Your news alert |
Week 7
Global education a priority for Norway
Artikkel | 08.02.2019
Education is a human right for all children regardless of where in the world they live. This is set out in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Despite this, some 64 million children of primary school age and 61 million young people of lower secondary school age are still out of school. [1]
News alert about: Foreign affairs
Norway’s report on human rights to the UN
Nyhet | 05.02.2019
‘Norway’s third report to the UN Human Rights Council shows that the Government has done a great deal to strengthen human rights in Norway,’ said Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide.
News alert about: Foreign affairs
Defending the security architecture in Europe
Tale/innlegg | 04.02.2019
Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide's remarks at the Leangkollen Conference 4 February.
News alert about: Foreign affairs
Meld. St. 41 (2016–2017) - Norway’s Climate Strategy for 2030: a transformational approach within a European cooperation framework
Melding til Stortinget | 16.06.2017
The Norwegian Government is working towards joint fulfilment of its Paris commitment together with the European Union (EU). Joint fulfilment will make it possible to achieve the 2030 reduction target for emissions that fall outside the scope of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) mainly through domestic emission reductions, and with the use of EU flexibility mechanisms as necessary. The main sources of non-ETS emissions are transport, agriculture, buildings and waste, but also manufacturing and the petroleum sector. The Government’s strategy for 2030 is intended to open the way for substantial domestic emission reductions.
News alert about: Climate and environment