement relatif au statut et au financement des partis politiques européens et des fondations politiques européennes.
Cette révision vise à renforcer la transparence et l'encadrement du financement des partis politiques européens, en particulier contre les risques d’ingérences et de manipulations étrangères, tout en s’efforçant de limiter la charge administrative qui peut peser sur ces partis. Elle facilitera également l'action et la visibilité des partis politiques européens, qui contribuent à l’expression de la volonté des citoyens de l'Union, dans les Etats membres, et ainsi à la démocratie européenne. Elle contribuera enfin au renforcement de la confiance des citoyens européens envers leurs Institutions et partis politiques européens.
La transparence des campagnes politiques et des élections est essentielle pour protéger le processus démocratique. Les citoyens ont le droit de connaître l'origine des financements reçus par les partis. Ce règlement contribuera précisément à accroître la transparence ainsi qu'à limiter les ingérences étrangères.Clément Beaune, secrétaire d'État français chargé des affaires européennes
Le Conseil de l'UE avance vers un financement plus transparent des partis politiques européens (communiqué de presse, 22 mars 2022)
Semestre européen
Le processus du Semestre européen était également à l'ordre du jour.
La présidence française a préparé le rapport de synthèse des contributions du Conseil au Semestre européen 2022 qui résume les contributions du Conseil concernant le paquet d'automne du Semestre européen pour 2022, publié en novembre de l'année passée. Des échanges de vues en rapport avec la première phase du Semestre européen 2022 ont été organisés dans les différentes formations du Conseil pertinentes. Le résultat de ces échanges est pris en compte dans ce document.
La présidence a présenté la feuille de route actualisée pour le Semestre européen 2022 qui mentionne les dates des discussions les plus importantes et notamment la participation des formations pertinentes du Conseil en vue des réunions du Conseil européen des 24 et 25 mars et du mois de juin prochain. En amont du Conseil européen de juin, la Commission a présenté le paquet de printemps, composé des rapports par pays ainsi que des recommandations du Conseil.
Les ministres ont approuvé également la transmission du projet de recommandation sur la politique économique de la zone euro au Conseil européen pour approbation. Le projet de recommandation a été finalisé et approuvé en janvier. Le texte sera adopté par le Conseil après approbation par le Conseil européen.
Rapport de synthèse 2022
Feuille de route actualisée
Projet de recommandation
Conférence sur l'avenir de l'Europe
La présidence a proposé au Conseil une méthodologie relative aux prochaines étapes de la Conférence en vue de l’événement de clôture du 9 mai, prenant en compte les remarques exprimées précédemment par les États membres.
À la fin de la semaine dernière, les recommandations des derniers panels citoyens relatifs notamment à l’économie, à la justice sociale, à la jeunesse et l’éducation, à l’Europe dans le monde et à l’immigration, ont été présentées devant la plénière.
Les séances plénières suivantes sont prévues les 25 et 26 mars,les 8 et 9 avril, les 29 et 30 avril. Elles visent à préparer les propositions finales de la plénière.
Les résultats finaux de la conférence fondés sur les recommandations des citoyens seront présentés dans un rapport qui sera adressé par le comité exécutif à la présidence conjointe de la conférence le 9 mai.
Les Institutions, dont le Conseil, auront ensuite la responsabilité de la mise en œuvre des conclusions de la Conférence, dans le cadre des compétences qui leur sont accordées par les traités.
Conférence sur l'avenir de l'Europe (informations générales)
Points divers
La Commission a présenté sous point divers les propositions de règlements sur les mesures autonomes vis-à-vis du Royaume-Uni.
Le Conseil a également adopté sans débat les points figurant sur la liste des points A non législatifs.
Informations sur la réunion
Session n°0475
22 mars 2022
Documents préparatoires
Note d'information
Ordre du jour provisoire
Liste provisoire des points "A", activités non législatives
Liste provisoire des points "A", complément n° 1
Liste des points "A", activités non législatives
Documents finaux
Liste des participants
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Council of the EU
Foreign Affairs Council and Foreign Affairs Council (Defence), 21 March 2022
Main results
Foreign affairs
Russian military aggression against Ukraine
Ministers had a discussion on the Russian military aggression against Ukraine. So far 13 million people are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance, and over 3.3 million have fled the country.
Ministers stood united in their support for Ukraine. They agreed to continue to contain and isolate Russia diplomatically and on the international stage, and call out its war crimes, and violations of international humanitarian law.
The EU will continue to support Ukraine economically, financially, and to support the Ukrainian armed forces. In this regard, ministers reached a political agreement on additional 500 million euros to be mobilised under the European Peace Facility.
What is happening in Ukraine is massive war crime committed by the Russian Armed Forces against Ukrainian people. This cannot go unanswered. That is why, we welcome the Commission of Inquiry set up by the UN Human Rights Council. We also welcome the investigation by the International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor, and we recall the order by the International Court of Justice for Russia to stop the invasion of Ukraine.Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
The EU stands ready to further strengthen its restrictive measures if the situation so requires, and engage with international partners.
During the discussion, ministers were joined by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Moldova Nicu Popescu.
Moldova is one of the countries most affected and by the Russian aggression, with 13% of the children in the country being Ukrainian refugees, and one of the most threatened. The EU takes Moldova’s concerns and needs seriously, and ministers stressed their commitment to collectively step up the EU support to the country.
The Council had and exchange of views about the situation in Mali.
Not only the transition authorities in Mali called for the withdrawal of the Barkhane and Takuba forces from the country, but also decided to cooperate with the Russian-affiliated mercenary forces of the Wagner Group, who are notorious for atrocities wherever they have operated.
The Council confirmed that the EU military training mission in Mali (EUTM Mali) cannot become involved in any way in activities that could undermine the reputation of the EU.
For this reason the High Representative asked in writing for guarantees, that those units that are trained by the EU would not work or cooperate with the Wagner Group. The EU is awaiting a response from the Malian authorities and, in case those guarantees were not granted, the EU would have no choice but to reconsider its presence in Mali.
In the meantime the EU continues to provide direct financial aid to the population in Mali and the Sahel more broadly, and will extend its support to Burkina Faso and Niger.
Council conclusions
The Council approved conclusions on Cameroon.
Council approves conclusions on Cameroon
Foreign affairs and defence
EU foreign affairs and defence ministers sitting in a joint session approved the Strategic Compass, an ambitious plan of action for strengthening the EU's security and defence policy by 2030.
When I presented the Compass last November, I said Europe is in danger. Now, it is blatantly obvious. This unprovoked and unjustified invasion marks a ‘tectonic shift’. Our reaction to the war has demonstrated that we, as the EU, can act firmly and quickly when we are united. Today’s adoption of the Compass confirms this.Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
The Strategic Compass provides a shared assessment of the strategic environment in which the EU is operating and of the threats and challenges the Union faces. For the first time ever, the document makes concrete and actionable proposals, with a very precise timetable for implementation, in order to improve the EU's ability to act decisively in crises and to defend its security and its citizens.
The Compass also clearly stresses the importance of the transatlantic relation and of NATO’s role in collective defence. A stronger and more capable EU in the field of security and defence will help strengthen transatlantic security and NATO.
The Strategic Compass is now expected to be endorsed by the European Council on 24-25 March 2022.
A Strategic Compass for a stronger EU security and defence in the next decade
EU defence ministers discussed defence-related questions regarding the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
Meeting information
Meeting n°3859
21 March 2022
Preparatory documents
Background brief
Provisional agenda
Provisional list of A items, non-legislative activities
List of A items, non-legislative activities, addition 1
Outcome documents
List of participants
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Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 21 March 2022
Main results
Market situation in the wake of the Ukraine invasion
The Council invited the Ukrainian agriculture minister, Roman Leshchenko, to speak via video link about the agricultural situation and the needs prevalent in his country, which were then discussed by ministers. The ministers went on to hold an exchange of views on the market situation for agricultural and agri-food products and the situation of the EU’s agricultural sector, given the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They discussed measures that could be taken not only to continue to safeguard food supplies in the short term, but also to enhance the EU’s food security and food sovereignty in the medium and long term. The discussion also touched upon the potential impact of the crisis on the food security of non-EU countries. The option of cultivating set-aside land in 2022 was announced as part of these measures.
Ministers were also provided with a summary by the German delegation of the G7 meeting of agriculture ministers which took place on 11 March, and received information from the Dutch delegation on the use of biobased fertilisers.
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it was essential for us to show our solidarity with Ukraine. We held a discussion with the Ukrainian minister to determine what kind of assistance should be provided quickly. Moreover, we needed to take urgent measures to ensure not only food sovereignty in the EU, but also food security at a global level. Today the EU’s agriculture ministers demonstrated their commitment to deploying effective solutions in the short, medium and long term, as well as to supporting Ukraine’s farming sector.Julien Denormandie, French Minister for Agriculture and Food
Commission non-paper on measures under consideration to address the market situation and food security considerations in the aftermath of the invasion of Ukraine
G7 Extraordinary Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting (March 11, 2022) – Information from the German delegation
Use of biobased fertilisers – Information from the Dutch delegation
EU response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Infographic - A fairer, greener and more performance based EU agricultural policySee full infographic
Approval of the CAP strategic plans
The Commission updated ministers on the state of play of its evaluation of the strategic plans under the future CAP. An exchange of views followed, focusing in particular on:
the need to approve the plans quickly in order to ensure that farmers are aware of the new rules
the need for flexibility to adapt the plans with a view to ensuring food security in the wake of the war in Ukraine
the criteria used by the Commission to approve the plans
the transparency of the process
The Hungarian delegation also took the floor to present a declaration on behalf of the Visegrad Group, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia on measures in their CAP strategic plans that they felt would contribute to a fairer and greener European agriculture.
CAP strategic plans – Information from the Commission
Joint Declaration of the Ministers of Agriculture of the Visegrad Group and Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia on the contribution of their CAP strategic plans to a fairer and greener European agriculture – Information from the Hungarian delegation
Common agricultural policy 2023-2027
Other topics on the agenda
During the meeting, delegations provided information about the following topics: protein crops (Austria); the revision of geographical indications (Spain); the revision of the sustainable pesticides directive (Poland), the impact of rising fuel prices on fishing activity (Spain); and alternatives to plant protection products (Slovenia).
Plant-based proteins – Information from the Austrian delegation
Revision of geographical indications – Information from the Spanish delegation
Rising fuel prices – Information from the Spanish delegation
Concerns about the draft legislative act on sustainable use of plant protection products – Information from the Polish delegation
Alternatives to plant protection products for use in agricultural and non-agricultural land – Information from the Slovenian delegation
The Council also adopted without discussion the items that figured in the list of non-legislative A items.
Meeting information
Meeting n°3858
21 March 2022
Preparatory documents
Provisional agenda
Background brief
List of A items, non-legislative activities
Outcome documents
List of participants